Biden approval rating rises as Infrastructure Bill heads to his desk


Come on man focus...

You said:

"And all the infrastructure bill does is help mitigate some of that sacrifice.
The highways are there, they ain’t moving

But we can reduce their impact on the communities they disrupted"

And I asked

"And how do you do that?"

Care to answer?
He can’t, just how he can’t back up his claim 100% of this bill goes to infrastructure. No pork, not one dime. :auiqs.jpg:

Come on man focus...

You said:

"And all the infrastructure bill does is help mitigate some of that sacrifice.
The highways are there, they ain’t moving

But we can reduce their impact on the communities they disrupted"

And I asked

"And how do you do that?"

Care to answer?

A major highway acts like an impenetrable wall
There are no crosswalks on super highways with cars going 75 mph.

Solutions include pedestrian overpasses, tunnels
So, some pedestrian overpasses will solve this?
Have to see what the plans are

But this is a small, small portion of the overall bill that Republicans have their panties in a wad over

In the big picture
Republicans did not participate in the process so you have no right bitching about what is in there

Fuk you/Sucks being you
You tried to squash the bill and you failed
Have to see what the plans are

But this is a small, small portion of the overall bill that Republicans have their panties in a wad over

In the big picture
Republicans did not participate in the process so you have no right bitching about what is in there

Fuk you/Sucks being you
You tried to squash the bill and you failed
Oh, I absolutely have the right to bitch about my money being squandered…

As for the “F U/ Sucks to be you” statement, that’s the problem today…And you support it.
Oh, I absolutely have the right to bitch about my money being squandered…

As for the “F U/ Sucks to be you” statement, that’s the problem today…And you support it.

Given that Republicans refused to cooperate in the crafting of the bill and did all they could to stop it, I have little compassion for their objections
Given that Republicans refused to cooperate in the crafting of the bill and did all they could to stop it, I have little compassion for their objections
You mean republicans refused to back progressive pork? Well my goodness RW, you seem to want no opposition.
You mean republicans refused to back progressive pork? Well my goodness RW, you seem to want no opposition.

More of your “pork“ like requiring the reporting of Bitcoin transactions?
I know the response from Conservatives to urban Communities that were affected by highway expansion is Fuk you, Sucks being you

Well, there is a small amount of funding being set aside to help mitigate that problem. Maybe if you cooperated more you could have helped shape the bill

My only response to Conservatives is Fuk you, Sucks being you
No, my response is quantify it and show the actual harms rather than worthless platitudes and empty claims.
A major highway acts like an impenetrable wall
There are no crosswalks on super highways with cars going 75 mph.

Solutions include pedestrian overpasses, tunnels
as if there is any major highway in any city that does not have overpasses and tunnels all over the place.

The ONLY place where highways do not have such things are not urban, minority communities but rather poor country tows with mostly white people in them.
A major highway acts like an impenetrable wall
There are no crosswalks on super highways with cars going 75 mph.

Solutions include pedestrian overpasses, tunnels
Once again, using your logic we just need to build a Super Highway along the Southern border to solve Pedo Joe’s clusterfuck.
Have to see what the plans are

But this is a small, small portion of the overall bill that Republicans have their panties in a wad over

In the big picture
Republicans did not participate in the process so you have no right bitching about what is in there

Fuk you/Sucks being you
You tried to squash the bill and you failed
So you have no idea what they are spending the money on……and yet you claim 100% goes to infrastructure.

Only fools keep swallowing this shit.

"Highway injustices" is just another scam and you leftoids keep falling for such shit because you think you are special. Instead, you're the real short-bus people.
Well guess what?

Dems passed an infrastructure bill that Republicans have been trying to do for decades

If you want more say, you can actually participate in the process and actually vote for it.

Otherwise……Too fucking bad

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