Biden and the Dems are harming the hard-working middle class

It is Democrats taking the lead for higher wages and benefits.
It is Dems pushing for more healthcare
It is Dems pushing for increased childcare benefits
It is Dems pushing for collective bargaining and workplace safety
And it’s Dems spending us to insolvency.
it’s dems diminishing our standing in the world.
it’s dems politicizing a virus for control and power.
it’s dems harming a generation of education for our children.
And it’s Dems spending us to insolvency.
it’s dems diminishing our standing in the world.
it’s dems politicizing a virus for control and power.
it’s dems harming a generation of education for our children.

Still trying to sell the Republicans are fiscally responsible lie?
Biden is well on his way to destroying the Country and the mindless sheeples will follow him over the cliff.
Trumps response to COVID

1. It’s not my fault
2. This thing better not mess up my great economy
3. COVID has to be over before the election

Bush showed leadership after 9-11. He used it as an opportunity to unite the country in the fight against terrorism
He was willing to make tough decisions while Trump used COVID as a political tool and denied the seriousness of the threat.
Did ANYONE see Covid in it's initial stages to be what it turned out to be? Fauci certainly didn't and you on the left WORSHIP him! Let's be brutally honest here, Winger. NOBODY got this right at the start because it was unprecedented!

Let's also be honest about how good a job Trump did in dealing with Covid compared to Joe Biden! Trump put into effect Operation Warp Speed which gave us vaccines in a record short amount of time. He also invoked the Defense Protection Act to build so many ventilators that we were able to give our surplus number of ventilators to other countries. He ordered a Navy hospital ship and had the largest field hospital ever built in New York City (which Andrew Cuomo didn't use while he sent infected seniors back into nursing homes to kill thousands!) in response to pleas for Federal assistance. He was also smart enough to leave Covid policy up to the individual Governors of States...not imposing a one size fits all Federal policy in States that are completely different.

Now compare THAT to what Joe Biden has done!

Despite being given the vaccines by Trump the number of people dying from Covid has increased because Biden and the left turned getting a vaccine into a political litmus test and tried to force people to comply with a one size fits all Federal policy. We're a year into the Biden Presidency and he can't even keep up with supplying enough tests so that people can comply with his own policies! Trump gave us VACCINES in that amount of time...Joe can't even give us enough TESTS to keep people safe!
It is Democrats taking the lead for higher wages and benefits.
It is Dems pushing for more healthcare
It is Dems pushing for increased childcare benefits
It is Dems pushing for collective bargaining and workplace safety
Yet all they've given us is rampant inflation that is crushing poor and Middle Class people with higher food, energy and housing costs?
This is what happens when you let ideologues try to run a country!
Why do I need a link? The fed has said they will raise rates up to five times this year, and the stock market is tanking. Anyone who took Econ 101 knows that higher interest rates hurt the stock market.
Is there a single liberal on this site that has taken a single Economics class, Lisa? It wouldn't appear so from the nonsense they post.
Yet all they've given us is rampant inflation that is crushing poor and Middle Class people with higher food, energy and housing costs?
This is what happens when you let ideologues try to run a country!
Supply chain issues have given us rampant inflation

The EU does not have a Democratic Party yet face the same inflation issues
Does anyone out there think Donald Trump would have let the person he put in charge of fixing the supply chain problems take a two month "maternity" leave while the problem got worse by the day? That guy would have been fired and someone else who was up to the job would have been appointed. Mayor Pete? He couldn't run a lemonade stand yet he's our guy to fix the problem? That's absurd...but that's what you get when you put the dumbest man to sit in the Senate for the past forty years in charge of the country!
So why hasn't Biden FIXED those supply chain issues, Winger? The fact of the matter is that the only thing Joe Biden has been providing the American people since he took office is EXCUSES!

Because they are in the private sector and beyond his authority as President

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