Biden approval at minuscule 26%.

You change tunes faster than a jazz band. Biden’s accomplishments are listed by me. Debate them or don’t. It’s a message board. He’s more popular than Trump because more people like what he did vs what Trump did. It’s math. It’s infallible…. Unless you are doing the math. Then it’s wrong…. By about 700 basis points.
They aren’t accomplishments. Most of the country cannot name one accomplishment of his. You should look up what WARP is and then gauge what did Biden do that an average Joe (see how I did that) would not be able to to. Go!
He’s more popular than Trump because more people like what he did vs what Trump did. It’s math. It’s infallible

So what you are saying is that Americans like the Ukraine war and the threat of nuclear if we get involved? They like paying twice as much for gasoline as they did under Trump? They like an out of control border, the worst it's been in 20 years according to the BP? They like what they are paying for food at their grocery store compared to what they were paying under Trump? They enjoy the supply shortage to such a point they have to wait several weeks to buy a new car? They like taking out mortgages at the highest rate in 11 years?

As Jerry Seinfeld used to say "who are these people?"
Only in your imagination. Come out and vote? The government coming to your door, hand you a ballot, and picking it up is not going anywhere. We do want people to come out and vote. It will weed people like this out of our election.

Even though you voted for a corrupt ex game show host I will still defend your right to vote & I don't think you should be "weeded out".

That's where we differ.

Dont you feel stupid. Lol
Nope. That was post COVID19 when the media blamed him. Now post it pre COVID. You see. Your games won’t work. Biden won as the media blamed Trump for COVID19 now we see they lied. So why are Bidens numbers so low? Do you feel stupid? And like my lackey you grabbed the link. Good boy.
Nope. That was post COVID19 when the media blamed him. Now post it pre COVID. You see. Your games won’t work. Biden won as the media blamed Trump for COVID19 now we see they lied. So why are Bidens numbers so low? Do you feel stupid? And like my lackey you grabbed the link. Good boy.
Poor trumpy.

I have less then five people on ignore. Are you seeing things that aren't there?
You mean fewer than five people? But you still have em on ignore. Why? Cancel Culture 101. I have Zero on ignore. I believe in free speech. You should try it.
Even though you voted for a corrupt ex game show host I will still defend your right to vote & I don't think you should be "weeded out".

That's where we differ.

No, where we differ is that everybody should be allowed to vote but to do so in person, not somebody catering to your laziness at your front door or drop off boxes at every corner. We did it that way since voting started in this country and there is no reason to do it differently now outside of the Communists getting more votes from the lazy and uninformed.

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