Biden announces $33bn to help Ukraine in war

Why don't you grab a gun and take your narrow ass overseas and fight for the crook Zelensky, chickenhawk?
Right about now Zalensky is wishing he never even heard of the DNC.... they have used him like a old condom to get their hands on more taxpayer loot and basically become co-murderers of the Ukrainian people.




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Yet when a repub is in office, the dems bitch about the same thing.

But they are big spenders. Didn't Joe seek to blow 5-6 trillion right out of the gate last year? Right after saying Trump was a big spender.

While refusing to spend far less right here at home to protect against an immediate direct threat here.

Ukraine is not a free country, Zelensky is a Nazi-led mobster in the business of global money laundering who just last year seized all TV stations and made them all into one state run one.

They and everyone still are, but that doesn't make it OUR business, responsibility nor war.

While depending on them for oil and gas and feeding them tons of money.

There is no "Trump Mafia." Get real.

No, it is an election year where Dems are about to get hammered like shit so THEY have to get on board.

Didn't Joe seek to blow 5-6 trillion right out of the gate last year? Right after saying Trump was a big spender.
You mean the money Joe Mansion Christians Enema blocked? Democrats held in check by Democrats. Never saw Republicans hold Donny in check. I read an article about Christians Enema today. She says she has very big tits, so she can have her way with Republicans. Go figure.

Defense spending here at home. You talking about the wall again? Maybe you can get another Republican president to steal the money from them military again, like last time. You guyshave no respect for budgets passed by congress and signed by Republican presidents. After all, if you can't get it honest, just stealit the way you did last time or tried on Jan 6. It is the new Republican way.

Don't try to sell your Putin Puffing, Nazi BS here. Nobody is buying it and I would be glad to vote against anybody you lousy trumpers try to elect that is still stupid enough to support Putin for Donny. There will be no resurgence of the Soviet Union in Europe, COMRADE.

Joe is dead on, correct in his actions regarding Putin's (Evil Empire) attack on Ukraine and attempts to put the Soviet back together. So suck on it , Yuri.
You mean the money Joe Mansion Christians Enema blocked? Democrats held in check by Democrats. Never saw Republicans hold Donny in check. I read an article about Christians Enema today. She says she has very big tits, so she can have her way with Republicans. Go figure.

Defense spending here at home. You talking about the wall again? Maybe you can get another Republican president to steal the money from them military again, like last time. You guyshave no respect for budgets passed by congress and signed by Republican presidents. After all, if you can't get it honest, just stealit the way you did last time or tried on Jan 6. It is the new Republican way.

Don't try to sell your Putin Puffing, Nazi BS here. Nobody is buying it and I would be glad to vote against anybody you lousy trumpers try to elect that is still stupid enough to support Putin for Donny. There will be no resurgence of the Soviet Union in Europe, COMRADE.

Joe is dead on, correct in his actions regarding Putin's (Evil Empire) attack on Ukraine and attempts to put the Soviet back together. So suck on it , Yuri.
The US paid for WWI, WWII and every other conflict the unprepared Europeans face because they know we'll throw them lots of money in order to pilfer and share.
Thats not what I said. Dont be so emotional while making inaccurate assumptions. Its the height of arrogance and hypocrisy to condemn a nation for starting a war after said country invaded a sovereign nation, iraq, based on lies.
You think I supported Son-of-a-Bush going into Iraq? I didn't. Because one dumbass Republican President did, you think I should start supporting Putin's Russian aggression? I don't. Vlad can go straight to hell, the sooner the betters. Feel free to tag along if you support him so much.
The last "infrastructure" bill was a ftotal lie, you pom-pom waving, party man hack rube.
What a oddball and total clown you are. Jeez!
You think I supported Son-of-a-Bush going into Iraq? I didn't. Because one dumbass Republican President did, you think I should start supporting Putin's Russian aggression? I don't. Vlad can go straight to hell, the sooner the betters. Feel free to tag along if you support him so much.
Feel free to get your chickenhawk ass on a plane and go fight.
Why don't you grab a gun and take your narrow ass overseas and fight for the crook Zelensky, chickenhawk?
67 and already done my time. If you miss your time in the Russian Army so much, you go support.
You mean the money Joe Mansion Christians Enema blocked? Democrats held in check by Democrats. Never saw Republicans hold Donny in check. I read an article about Christians Enema today. She says she has very big tits, so she can have her way with Republicans. Go figure.

Defense spending here at home. You talking about the wall again? Maybe you can get another Republican president to steal the money from them military again, like last time. You guyshave no respect for budgets passed by congress and signed by Republican presidents. After all, if you can't get it honest, just stealit the way you did last time or tried on Jan 6. It is the new Republican way.

Don't try to sell your Putin Puffing, Nazi BS here. Nobody is buying it and I would be glad to vote against anybody you lousy trumpers try to elect that is still stupid enough to support Putin for Donny. There will be no resurgence of the Soviet Union in Europe, COMRADE.

Joe is dead on, correct in his actions regarding Putin's (Evil Empire) attack on Ukraine and attempts to put the Soviet back together. So suck on it , Yuri.
Joe is a dead hard on? Yeah... surprised to see you get something right once in a while Dwight-sex.
So how much of your money has Zalensky spent on his crack habit doooosh-bag? Any guess?
Joe is correct about anything ever except maybe his brand of Adult undergamtns which don't always work in case you haven't noticed.
You go right on believing that the Ukraine war is a battle between good guy and band buy. See your DNC masters need you to believe that all the money being sent over there is for the war and you are stupid enough to believe that. Oh and your recent history happens to suck btw. The Republicans were Trumps biggest obstacle in the legislature not his ally.

Never saw Republicans hold Donny in check.
Then you weren't watching. Right out of the gate in 2017, the GOP blocked Trump's healthcare reform.

Don't try to sell your Putin Puffing, Nazi BS here. Nobody is buying it
Then maybe I was watching ghosts report on it as international journalists in Ukraine commenting on the war on live TV talking about it.

and I would be glad to vote against anybody you lousy trumpers try to elect that is still stupid enough to support Putin for Donny. There will be no resurgence of the Soviet Union in Europe, COMRADE.
Joe is dead on, correct in his actions regarding Putin's (Evil Empire) attack on Ukraine and attempts to put the Soviet back together. So suck on it , Yuri.
---and there it is. Impossible to have a clear, adult, rational conversation with any of you brainwashed braindead baboons--- it is always just a short jump from rationality back into your delusional world of CNN propaganda, ironically, most of it likely coming from Russia (or China).
You think I supported Son-of-a-Bush going into Iraq? I didn't. Because one dumbass Republican President did, you think I should start supporting Putin's Russian aggression? I don't. Vlad can go straight to hell, the sooner the betters. Feel free to tag along if you support him so much.

Again, your emotion takes over and pushes logic away as you make the same inaccurate assumptions. Nowhere in my post says anything about supporting putin.
Feel free to get your chickenhawk ass on a plane and go fight.
They are doing fine kicking your boy, Vlad's ass, without another 67 year old retired cold warrior. I'll let Joe send a check along with a bunch of military equipment from my state and across the nation. Those Ukrainians will put it all to good use, killing Russians, your dumbass Vlad shoulda kept at home.
The US paid for WWI, WWII and every other conflict the unprepared Europeans face because they know we'll throw them lots of money in order to pilfer and share.
You would rather we wait until the continent is almost lost, so we can fight our way onto the continent again? This way is much cheaper, cost-efficient and much easier on our troops You know as well as I do, we aren't going to give up the free world to the Evil Empires, so suck it.
You would rather we wait until the continent is almost lost, so we can fight our way onto the continent again? This way is much cheaper, cost-efficient and much easier on our troops You know as well as I do, we aren't going to give up the free world to the Evil Empires, so suck it.
Enough of the bullshit; if Europe needs the US to protect them we should just take over Europe and introduce Capitalism and get rid of Great Britain's royalty.

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