Biden Administration & US Liberal Fake News Media Gives Putin Opportunity to Ask If Ashli Babbitt Was 'Assassinated'

Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
Bottom line there was absolutely no reason to be shot, murdered. There was no "stop or we will shoot" warning. There is NO EXCUSE for that.

100% agree. The 'assassin' shot blindly, indiscriminately, LETHALLY into an unarmed crowd.

Had this been a white shooter & a black protestor in Atlanta, BLM & Antifa would have looted, destroyed, and burned half of the city down by now.

He was a law enforcement officer who did the right thing. A warning is not required in this circumstance. He fired into a group of terrorists. Whether they are armed or not does not matter.
Condoning murder? How much lower can these people take you?

Because there is no murder.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Great, than Biden can ask Putin if he tried to assassinate Alexei Navalny.
At least we know Putin's name. How about the name of the cop that murdererobably wpould have come out in

By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Great, than Biden can ask Putin if he tried to assassinate Alexei Navalny.
At least we know Putin's name. How about the name of the cop that murdered Babbitt?
Probably would have come out in the Jan 6th congressional
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Great, than Biden can ask Putin if he tried to assassinate Alexei Navalny.
At least we know Putin's name. How about the name of the cop that murdered Babbitt?
Probably would have come out in the Jan 6th Commission but Moscow Mitch killed it so go ask him the cop's name.
That commission, like the crap they are trying to get through the Senate, are nothing but power grabs by an already fascist government and the party that controls it, with China's help.
Lafayette Park? There Trump had protesters attacked to make way for his Bible photo-op. Totally contrived scenario.

The woman killed by Capitol Police deserved what she got, as she was a traitor, and engaged in treason at the time. Real patriots wish they'd mowed down the lot of them.

That is silly.
Ashli Babbett was foolish to support Trump or believe the election was stolen, but she certainly had the right to believe what she did, and then her actions were not even illegal at all.
It is those who shot her and devalued inherent human rights who was the traitor.
A nonviolent protest, even if wrong, is NOT treason.
Deliberately shooting someone who is unarmed and just expressing a political opinion, IS a traitor.

Liberal extremists and politicians berated, rebuked, and attacked the police for shooting a criminal black man holing a gun and refusing to follow the police's orders...Democrats supported / support terrorists who looted, pillaged destroyed, burned, attempted to burn police officers alive in a federal building and demanded justice and accountability of the police....

Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

WTF. Biden, his administration, and the fake news media provided Putin with the plate of shit Putin just served Biden (and the US) prior to their meeting.

The police choked a man who was down and handcuffed. Even Chauvin's fellow officers admitted he was wrong. The majority of the protests were peaceful. Also we had right right wing agitators involved. One was arrested for infiltrating a protest and firing a shot at a Minneapolis police station. Or can we forget about the Trump supporter who sent mail bombs to Trump's political opponents.

The shooting of a terrorist storming the capitol does not need to be covered up. You are the ones covering things up. He was more than justified.
The giant leap that libbies make is that because some officers say he should have used a different procedure THEN that means it’s murder

You righties are trying to make it murder.
Cannot make what is already there. There was not one legitimate reason to shoot Babbitt. Someone told that cop to kill someone and has probably been promoted. But since they will not release his name he will remain a murderer.
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Great, than Biden can ask Putin if he tried to assassinate Alexei Navalny.
At least we know Putin's name. How about the name of the cop that murdererobably wpould have come out in

By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Great, than Biden can ask Putin if he tried to assassinate Alexei Navalny.
At least we know Putin's name. How about the name of the cop that murdered Babbitt?
Probably would have come out in the Jan 6th congressional
By refusing to release the name of the Capitol Police Officer who murdered Ashli Babbitt, shooting indiscriminately into an unarmed crowd and killing Babbitt, the Biden Administration an the Fake News media presented Vladimir Putin with the golden opportunity to ask if - due to their lack of transparency and / or cover-up - if Ashli Babbitt was 'assassinated'.

'(Putin) pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent.'

Democrats rounded up protestors who entered the US Capitol on 6 Jan but completely ignored radical leftist extremist domestic terrorists who engaged in such violence in Lafayette Park that the President and his family were moved to the WH bunker for their protection while 14 Secret Service members and others were injured as members of DHS, the DEA, the FBI, and Secret Service were called upon to protect the President and deal with the violent riot. Conservatives were targeted for arrest by the Biden administration after 6 Jan while the violent leftist extremists that caused the President's family to be moved to the WH bunker were ignored.

The entire thing reeked of a cover-up. While Democrats demanded an investigation of the 6 Jan event not one demanded an investigation of this violent attack.

Democrats and the Fake News media are being outplayed by Putin. Biden's meeting with Putin should not happen for many reasons, primarily the fact that Biden is not mentally / physically up to the task. So far Biden has praised Putin while attacking the GOP while at the G7 Summit as reporters informed Biden that Putin laughed at him and his comments that Putin is a 'killer'.
Great, than Biden can ask Putin if he tried to assassinate Alexei Navalny.
At least we know Putin's name. How about the name of the cop that murdered Babbitt?
Probably would have come out in the Jan 6th Commission but Moscow Mitch killed it so go ask him the cop's name.
That commission, like the crap they are trying to get through the Senate, are nothing but power grabs by an already fascist government and the party that controls it, with China's help.
LOL!!...if anybody ever dies from Kool-Aid poisoning it will probably be you.
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...


the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Demented people condone murder. I do not, you do.
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Demented people condone murder. I do not, you do.
You're fucking deranged, TootieFrootie. No, I don't condone murder.
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Demented people condone murder. I do not, you do.
You're fucking deranged, TootieFrootie. No, I don't condone murder.
Yes you do. Look at your own posts.
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.
Actually NOPE....I ran across a video this morning of a real reporter taping the whole group---he was but a few feet behind ashli starting with them from the outside of the building all the way to past when she was shot with good camera angles. They were shouting NANCY NANCY NANCY and few other less offensive things along with making sure that the bathrooms were pointed out so anyone who needed to go potty could .........He even recorded the face of the guy who broke the window clearly (and who quickly darted away after breaking the window as antifa/blm soros operatives have been doing at their riots to get the crowds to go into business and such) and of the 2 cops that were standing at the doors outside (not inside) when the crowds arrived and he filmed the 4 cops coming up stairs as the protestors moved over to allow the cops to get up and he recorded the first of these cops standing behind Ashli by about a 1 foot away before she was shot by the asshole racist who stated he wanted to kill trump supporters in his facebook pages. When I saw the whole thing from start to finish...I was actually amazed at how unviolent this group was.
Lafayette Park? There Trump had protesters attacked to make way for his Bible photo-op. Totally contrived scenario.

The woman killed by Capitol Police deserved what she got, as she was a traitor, and engaged in treason at the time. Real patriots wish they'd mowed down the lot of them.
Check with Law Enforcement and the Military on protestors being cleared out of Lafayette Park. Trump did take the photo opp but the reason protestors needed to be cleared is because they were hurling objects at White House security and starting to scale the White House fencing. Based on your logic, White House Security should have let them through and shot them for their treasonous behavior.

Hell, that would have been Kent State on steroids for you people.

You people are so full of shit. You cheer the cops for shooting dead a protestor on Capitol Hill and cry like bitches over Trump’s team clearing Lafayette Park without shooting anyone dead.

They were not scaling the White House fencing. Trump panicked and wanted to be taken to the bunker. The Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff says this was about a photo-op. Your behavior is treasonous.

You are the ones who are full of shit. The police were protecting the Capitol which was under siege by right wing Nazis. She was one of them. Trump used tear gas on peaceful protestors.
Trump was taken to the bunker exactly for the same reason any other president is taken.

No he was not. There were no protestors trying to get onto the White House grounds.


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Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Demented people condone murder. I do not, you do.
You're fucking deranged, TootieFrootie. No, I don't condone murder.
Yes you do. Look at your own posts.

Why on Earth do you think I care what someone I truly believe is beyond demented translates my posts into??

Lafayette Park? There Trump had protesters attacked to make way for his Bible photo-op. Totally contrived scenario.

The woman killed by Capitol Police deserved what she got, as she was a traitor, and engaged in treason at the time. Real patriots wish they'd mowed down the lot of them.
Check with Law Enforcement and the Military on protestors being cleared out of Lafayette Park. Trump did take the photo opp but the reason protestors needed to be cleared is because they were hurling objects at White House security and starting to scale the White House fencing. Based on your logic, White House Security should have let them through and shot them for their treasonous behavior.

Hell, that would have been Kent State on steroids for you people.

You people are so full of shit. You cheer the cops for shooting dead a protestor on Capitol Hill and cry like bitches over Trump’s team clearing Lafayette Park without shooting anyone dead.

They were not scaling the White House fencing. Trump panicked and wanted to be taken to the bunker. The Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff says this was about a photo-op. Your behavior is treasonous.

You are the ones who are full of shit. The police were protecting the Capitol which was under siege by right wing Nazis. She was one of them. Trump used tear gas on peaceful protestors.
Trump was taken to the bunker exactly for the same reason any other president is taken.

No he was not. There were no protestors trying to get onto the White House grounds.
That fence was a block away from the White House around Lafayette Park. The White House wasn't on the other side ... the park is. They weren't "starting to scale the White House fencing"

Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Demented people condone murder. I do not, you do.
You're fucking deranged, TootieFrootie. No, I don't condone murder.
Yes you do. Look at your own posts.

Why on Earth do you think I care what someone I truly believe is beyond demented translates my posts into??

Probably because I am not the only one.
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Demented people condone murder. I do not, you do.
You're fucking deranged, TootieFrootie. No, I don't condone murder.
Yes you do. Look at your own posts.

Why on Earth do you think I care what someone I truly believe is beyond demented translates my posts into??

Probably because I am not the only one.
I agree, you're not the only demented loser who can't understand English.
Through lack of transparency and an obvious cover up by both Biden administration and the same fake news media caught engaged in propaganda by pushing the debunked 'Russian Colussion' failed Barry coup attempt both of them set Puyin up for a brutal 'dunk' on Biden, Democrats, & unfortunately America.

Biden TALKED tough, calling Putin a 'murderer' - which is correct, a cold-nlooded KGB badass...before he left for the G7 Summit his handlers put a pair of shades on the dementia-ravaged old fart to try to make him look tough....

...then Biden started praising and damn-nesr sucking his co@k on his knees....'Putin is intelligent and a worthy adversary'...while reporters informed Biden that Putin had laughed at him and his remarks....

Biden has been seen wandering away from the group, having to be brought back nurses, trailing behind everyone, rambling/babbling....a massive failed attempt for Biden - and thus America - to portray / project strength when he needed to most so far...

His handlers announced Biden would not join Putin on stage to give a joint presser, projecting the image that Biden is too afraid or too frail to hold his own with Putin on a world stage...good grief!

This entire trip has been and will finish out as a complete and utter failure for Biden AND the US!
Bottom line there was absolutely no reason to be shot, murdered. There was no "stop or we will shoot" warning. There is NO EXCUSE for that.

100% agree. The 'assassin' shot blindly, indiscriminately, LETHALLY into an unarmed crowd.

Had this been a white shooter & a black protestor in Atlanta, BLM & Antifa would have looted, destroyed, and burned half of the city down by now.

He was a law enforcement officer who did the right thing. A warning is not required in this circumstance. He fired into a group of terrorists. Whether they are armed or not does not matter.
Condoning murder? How much lower can these people take you?

Because there is no murder.
Since when is shooting an unarmed person not murder?
Bottom line there was absolutely no reason to be shot, murdered. There was no "stop or we will shoot" warning. There is NO EXCUSE for that.

100% agree. The 'assassin' shot blindly, indiscriminately, LETHALLY into an unarmed crowd.

Had this been a white shooter & a black protestor in Atlanta, BLM & Antifa would have looted, destroyed, and burned half of the city down by now.

He was a law enforcement officer who did the right thing. A warning is not required in this circumstance. He fired into a group of terrorists. Whether they are armed or not does not matter.
Actually it does ---------she was of no threat.....
Yet this administration and the Fake News media protected / protects, defended / defends, and continues to cover up a shooting / murder of an unarmed white female conservative vet American citizen by an officer who blindly, indiscriminately fired into an unarmed crowd.

Think castle doctrine. She was breaking into a restricted area of "the peoples house". The crowd was chanting lynching the President of the Senate.

Totally and completely wrong.
The Castle doctrine actually supports the protestors, because THEY are the actual owners of "the people's house", not congress who are just hired employees.
And no, there may have been chanting blocks away, hours earlier, but not inside the capital.
And her motives obviously were well intended, or else she would have been armed.
Idiot, some of the mob were chanting, "hang Mike Pence," as they were entering the Capitol building; not blocks away.

The police should just ignore that, right?
So chants qualify you to be murdered?
No, and she wasn't shot while they were chanting, "hang Mike Pence." Utterly exposing the stupidity of your question. But looking to kill the VP; along with beating the shit out of some of the cops; along with storming the Capitol did put police on high alert for dangerous activity, and rightfully so. So when she was about to breach a police barricade right next to the House chamber where lawmakers were still holed up, it was reasonable for that officer to think the mob would do harm to lawmakers and that if she got through, the mob behind her, who were trying to smash the doors and windows to break in, would be right behind her.

It was a justifiable shoot and likely saved lives.
How was she going to take lives? By arming herself with broken pieces of glass?
Faun in widely known for creating BS out of thin air.

Babbitt was carrying a back-pack that contained a sweater. Video shows at no time did Babbitt take any action that gave the impression she was willing to / going to hurt / kill anyone...and Faun knows it. 'truth' is just 'distasteful- to faun.
I didn't realize Ashli Targetpractice went through an x-ray machine so the police could know what was in her backpack. Thanks for clarifying that.
It is still murder. You cannot say anything that changes it.

It is not murder and you cannot make it so.
It is murder. I had nothing to do with it.

No, you're just a deranged lunatic who doesn't know what murder is...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
That cop was told to kill someone. That is why his name has not been released. The murder was for intimidation purposes.
You poor demented nut...

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought
Demented people condone murder. I do not, you do.
You're fucking deranged, TootieFrootie. No, I don't condone murder.
Yes you do. Look at your own posts.

Why on Earth do you think I care what someone I truly believe is beyond demented translates my posts into??

Probably because I am not the only one.
I agree, you're not the only demented loser who can't understand English.
I am sure we will hear from others who feel the same way I do.

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