Biden admits it!! America not first = f**k Americans!

someone needs to take the xidens and barrag-o out back and......the real problem is xiden has no fucking clue as to what cum-illa and barrag-o are doing.
cum-illa and barrag are the biggest racists in AMERICA. they need to be hung for treason
could AMERICA possibly be on its way to another civil war? probably, when you have 2 racists running AMERICA into the ground.
start with barrag-o, you know, the asswipe that was not born in AMERICA...the shit stain that gave millions to the wuhan lab to tweak the covid for you brain dead fucks. we all see how that worked out
cum-illa, the WHORE that sucked and fucked anything to get where it is today. and then condemn xiden, and then wind up as xidens co-hort
the latter is on you fucked up, brain-dead should all be ashamed for aiding in destroying AMERICA
i see the shit stain xiden gave more $$$ to the wuhan lab recently, can any of you dumb fuck, demonRATS explain why? probably to tweak it again to kill more AMERICANs..
Biden admits it!! America not first = f**k Americans! and so do the people that voted for him
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass

You are so much bullshit. Trump was not America first. It was Trump first. Biden recognizes that international relations is give and take. You do not get everything you want. You give up something to get something. Foreign aid is not stupid. It it a Christian thing to do.
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
Are the illegals still taking those jobs you refuse to do?

Well, when those jobs all have to pay $15 per hour, and the cost of a mediocre hotel room goes to $300 per night, and your lawn now costs the same to mow per week, a Big Mac costs $10 for just the sandwich, and gas is at $6 per gallon, more people that are American's will be in poverty, so the dream of making everyone equal, will be revealed as equal in poverty....
Same thing they said when they wanted to raise the min wage to seven bucks an hour. The state I live in just raised min wage to eleven an hour and yet the sky is above us and the ground beneath our feet.
Biden to announce US will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries President Biden to announce the U.S. will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries. The move comes as the U.S. grapples with its own shortages.

That's beautiful! (add sarcasm)
Goes to show you that America is secondary when it comes to the American President! That will go well with the American people! Screw the American people.
BILLIONS!! to foreigners--when Americans are losing their jobs/LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!'s time to HELP the US--for ONCE-!!!!

Republicans are blocking Biden's attempt to help Americans.
Biden to announce US will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries President Biden to announce the U.S. will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries. The move comes as the U.S. grapples with its own shortages.

That's beautiful! (add sarcasm)
Goes to show you that America is secondary when it comes to the American President! That will go well with the American people! Screw the American people.
BILLIONS!! to foreigners--when Americans are losing their jobs/LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!'s time to HELP the US--for ONCE-!!!!

Republicans are blocking Biden's attempt to help Americans.
This is today's Dimocrat party folks. They don't believe in borders or any nation's sovereignty. They have zero loyalty to America and other Americans.
a lot of them HATE America--like the Obamas hate America

It is Trump and his supporters who HATE America. They hate every American except white males.
This is today's Dimocrat party folks. They don't believe in borders or any nation's sovereignty. They have zero loyalty to America and other Americans.
a lot of them HATE America--like the Obamas hate America

It is Trump and his supporters who HATE America. They hate every American except white males.
4 BILLION to foreigners!!!!!!!!!--you can't argue against that
Biden to announce US will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries President Biden to announce the U.S. will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries. The move comes as the U.S. grapples with its own shortages.

That's beautiful! (add sarcasm)
Goes to show you that America is secondary when it comes to the American President! That will go well with the American people! Screw the American people.
BILLIONS!! to foreigners--when Americans are losing their jobs/LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!'s time to HELP the US--for ONCE-!!!!

Republicans are blocking Biden's attempt to help Americans.
no they are not
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass

You are so much bullshit. Trump was not America first. It was Trump first. Biden recognizes that international relations is give and take. You do not get everything you want. You give up something to get something. Foreign aid is not stupid. It it a Christian thing to do.
Why is taking taxpayer's money and sending it to foreign countries not stupid, in fact why is it not theft? Why do Americans have to pay for gender studies in Pakistan the Christian thing to do? In fact why do Americans have to pay for anything in foreign countries they have their own government let them sort it out without our help
Biden to announce US will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries President Biden to announce the U.S. will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries. The move comes as the U.S. grapples with its own shortages.

That's beautiful! (add sarcasm)
Goes to show you that America is secondary when it comes to the American President! That will go well with the American people! Screw the American people.
BILLIONS!! to foreigners--when Americans are losing their jobs/LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!'s time to HELP the US--for ONCE-!!!!

Republicans are blocking Biden's attempt to help Americans.

Biden's coronavirus relief bill provides direct payments to Americans. It provides relief to small businesses. It also provides aid to state and local governments so they do not have to layoff workers including firemen and police officers. There is strong Republican support for it outside of Washington.

You are WRONG.
Correct. America is not first in anything other than incarcerated citizens and national debt among world nations.
Correct. America is not first in anything other than incarcerated citizens and national debt among world nations.
And morons that bitch about how bad it is here while remaining. Typical Frenchy.

Saying "This is the facts of statistics among all world nations" is not bitching. It is just that -- the facts. We are #1 in putting people in jail and our Debt is the highest in the world. That is all we have #1 at. Well, the military is kickass too.
We are #27 in Healthcare. #27 in Education. (We were #6 in 1990, so going way backwards versus the modern world)

The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world <-- that link

#51 in Infant Mortality, which is a travesty.

Why Is Infant Mortality Higher in the United States Than in Europe? <--

But #1 in putting people in jail. USA! USA!

Ranking: most prisoners per capita by country 2020 | Statista <--- "With 655 inmates per 100,000 of population, the U.S. is by far the leader among large industrialized nations in incarceration.

Read at your own risk...scary racist facts are contained in this post. Be sure your straight-jacket and safe space is available before reading any further.)

Gee what a surprise...another unwise nerdy ass millennial telling the wise how fucked up America is....Meanwhile the dumbmotherfuckers BEG for more wetbacks to invade and they demand that out greatest liability....BLACKS be empowered and call all the shots. Fucking retards!
Question for your well would those other nations be doing if we dropped 20-40 million illiterate thirdworlders in their lap? What if 13% of their population was comprised of black folks?
What would the statistics look like then?
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass

You are so much bullshit. Trump was not America first. It was Trump first. Biden recognizes that international relations is give and take. You do not get everything you want. You give up something to get something. Foreign aid is not stupid. It it a Christian thing to do.
Why is taking taxpayer's money and sending it to foreign countries not stupid, in fact why is it not theft? Why do Americans have to pay for gender studies in Pakistan the Christian thing to do? In fact why do Americans have to pay for anything in foreign countries they have their own government let them sort it out without our help

Because we are a rich and prosperous country. We should be helping people who are suffering. It also potentially creates new markets for American companies. I would remind you of what Jesus said. "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me."
Last edited:
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first $$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
Oh poor baby, you don’t like foreigners-?
Look in the mirror, you be one too.
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
The only stupid thing I see is you, my sweet plump dumpling going, going more bald by the day is an old man going bald
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
And once again you use profanity to show your childish ignorance for all to see.
My advice to you is stay off this topic while I mam here, just to save you any more embarrassment to your children
Illegal immigration opposition is not xenophobia, mon ami. Also, distributing my tax dollars to foreign nations while we have people in need in this country is not only unAmerican, it is unconscionable treason. That is why he has surrounded himself with troops and concertina. Because that's how legitimate representatives greet their adoring constituents. He's afraid because he is a COMMIE.

He has used troops to protect the capitol from Trump and supporters like you. You are the ones who committed treason. Sincew when do Republicans care about people in need. They are blocking a coronavirus relief bill that would help many people in need. Trtump was backed the the COMMIE Putin.
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
Are the illegals still taking those jobs you refuse to do?

Well, when those jobs all have to pay $15 per hour, and the cost of a mediocre hotel room goes to $300 per night, and your lawn now costs the same to mow per week, a Big Mac costs $10 for just the sandwich, and gas is at $6 per gallon, more people that are American's will be in poverty, so the dream of making everyone equal, will be revealed as equal in poverty....
Same thing they said when they wanted to raise the min wage to seven bucks an hour. The state I live in just raised min wage to eleven an hour and yet the sky is above us and the ground beneath our feet.

Well hell, if raising the min wage would help peoples standard of living, why stop at $15? Why not make it $30? Or $100 per hour? Then we could really advance right?
Biden to announce US will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries President Biden to announce the U.S. will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries. The move comes as the U.S. grapples with its own shortages.

That's beautiful! (add sarcasm)
Goes to show you that America is secondary when it comes to the American President! That will go well with the American people! Screw the American people.
BILLIONS!! to foreigners--when Americans are losing their jobs/LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!'s time to HELP the US--for ONCE-!!!!

Republicans are blocking Biden's attempt to help Americans.

Biden's coronavirus relief bill provides direct payments to Americans. It provides relief to small businesses. It also provides aid to state and local governments so they do not have to layoff workers including firemen and police officers. There is strong Republican support for it outside of Washington.

You are WRONG.
It also provides aid to DEMOCRTIC state and local governments who could not manage their budgets. Now this bill makes the rest of America bail out New York and California
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass

You are so much bullshit. Trump was not America first. It was Trump first. Biden recognizes that international relations is give and take. You do not get everything you want. You give up something to get something. Foreign aid is not stupid. It it a Christian thing to do.
Why is taking taxpayer's money and sending it to foreign countries not stupid, in fact why is it not theft? Why do Americans have to pay for gender studies in Pakistan the Christian thing to do? In fact why do Americans have to pay for anything in foreign countries they have their own government let them sort it out without our help

bhecause qwe are a rich and prosperous country. We should be helping people who are suffering. It also potentially creates nesw markets for American companies. I would remind you of what Jesus said. "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me."
NO NO AND NO--we are not rich now.......and a lot of it is are a real dumbass if you want to GIVE tax $$$$ away to foreigners --really stupid ..
..we help the world MORE than any other country by:
help in natural disasters including:-
billion dollar carriers!!!/choppers/LCACs/etc
private charities/etc

..we can't AFFORD all of this foreign aid--DUH
It is Trump and his supporters who HATE America. They hate every American except white males.
That is so untrue and you know it! You have no evidence to even back that up! Stop with the lies!
We just wanted our country back! The way America is intended to be! It's you and the left that hates America! You want to cancel everything that doesn't fit you. It is call "Cancel culture".
Trump supporters never wanted to cancel anyone (that doesn't agree with them), or anything that doesn't fit the left agenda.
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
Are the illegals still taking those jobs you refuse to do?

Well, when those jobs all have to pay $15 per hour, and the cost of a mediocre hotel room goes to $300 per night, and your lawn now costs the same to mow per week, a Big Mac costs $10 for just the sandwich, and gas is at $6 per gallon, more people that are American's will be in poverty, so the dream of making everyone equal, will be revealed as equal in poverty....
Same thing they said when they wanted to raise the min wage to seven bucks an hour. The state I live in just raised min wage to eleven an hour and yet the sky is above us and the ground beneath our feet.

Well hell, if raising the min wage would help peoples standard of living, why stop at $15? Why not make it $30? Or $100 per hour? Then we could really advance right?
Why not indeed, just like corporate executive officers why did they deserve a doubling of income since the last min wage increase?

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