Biden approval at minuscule 26%.

More people disliked Trump. That’s a fact. Pick out some obscure part to make yourself feel better but Biden is the most popular president in 5 1/2 years. Since Obama.
Disliked Trump and yet he garnered 74mil votes. So they liked his policies. Biden has been a disaster. I posted why. You could not refute any of those points.
Can’t refute this either. Hence you’re not CEO material.

What accomplishments has Biden achieved while in office? Most of the country cannot name one. The rest is just you throwing your usual temper tantrum. Meanwhile the border is a mess, he accused agents of whipping illegals and then after realizing how stupid that was he buried that narrative, inflation is out of control, there is a war in Ukraine, the Afghanistan withdrawal was a mess and 13 soldiers died while $80Bn+ of equipment was left behind. COVID is still an issue and warp speed was under Trump. Supply chain is a major problem. Recession is looming. Our VP is a joke and his Supreme Court nominee cannot define what a woman is.

Great Job America
I named 25 in the other thread. I counted for you since I know you can’t count Mr “74 is an approximation of 100-33”. Lol.

Less people died in Afghanistan under Biden than Trump. We are out. Thanks Biden.

Supply Chain didn’t become a problem overnight. Infrastructure Week never came for Trump and was left up to Biden to modernize ports
Disliked Trump and yet he garnered 74mil votes. So they liked his policies. Biden has been a disaster. I posted why. You could not refute any of those points.
Your math is a real Achilles heel. 81M > 74M.

Want me to explain that to you?
More people disliked Trump. That’s a fact. Pick out some obscure part to make yourself feel better but Biden is the most popular president in 5 1/2 years. Since Obama.

That only goes to demonstrate the huge population of ignorant voters we have. When people use the same criteria to choose a President as they did their favorite American Idol contestant, we have people like Biden leading the country, and we all see where that has gotten us.

And you forget the consistent negative coverage by the extension of the Democrat party, the mainstream media.

I named 25 in the other thread. I counted for you since I know you can’t count Mr “74 is an approximation of 100-33”. Lol.

Less people died in Afghanistan under Biden than Trump. We are out. Thanks Biden.

Supply Chain didn’t become a problem overnight. Infrastructure Week never came for Trump and was left up to Biden to modernize ports
That thread was a troll thread and moved to the insult forum. What I listed are facts. He said our border patrol agents whipped illegals. It’s there on video and instead of apologizing for his mistake he buried it. What a leader!
Yep. Why do you think the Communists are always trying to expand social programs, to make people less dependent on government? The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Dementia increased food stamp stipends in the largest percentage hike since the program began. Why would you suppose that is? Why do you think our federal government paid people more to stay home than work from February of last year until September?

You people on the left totally ignore the man behind the curtain. A Democrat politician does nothing unless it benefits themselves or the party. Just look at any of their bills they passed or are trying to pass.
I guess you forgot who expanded UI benefits during Covid, fool. That was Trump. Forgot, didga? Now I get it. Let's wreck the social safety net because people on SNAP & other programs supposedly vote Democrat.

Btw, thanks for poitning out in your other post that the real reason you Trumpsters want voter ID & mail in voting done away with is because poor & people of color came out to vote using those tools.

You & your right wing Fascist mob are easy to figure out.

Keep posting so I can continue to nail your sorry ass to the wall.
I guess you forgot who expanded UI benefits during Covid, fool. That was Trump. Forgot, didga? Now I get it. Let's wreck the social safety net because people on SNAP & other programs supposedly vote Democrat.

Btw, thanks for poitning out in your other post that the real reason you Trumpsters want voter ID & mail in voting done away with is because poor & people of color came out to vote using those tools.

You & your right wing Fascist mob are easy to figure out.

Keep posting so I can continue to nail your sorry ass to the wall.
Ray From Cleveland is crushing you. It’s best to be thought of an idiot than to keep posting and proving it’s a fact.
I guess you forgot who expanded UI benefits during Covid, fool. That was Trump. Forgot, didga? Now I get it. Let's wreck the social safety net because people on SNAP & other programs supposedly vote Democrat.

Btw, thanks for poitning out in your other post that the real reason you Trumpsters want voter ID & mail in voting done away with is because poor & people of color came out to vote using those tools.

You & your right wing Fascist mob are easy to figure out.

Keep posting so I can continue to nail your sorry ass to the wall.

Only in your imagination. Come out and vote? The government coming to your door, hand you a ballot, and picking it up is not going anywhere. We do want people to come out and vote. It will weed people like this out of our election.

I'm still waiting for an answer on why Trump hasen't used any of the $110 million he's fleeced from the sucker's to investigate so called "voter fraud", moron.

Any thoughts on that or are you stumped, genius?
Must. Divert. From. The. Disaster. That. My. Vegetable. Messiah. Us.

Get a new act, Dumbass.
That thread was a troll thread and moved to the insult forum. What I listed are facts. He said our border patrol agents whipped illegals. It’s there on video and instead of apologizing for his mistake he buried it. What a leader!
You change tunes faster than a jazz band. Biden’s accomplishments are listed by me. Debate them or don’t. It’s a message board. He’s more popular than Trump because more people like what he did vs what Trump did. It’s math. It’s infallible…. Unless you are doing the math. Then it’s wrong…. By about 700 basis points.
I'm still waiting for an answer on why Trump hasen't used any of the $110 million he's fleeced from the sucker's to investigate so called "voter fraud", moron.

Any thoughts on that or are you stumped, genius?
Poor kid still looking for Trump's tax return 😆😅😁😆😆😆😆😆
Only in your imagination. Come out and vote? The government coming to your door, hand you a ballot, and picking it up is not going anywhere. We do want people to come out and vote. It will weed people like this out of our election.

No, you want people to come out & vote for YOUR candidate.

If Trump won you assholes would be singing the praises of mail in, etc.

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