Biden admitting to extortion!

The democrats are tearing themselves down. Trump just has to stand back and watch it happen.

Yes, and no.

Sure, its the D's themselves who are responsible for their own destruction.

But the President is trolling them and manipulating their hatred of him, I would not be half surprised that this whole Ukrainian President incident was steered by Mr. Trump and was carefully orchestrated in an elaborate plan. After all, yesterday was a pre-scheduled summit between the leaders of our 2 nations.
Yes, and no.

Sure, its the D's themselves who are responsible for their own destruction.

But the President is trolling them and manipulating their hatred of him, I would not be half surprised that this whole Ukrainian President incident was steered by Mr. Trump and was carefully orchestrated in an elaborate plan. After all, yesterday was a pre-scheduled summit between the leaders of our 2 nations.
Really? Do you think he planted this snitch-spy from Intel in his own White House so it this "whistle blower" could reveal Trump was asking Zelenskyy for dirt on Biden (even though he wasn't)?

Especially when Joe Biden was bragging that he make the Ukraine back down and fire the prosecutor who was investigating the Hunter Biden-Burisma deal that was a pure case of influence peddling and was practically indicting himself.

Really? Really? I seriously doubt it, in case you couldn't tell.
These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden’s Ukraine story. “Hundreds of pages of never-released memos and documents — many from inside the American team helping Burisma to stave off its legal troubles — conflict with Biden’s narrative.”

The memos raise troubling questions:

1.) If the Ukraine prosecutor’s firing involved only his alleged corruption and ineptitude, why did Burisma’s American legal team refer to those allegations as “false information?”​

2.) If the firing had nothing to do with the Burisma case, as Biden has adamantly claimed, why would Burisma’s American lawyers contact the replacement prosecutor within hours of the termination and urgently seek a meeting in Ukraine to discuss the case?​

Ukrainian prosecutors say they have tried to get this information to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) since the summer of 2018, fearing it might be evidence of possible violations of U.S. ethics laws.​

Link to the original document.
So why does Barr need to work with Ukraine to charge Biden if according to you folks -- the evidence is already out what's the hold up on charging Joe Biden???
Because Trump wants the whole criminal gang. The Obama administration.
There have been on-going questions regarding Biden's own statements about the firing of a Prosecutor that was prosecuting Biden's son long before this. The President's personal lawyer (Giuliani) has been dogging Biden for months. This Democrat witch-hunt is nothing more than trying to accuse Trump of doing the same bad shit as Biden mainly, because now Biden is in real jeopardy.
Biden's a long way from a class act and dumber than a box of rocks. He's a prime candidate for POTUS on the Dem ticket.

What a moron.
Actually, the OP has him where he lives. He's "dumb" like a fox, and he knows exactly how to extort money from an otherwise helpless third-world country like the Ukraine. He needs to be in jail serving time for tampering with a billion American taxpayer dollars being manipulated at his command for personal enrichment of his n'er-do-well son who got himself kicked out of the armed services for doing drugs.

Meanwhile they try to impeach trump for no impeachable offenses!

If Biden robs a bank, they will arrest Trump.

I think the American voter will hold the Democrat's lying feet to the fire on the next voting day. Half of them should be in jail, the other half scolded for supporting the lying liar leadership of the DNC: Feinstein, Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, et al who have engaged in trying to pull the wool over the American taxpayer's eyes. didn't someone ever 'splain to the DNC freakshow operators that it isn't nice to fool Mother Nature?

I don't think so from their aloof spoofing. The Democrats are totally out of touch with reality. The American taxpayer and voter is not.

Meanwhile they try to impeach trump for no impeachable offenses!

The Crazies in the House have effectively removed Pelosi as Speaker. Sure, she is officially Speaker, but she has completely lost control of the House to The Crazed Squad who now effectively run the House. The Palestinian, Cortez, The Somali who married her brother and Pressley. They effectively control what used to be known as The People's House! 2020 can't come too soon!

With NPV, California Republicans who have had NO say for a generation in Presidential Politics, can turn out in large enough numbers to ensure that Trump carries the national vote and with it, the additional 196 ECV votes from the NPV States. The ONLY state with MORE Republicans than California, is Texas.

It's another Great Day to be an American!

BOOM! President Trump Surges Ahead of Slimy Joe Biden by 4 Points in Latest Poll, 47-43

Texans don't like criminals in office.

Meanwhile they try to impeach trump for no impeachable offenses!

You have to be kidding, whats the point , there is no crime there, hell it's his Job , the wacko right keeps up their comedy act. The whole world wanted him fired , it was in no way just this country.

Meanwhile they try to impeach trump for no impeachable offenses!

The Crazies in the House have effectively removed Pelosi as Speaker. Sure, she is officially Speaker, but she has completely lost control of the House to The Crazed Squad who now effectively run the House. The Palestinian, Cortez, The Somali who married her brother and Pressley. They effectively control what used to be known as The People's House! 2020 can't come too soon!

With NPV, California Republicans who have had NO say for a generation in Presidential Politics, can turn out in large enough numbers to ensure that Trump carries the national vote and with it, the additional 196 ECV votes from the NPV States. The ONLY state with MORE Republicans than California, is Texas.

It's another Great Day to be an American!

BOOM! President Trump Surges Ahead of Slimy Joe Biden by 4 Points in Latest Poll, 47-43

This Impeachment will be stopped by the hate group in the senate , everyone knows that, they wouldn't care if he killed a baby for the fun of it. they have no conscience or morals but there is enough there to get him out of office in the next election , which is all that counts . There will be people lined up on the front steps of the white house waiting to charge him with a long list of crimes and when reality sets in across this country , the hate party will lose the senate without a doubt. This hate group they call a party has to go, they are simply this countries biggest threat ,
I feel like I live in the Twilight zone lol but it’s just a country democrats have gained control over the media and education..
cray cray

And yet yhey can never really get more than about 50% the country to agee with them.
That's is what inspires hope.
That's why they've been involving millions of illegals into voting. Otherwise no Democrat would ever win.
Bullshit , the browning of America will make them a majority in this country , tell me after you people treating them like shit for decades h,ow will you get them to vote for your ugly group? A old fat white mans party.

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