Biden admits it!! America not first = f**k Americans!

.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
Are the illegals still taking those jobs you refuse to do?
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first $$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
Oh poor baby, you don’t like foreigners-?
Look in the mirror, you be one too.
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
The only stupid thing I see is you, my sweet plump dumpling going, going more bald by the day is an old man going bald
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
And once again you use profanity to show your childish ignorance for all to see.
My advice to you is stay off this topic while I mam here, just to save you any more embarrassment to your children
Oh poor baby, you don’t like foreigners-?
Hey dickweed, no i dont like foreigners who overstay their visa or break into our country illegally. But what i really dont like is fuckers like you, who dont do shit for this country, then go and try to act all high and righteous, while making yourself look very retarded. There is no hope for the prog slave.

View attachment 459258
Yet, they work better than yous.
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass

Jesus, you are barely literate.
I'd rather not go to China. I like having clean air and water here in the US.
china is the biggest polluter on the planet by far ! why arent leftwingers like you screaming about chinas effect on climate change !but no yall cant ! china owns your leaders asses ! the democrats are treasonous chicom scum .
Correct. America is not first in anything other than incarcerated citizens and national debt among world nations.
And morons that bitch about how bad it is here while remaining. Typical Frenchy.

Saying "This is the facts of statistics among all world nations" is not bitching. It is just that -- the facts. We are #1 in putting people in jail and our Debt is the highest in the world. That is all we have #1 at. Well, the military is kickass too.
We are #27 in Healthcare. #27 in Education. (We were #6 in 1990, so going way backwards versus the modern world)

The US was once a leader for healthcare and education — now it ranks 27th in the world <-- that link

#51 in Infant Mortality, which is a travesty.

Why Is Infant Mortality Higher in the United States Than in Europe? <--

But #1 in putting people in jail. USA! USA!

Ranking: most prisoners per capita by country 2020 | Statista <--- "With 655 inmates per 100,000 of population, the U.S. is by far the leader among large industrialized nations in incarceration.
did you go to college ? and if you did what did you major in ?
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass

Jesus, you are barely literate.
loving barely have a brain
BILLIONS to foreigners!!!!!!! IDIOCY....this cannot be refuted's like your relative is dying and needs an operation, and you give $$$$$ to foreigners!!! - idiocy --undeniable
Yep...people who completely despise America......

Now hold all the power in their hands.

I wouldn't be surprised if democrats waged a Thermonuclear War and launched America's entire nuclear arsenal.....against AMERICA

Good luck

How did all you crazies find each other?
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first $$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
Oh poor baby, you don’t like foreigners-?
Look in the mirror, you be one too.
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
The only stupid thing I see is you, my sweet plump dumpling going, going more bald by the day is an old man going bald
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
And once again you use profanity to show your childish ignorance for all to see.
My advice to you is stay off this topic while I mam here, just to save you any more embarrassment to your children
major fk up by you---hahahahhahahahahahha--you look very stupid now
1. I AM native American
2. I LOVE foreigners!!!!!
a.I joined the USMC for 3 things, but what I most enjoyed was the 4th = meeting people from all over the world [ foreigners ]
b. I work with a LOT of immigrants from foreign countries--a lot barely speak English--but I love talking with them about their culture/country/etc
c. we had someone from India at our work, and I took him out 2 times --once with my family .....I was the only one from my work to do that
d.we had a REAL African from Africa--and I loved talking to him and was VERY friendly with him
--also someone from Nicaragua--same with him
etc etc

---JUST like the other RACIAL issues--NO HATE involved--just common sense and FACTS
..the HATE issue is a major myth and ERROR by you people
you FKD up
.....with his immigration/illegal crap fking over the US--MORE workers = lower wages -higher prices--more crime/etc
---and THEN BILLIONS of US tax $$$$$ to --------------------------------------foreigners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ NOT Americans ] for Covid----- BILLIONS to foreigners??????!!!!!!!!!! NOW?????!!!!!!!!!!
---and NOW this:
Biden declares the era of Trump-style ‘America First’ diplomacy over.
Biden is a DOOFUS...America NOT first
$$$$BILLIONS for foreigners!!!--
STOP the stupid foreign aid now--this is very stupid
..Biden is giving the finger to ALL Americans and America
IMPEACH that mofo dumbass
Are the illegals still taking those jobs you refuse to do?

Well, when those jobs all have to pay $15 per hour, and the cost of a mediocre hotel room goes to $300 per night, and your lawn now costs the same to mow per week, a Big Mac costs $10 for just the sandwich, and gas is at $6 per gallon, more people that are American's will be in poverty, so the dream of making everyone equal, will be revealed as equal in poverty....
Biden to announce US will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries President Biden to announce the U.S. will donate $4 billion for COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries. The move comes as the U.S. grapples with its own shortages.

That's beautiful! (add sarcasm)
Goes to show you that America is secondary when it comes to the American President! That will go well with the American people! Screw the American people.
The bad part is, liberals are good with that. They hate America.

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