Biden Admits He Wants To Raise Your Taxes

The media tries to hide it from us, but I found it

Reality check. We are 26 TRILLION in debt, 6 trillion run up by the Orange Shitgibbon.

Would have been quite a bit more if the Democrats would have gotten there way with a pork laden COVID relief bill.

Reducing spending is the way to decrease our debt. Democrats don’t have any plans to do that. Medicare for all the the Green New Deal would be catosphtropic to our debt, not to mention everyone’s walllets with higher taxes and higher costs for many products we buy.
WRONG The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the U.S. federal debt held by the public will reach 98.2% of GDP, or $20.3 trillion, by the end of 2020.Sep 23, 2020

The Federal Debt was 22 TRILLION at the end of 2019. That was before Trump spent another four trillion trying to mollify the white working class with lavish unemployment benefits.

The National debt now stands at 27 TRILLION. Our GDP is 21 Million.

Would have been quite a bit more if the Democrats would have gotten there way with a pork laden COVID relief bill.

Reducing spending is the way to decrease our debt. Democrats don’t have any plans to do that. Medicare for all the the Green New Deal would be catosphtropic to our debt, not to mention everyone’s walllets with higher taxes and higher costs for many products we buy.

Hey, stupid, we've already cut federal spending to the bone...

There's really nothing else to cut... Unless you want to mothball the navy and revoke all the White People Welfare out there in the form of entitlements.

Please, please run on that.

"Granny needs to curl up and die so we can give tax cuts to rich people!"

Close all loopholes.
They should be easy to find since Joe voted for all of them. The problem is that he was already compensated for his votes. So if Joe cuts any loopholes, you better believe he will replace them with equal or greater benefits to appease his corporate masters
The media tries to hide it from us, but I found it

Reality check. We are 26 TRILLION in debt, 6 trillion run up by the Orange Shitgibbon.

Would have been quite a bit more if the Democrats would have gotten there way with a pork laden COVID relief bill.

Reducing spending is the way to decrease our debt. Democrats don’t have any plans to do that. Medicare for all the the Green New Deal would be catosphtropic to our debt, not to mention everyone’s walllets with higher taxes and higher costs for many products we buy.
Not all of us can whore around and smoke cocaine like the xiden crime family does
Xunter makes deals with chinese who's daddy humped rpg's during vietnam
WRONG The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the U.S. federal debt held by the public will reach 98.2% of GDP, or $20.3 trillion, by the end of 2020.Sep 23, 2020

The Federal Debt was 22 TRILLION at the end of 2019. That was before Trump spent another four trillion trying to mollify the white working class with lavish unemployment benefits.

The National debt now stands at 27 TRILLION. Our GDP is 21 Million.

Check our our GNP/ GNDebt ratio by party Joe

Hey, stupid, we've already cut federal spending to the bone..

This has to be the most uninformed, idiotic statement made on these boards. Listen genius, there are many federal programs that need to be completely dissolved. The problem with you lefties is that you have never seen a handout you don’t like. Federal spending is not even CLOSE to being “cut to the bone”.
Hey, stupid, we've already cut federal spending to the bone..

This has to be the most uninformed, idiotic statement made on these boards. Listen genius, there are many federal programs that need to be completely dissolved. The problem with you lefties is that you have never seen a handout you don’t like. Federal spending is not even CLOSE to being “cut to the bone”.
The first thing to go is the Dept of Education. Education is a state responsibility, not federal. The Commerce Dept is another. We should also withdraw from the UN. It's useless.
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This has to be the most uninformed, idiotic statement made on these boards. Listen genius, there are many federal programs that need to be completely dissolved. The problem with you lefties is that you have never seen a handout you don’t like. Federal spending is not even CLOSE to being “cut to the bone”.

Okay, list one trillion dollars in cuts.

Simple enough.

You can't touch Medicare, Social Security, Defense Spending or Interest on the National Debt.

The first thing to go is the Dept of Education. Education is a state responsibility, not federal. The Commerce Dept is another. We should also withdraw from the UN. It's useless.

Okay. Department of Education- Budget - 68 Billion
Department of Commerce - $14 Billion

Total Budget - $6.6 TRILLION. So you've now got it down to 6.518 Trillion.

Good work.

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