Biden approval falls below every modern president.

Because I know the biased polls that always make Trumpsters more poplar than they really are would get an entertaining reaction from the dumbass retards who voted for Brandon.

Thanks for the chuckles.

So you lie for fun. Figures.
maybe, certainly there are grounds for it…with that said his popularity or approval in the house is unrelated to this thread and xiden amd demafasict admins agendas approval rating
There are no grounds for impeachment.
Prices, humiliating defeats in foreign affairs, border, crime, ChiCom Flu, etc etc etc
What humiliating defeats. Inflation is global. They're paying $8/gal for gas in Germany and you think this is bad. So you're going to blame Biden for ant vax nutjobs and inheriting the most deaths and infections on earth from the last guy. This is shameful.
What humiliating defeats. Inflation is global. They're paying $8/gal for gas in Germany and you think this is bad. So you're going to blame Biden for ant vax nutjobs and inheriting the most deaths and infections on earth from the last guy. This is shameful.
With all Brandon's pandering to blacks, even they're abandoning him.
Because I know the biased polls that always make Trumpsters more poplar than they really are would get an entertaining reaction from the dumbass retards who voted for Brandon.

Thanks for the chuckles.
The dumbasses voted for trump and believe the disinformation about this presidents performance. Biden is not why prices have risen and republicans have no plan to fix inflation.
There are no grounds for impeachment, there have been no crimes committed by this president.
Biden promotes himself as a Black man. They are leaving the White House in droves. The underground railroad had less people in it. Biden has to choose now. This is his own making. He chose the green globalist scam over you and everyone else. And the globalists are going to screw Blacks over big time when the time comes.
Lame Stream Media Headlines:

Biden Blazes Historical Path No Modern President Has Ever Accomplished.

Worst President in history. Not even close.
What humiliating defeats. Inflation is global. They're paying $8/gal for gas in Germany and you think this is bad. So you're going to blame Biden for ant vax nutjobs and inheriting the most deaths and infections on earth from the last guy. This is shameful.
No doubt you think Afghanistan was a huge pride issue last year. And falling for Joes lie the mystery jab keeps you ChiCom flu free. Hilarious.

So when’s Joe going to end his sanctions upon US oil so we can stop competing against the world for oil which is driving up world prices?
There are no grounds for impeachment, there have been no crimes committed by this president.
Impeachment can be for not trimming his nose hairs. Removal from office requires a high crime OR misdemeanor of which neither are defined.

So between Brandon’s personal money growth plans with foreign nations, getting his son insider deals, failure to defend America as he swore he would do, etc etc, the only thing saving Brandon is the room temperature IQ bimbo being next in line.

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So let me get this straight: the guy who beat Trump because so many people voted AGAINST Trump despite Trump still GAINING millions of votes is now the most unpopular president in all of history, even WITH the media pulling for him 24/7? :auiqs.jpg:
In just 16 months too.
This is a show of just how powerful disinformation is in America today. Biden is a way better president than the one before him and he was handed a complete load of crap from the last guy who wouldn't even transition. And so we are about to be fooled into totalitarianism because most people are too lazy to click a link and find out how badly they are being tricked.

Your little hate cult is getting smaller every day. Pretty soon, it will just be you and the Chinese spies who work for the DemoKKKrats.

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