Biden approval at minuscule 26%.

Dude when you realize you were sold a sack of shit as steak you'll come to terms with yourself and feel the need to shoot yourself in the head.

Dude when you realize you were sold a sack of shit as steak you'll come to terms with yourself and feel the need to shoot yourself in the head.
How's that shit sandwich going down, mouth breather?

You look like a good candidate to send some cash to Trump's "Stop The Steal" scam.
How's that shit sandwich going down, mouth breather?

You look like a good candidate to send some cash to Trump's "Stop The Steal" scam.
Since you're the expert at eating shit you tell me. And yes the election was stolen. When certain states changed their election procedures without going through the correct steps. You don't sound like an intelligent person you sound like a parrot.
Since you're the expert at eating shit you tell me. And yes the election was stolen. When certain states changed their election procedures without going through the correct steps. You don't sound like an intelligent person you sound like a parrot.
Oh, they did? Why don't you ask your boy why he isn't suing all those States over this "stolen election"?

He can use some of that $110 million that he's collected from you rubes to finance the fight.
You forgot Biden's newest brilliant plan, he's taking medical staff away from the VA hospitals and sending them to the border to provide medical care to illegals.
No way Joe Biden 30 years ago would propose this. He is a complete puppet with no autonomy.
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,,You idiot, they gave Trump a 5% chance of winning in 2016.

Get a real source, Moron.
Among independents. 33% overall.

America knows he is a disaster.

citygator thinks he is doing a great job. The 74% are obviously wrong….
Only 63% among blacks should be a big red flag for Dems too. That’s a lot lower than normal. The Dems are losing voters across the spectrum. 2022 is shaping up to be a historic disaster for the Dem Party.

They don't have to worry about the blacks as much as the Hispanics. They are jumping ship by the boat loads.
Oh, they did? Why don't you ask your boy why he isn't suing all those States over this "stolen election"?

He can use some of that $110 million that he's collected from you rubes to finance the fight.
My boy? Are you a faggot only faggots call men they desire boys.
The Democrat's agenda; gas is unaffordable for most people, food is super expensive, as is electricity, propane, natural gas, etc, debt hits $50 trillion, interest rate for a home 25%, inflation out of control, butthole deep in illegals, streets full of violence and criminals, voter fraud wrecks elections, etc.

Then the American people will beg for Socialism. Then America turns into the Socialist shithole, which is what the filthy ass Democrats want.

The only way the Democrats are going to get their Socialist shithole is make America worse than a shithole. Potatohead's "build back together" program is making that happen.

My opinion is they are going to get as many illegals into the country as possible and then grant blanket amnesty to cheat the elections. Once they have a single-party government forever, then they will announce we are turning Socialist.
My opinion is they are going to get as many illegals into the country as possible and then grant blanket amnesty to cheat the elections. Once they have a single-party government forever, then they will announce we are turning Socialist.
It is time we start ballot harvesting like the democrats did in 2020. I will give a 100.00 pre ballot.
If you have 100 million how come Biden used Trump to mop the floor in the last election, rube?

He didn't use Trump for anything, they used mail in voting.

Mail in voting gets the most politically ignorant and government dependents to vote. If they had to drag their lazy asses to the polls they'd sooner stay home. Put a ballot on their kitchen table, they will vote even with no knowledge of politics at all. And as we know, the politically ignorant and welfare crowd mostly vote Democrat.

You won't have that fortune next election when we see a huge turnover in Congress.

Trump had non-stop hate from the MSM from November 9, 2016, whereas Biden has still gotten the kid-glove treatment and his numbers have cratered in spite of the MSM attempting to run cover for him.

History proves you correct:

He didn't use Trump for anything, they used mail in voting.

Mail in voting gets the most politically ignorant and government dependents to vote. If they had to drag their lazy asses to the polls they'd sooner stay home. Put a ballot on their kitchen table, they will vote even with no knowledge of politics at all. And as we know, the politically ignorant and welfare crowd mostly vote Democrat.

You won't have that fortune next election when we see a huge turnover in Congress.

Who the hell are you & you Trump lackeys to decide who gets to vote & who doesn't? For your information you fucking moron mail in ballotting was expanded because of Covid. And your idiot Trump discouraged his base from voting using mail in. That's your problem.

Who the fuck are you to label people ignorant because they didn't vote for your candidate when you Trumptards elected a fool as President, an ex game show host who's as ignorant as the day is long. And corrupt to top it off.

You enjoy being stupid.
Who the hell are you & you Trump lackeys to decide who gets to vote & who doesn't? For your information you fucking moron mail in ballotting was expanded because of Covid. And your idiot Trump discouraged his base from voting using mail in. That's your problem.

Who the fuck are you to label people ignorant because they didn't vote for your candidate when you Trumptards elected a fool as President, an ex game show host who's as ignorant as the day is long. And corrupt to top it off.

Our game show host did ten times a better job than your dementia patient.

Why do you think the Communists want to have mail-in all the time regardless of covid? That's right, they need the welfare and politically ignorant to win elections. Those people won't vote if they have to put any effort into it. It's the same with Voter-ID. How is Voter-ID racist against blacks when most blacks favor positive identification to vote? It has nothing to do with race. Their lazy worthless voters won't take the time or effort to obtain an ID.

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