Biden and Democrats Lie About their Tax Hikes

LOL Shittingbull doesn't want to hear the truth. She's rather try to tell everyone how great Bidung is. Even though anyone with a working brain cell can see the messes he's made since he became POTUS. Sure hope the country can survive the next three years of that idiot.

I prefer gas at 1.70 a gallon when Trump was POTUS. Guess Shittingbull prefers to pay 3 bucks or better for gas. Oh and lets not talk about the cost of groceries. The cost of everything will be going up as the price of gas goes up.
That is utter nonsense. Even CNN manages to be honest every once in awhile get a grip.

CNN is only honest when a pre existing situation they report on fits the narrative they want and they don't need to be dishonest.

Other than it's all out of context quotes, highly skewed information, it ored information, or just straight out propaganda.
Bullshit. My gas bill alone went up 50% in the past 9 months. Also it was an example and any thinking person would have known that. Thank you for making my point.
Inflation does not just measure gas prices, horse's ass.

I am sure that you, as an alleged thinking person, will rush right back to this forum when gas prices go back down to give Biden credit and to tell us we are in a deflationary period...
Inflation does not just measure gas prices, horse's ass.

I am sure that you, as an alleged thinking person, will rush right back to this forum when gas prices go back down to give Biden credit and to tell us we are in a deflationary period...
Are you really so shallow that you can't grasp that higher fuel prices are a prime driver of inflation? No need to answer, I already know. As for gas prices going down under Biden, LOL, good luck with that one. You haven't paid attention. Trump took office and gas prices went down to their lowest point this millenia and held there. As soon as Biden was installed, prices increased to Obama era levels and Biden foretold it in the last debate when he said he would shut down the US oil industry--which, BTW, he promptly did on Jan. 20. Moron.

Neither party has honest John's for politicians-duh.​

Republicans, Not Biden, Are About to Raise Your Taxes​

President Trump built in tax increases beginning in 2021, for nearly everyone but those at the very top.

The Trump administration has a dirty little secret: It’s not just planning to increase taxes on most Americans. The increase has already been signed, sealed and delivered, buried in the pages of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

President Trump and his congressional allies hoodwinked us. The law they passed initially lowered taxes for most Americans, but it built in automatic, stepped tax increases every two years that begin in 2021 and that by 2027 would affect nearly everyone but people at the top of the economic hierarchy. All taxpayer income groups with incomes of $75,000 and under — that’s about 65 percent of taxpayers — will face a higher tax rate in 2027 than in 2019.

For most, in fact, it’s a delayed tax increase dressed up as a tax cut. How many times have you heard Trump and his allies mention that? They surmised — correctly, so far — that if they waited to add the tax increases until after the 2020 election, few of the people most affected were likely to remember who was responsible.

Looking at the analyses of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation at the time the December 2017 tax bill was enacted, we see very clearly how different income groups are affected by the Trump tax plan. And it’s disturbing.
Oh yeah! I forgot all about that.

Thank you.

Brace yourselves for the Trump tax hikes, everyone!
How do you guys like the way leftists fully realized their accusations?

First they claimed Trump LIES LIES LIES because the objective didn't work for them on any level. Trump was the most BLATANTLY honest POTUS in our lifetime, but the establishment the left claims to hate while they support every move & word they make was pissed because Trump didn't play well.

Then they run out a vote to replace Trump with the biggest fraud of all.

There's your sign leftists, wear it.
How do you guys like the way leftists fully realized their accusations?

First they claimed Trump LIES LIES LIES because the objective didn't work for them on any level.

Then they run out a vote to replace Trump with the biggest fraud of all.

There's your sign leftists, wear it.
You still wearing your sign how you be a Trump crush?
Are you really so shallow that you can't grasp that higher fuel prices are a prime driver of inflation? No need to answer, I already know. As for gas prices going down under Biden, LOL, good luck with that one. You haven't paid attention. Trump took office and gas prices went down to their lowest point this millenia and held there. As soon as Biden was installed, prices increased to Obama era levels and Biden foretold it in the last debate when he said he would shut down the US oil industry--which, BTW, he promptly did on Jan. 20. Moron.
shutting the economy down was Trump's finest moment .. not counting bleach.
Seriously, do you really think global oil supply, demand, and refinery capacity are affected by elections?
Are you really so shallow that you can't grasp that higher fuel prices are a prime driver of inflation? No need to answer, I already know. As for gas prices going down under Biden, LOL, good luck with that one. You haven't paid attention. Trump took office and gas prices went down to their lowest point this millenia and held there. As soon as Biden was installed, prices increased to Obama era levels and Biden foretold it in the last debate when he said he would shut down the US oil industry--which, BTW, he promptly did on Jan. 20. Moron.
Here are gas and oil prices going back 20 years.


Gee, look at that big drop last year. I wonder what caused that?

Oh, yeah! The fucking pandemic!

And then we can see prices started rising as the recovery began and have been rising since the middle of last year.

Notice the 98 percent correlation between oil and gasoline?

All caught up now, horse's ass?
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Here are gas and oil prices going back 20 years.


Gee, look at that big drop last year. I wonder what caused that?

Oh, yeah! The fucking pandemic!

And then we can see prices started rising as the recovery began and have been rising since the middle of last year.

Notice the 98 percent correlation between oil and gasoline?

All caught up now, horse's ass?
Oil prices definitely affect gas prices--especially when a WH resident shuts down domestic production. BTW, please link 98% correlation--how far up your ass did you reach for that bullshit stat. You keep chasing after that demented fuck in the WH, you're as stupid as he is.
But thanks to Joey Xi, you're paying more for everything you buy from milk, bread up by 10-15% and gasoline nearly double the price since February 2021.
StagFlation is here.

What ever happened to BUILD BACK BETTER after Joe and his Chinese allies wrecked the economy as a hail mary to get Joe in to office?
BTW, please link 98% correlation--how far up your ass did you reach for that bullshit stat. You keep chasing after that demented fuck in the WH, you're as stupid as he is.

This graphic shows a high degree of correlation between the price of oil and the average retail price of gasoline. How high is this correlation? According to my Excel analysis, it’s a whopping 96.8% over the past 20 years. In other words, changes in gasoline prices are almost exclusively correlated with underlying changes in oil prices.

You're welcome. Plus, your own eyes will show you that just by looking at the chart.
You're welcome. Plus, your own eyes will show you that just by looking at the chart.
So you did pull that 98% number out of your ass as it is not in your link. Secondly, I didn't say gas prices didn't follow oil prices, fool, YOU DID. I said Biden's promise to shut down domestic production was the cause which is true, and oil prices followed. Take you juvenile, short-sighted, liberal-junkie bullshit down the road, again, you aren't worth the time.
So you did pull that 98% number out of your ass as it is not in your link. Secondly, I didn't say gas prices didn't follow oil prices, fool, YOU DID. I said Biden's promise to shut down domestic production was the cause which is true, and oil prices followed. Take you juvenile, short-sighted, liberal-junkie bullshit down the road, again, you aren't worth the time. is in my link. I even quoted it for you!

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