Biden: "BANG! Got Ya Tara!"

Both sources of Tara Reade's sexual assault complaint filing are now SEALED.....old Joe has some sneaky ass friends in high places. The Senate secretary is using some obscure rule that says a former Senator can't even see their own records. And we know at least 7 of the University of Delaware board of regents are Biden donors. And even if the school's records were legally pried open, Creepy's boys have already stuffed those in the pants (ala Sandy Berger) and walked out with them. That's Stalinist...that's the democRAT party. BANG!


Just like the Stalinist ploy of saying you will release your tax returns and then never release your tax returns..
How is that "Stalinist?"
In the same manner that the civil rights act of 1991 is a Stalinist production of the Democrats according to the OP...
Both sources of Tara Reade's sexual assault complaint filing are now SEALED.....old Joe has some sneaky ass friends in high places. The Senate secretary is using some obscure rule that says a former Senator can't even see their own records. And we know at least 7 of the University of Delaware board of regents are Biden donors. And even if the school's records were legally pried open, Creepy's boys have already stuffed those in the pants (ala Sandy Berger) and walked out with them. That's Stalinist...that's the democRAT party. BANG!


Just like the Stalinist ploy of saying you will release your tax returns and then never release your tax returns..
How is that "Stalinist?"
In the same manner that the civil rights act of 1991 is a Stalinist production of the Democrats according to the OP...
Where did the OP say that?
Both sources of Tara Reade's sexual assault complaint filing are now SEALED.....old Joe has some sneaky ass friends in high places. The Senate secretary is using some obscure rule that says a former Senator can't even see their own records. And we know at least 7 of the University of Delaware board of regents are Biden donors. And even if the school's records were legally pried open, Creepy's boys have already stuffed those in the pants (ala Sandy Berger) and walked out with them. That's Stalinist...that's the democRAT party. BANG!


Just like the Stalinist ploy of saying you will release your tax returns and then never release your tax returns..
How is that "Stalinist?"
In the same manner that the civil rights act of 1991 is a Stalinist production of the Democrats according to the OP...
Where did the OP say that?
In the OP..
Both sources of Tara Reade's sexual assault complaint filing are now SEALED.....old Joe has some sneaky ass friends in high places. The Senate secretary is using some obscure rule that says a former Senator can't even see their own records. And we know at least 7 of the University of Delaware board of regents are Biden donors. And even if the school's records were legally pried open, Creepy's boys have already stuffed those in the pants (ala Sandy Berger) and walked out with them. That's Stalinist...that's the democRAT party. BANG!


Just like the Stalinist ploy of saying you will release your tax returns and then never release your tax returns..
How is that "Stalinist?"
In the same manner that the civil rights act of 1991 is a Stalinist production of the Democrats according to the OP...
Where did the OP say that?
In the OP..
Quote it.
As for the "senatorial notes" at the Univ of Delaware, do you think he made a diary entry of it? "Fingered that bitch Reade today." ????? No one has been there to access the records in over a year, so your little fiction that his friends pulled the material belongs in the Writing forum, not in politics. It is understood that there is sensitive material in there that critics could use, which is WHY the University NEVER planned to release these documents until Joe had been out of public office/life for two years. They're still archiving it/undigitized. If you want to get permission from Biden to go read through probably 50 banker boxes full of unorganized papers, be my guest. Joe WANTS the complaint made public. He'd give you permission, I'm sure.

I already said the complaint has likely been shredded by Creepy's goons. He would enjoy the snipe hunt continuing because then they'd tell him to claim he was "honest" and "a women's rights champion" all along. If he wanted either of them to go through the records they would but then maybe his goons didn't find what they were looking for or missed them, misfiled, etc. You'll believe anything which makes the fact you're supposedly a school teacher all the more dangerous to the kids.
I'll believe what they said, yes. And Fox reported it, so what's your problem? Everything you put in your OP is wonderfully imaginative FICTION and you should be ashamed of yourself. I would teach my students to pick apart bullshit like yours in a flash. Your own LINK denies what you're claiming.

And you say I'm the dangerous one.....
Both sources of Tara Reade's sexual assault complaint filing are now SEALED.....old Joe has some sneaky ass friends in high places. The Senate secretary is using some obscure rule that says a former Senator can't even see their own records. And we know at least 7 of the University of Delaware board of regents are Biden donors. And even if the school's records were legally pried open, Creepy's boys have already stuffed those in their pants (ala Sandy Berger) and walked out with them. That's Stalinist...that's the democRAT party. BANG!


Then Joe should drop out now because he has no chance
How is construction Moscow Mitch's Russian aluminum plant it his home state coming along?
View attachment 332306

Link, Twinky?
Russia's Rusal was sanctioned by the US. Now it's investing $200 million in a Kentucky mill
Julia Horowitz byline

By Julia Horowitz, CNN Business

Updated 12:52 PM ET, Mon April 15, 2019
Is Braidy Industries of Kentucky getting in bed with Russian mobsters?
Joseph Gerth, Courier Journal Published 9:59 a.m. ET April 22, 2019 | Updated 4:38 p.m. ET April 22, 2019
Report: Kentucky aluminum plant benefited from McConnell-backed effort to lift Russian sanctions

August 14, 2019

Mitch McConnell.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is denying that he knew a project in his home state would benefit from the U.S. ending sanctions against a Russian oligarch.
How Moscow Mitch won a new Russian plant in his home state of Kentucky


David Crook
9 months ago
August 16, 2019

Thanks for your support!
This article was paid for by reader donations to Raw Story Investigates.

Sorry, I thought you knew.
Mitch, the Globalist Tool, has to go...but not to be replaced by yet another Globalist Tool.

Trump is a globalist tool. He's still having his suits made in China, importing hotel staff from Mexico, and having the air force refuel near his golf clubs in Scotland.

Moscow Mitch and Trump are shovelling money to corporations as quickly as possible, - all to be paid for by middle class tax payers. The massive bailouts to Wall Street represented a multi-billion transfer of wealth to Wall Street. Trump is ensuring his corportist buddies get all of this bailout money. Publically traded companies should not receive bailouts. $58 billion to the airline industry - which was doing stock buy-backs a year ago. Not one more dime to publically traded companies. No private profits and public losses. The stock market is a gamble. You pays your money, you takes your chances.
Links this to MAGA Moron posters.

View attachment 332328

"Baz Ares"? WTF kind of name is ride into the US on a turnip truck, boy?
It’s really, really ok to address the topic.
Hmm? The Great Douche has 43 plus assault claims again it. 3 rapes and 40 other tries.
Two of its rapes was filed in court paper..

VS. Poor Little Joe Biden only got ONE! Tara? Just One! Why?
Last edited:
The only politician with tighter sealed records than Biden is Obama. Nobody fights to hide the details of their past like corrupt Democrats.

Really. Do you really want to go there?

The swamp protects its own...
Hey dumbass The Senate secretary Is McConnell's lacky!!!
McConnell is blocking the release of Biden's papers because he knows they exonerate him and Turtle wants to keep the gossip alive!
Hey dumbfuck...the swamp and even McConnell knows this will be the nose under the tent and other senators records will be next...this is the swamp protecting the swamp.....dummy....but I'm guessing your are too stupid to recognize when the swamp is kicking your ass....
Hey dumbfuck...the swamp and even McConnell knows this will be the nose under the tent and other senators records will be next...this is the swamp protecting the swamp.....dummy....but I'm guessing your are too stupid to recognize when the swamp is kicking your ass....

I doubt Mitch has anything to worry about but the RATS? They've had so many settlements to get out of sexual assault and rape cases they could bail out NY with the dough. Biden smiling out of the side of his mouth like a wiseguy is hilarious......Hillary could beat the crap out of the old fossil. Too bad Tara didn't kick the pervert in the ball sack and geld him.
Both sources of Tara Reade's sexual assault complaint filing are now SEALED.....old Joe has some sneaky ass friends in high places. The Senate secretary is using some obscure rule that says a former Senator can't even see their own records. And we know at least 7 of the University of Delaware board of regents are Biden donors. And even if the school's records were legally pried open, Creepy's boys have already stuffed those in the pants and walked out with them. That's Stalinist...that's the democRAT party. BANG!


Moscow Mitch rules the Senate. He must know, it is as Ms Reade said and the record will not support her claim, and thinks no evidence is better than evidence that favors Joe Biden, as he has probably seen it.

But, what happened to "Believe Women" ?
The swamp protects its own...
Hey dumbass The Senate secretary Is McConnell's lacky!!!
McConnell is blocking the release of Biden's papers because he knows they exonerate him and Turtle wants to keep the gossip alive!

Why do we need the papers ? A woman has made the accusations, so obviously it happened. Did you forget about "Believe Women" ?
How is construction Moscow Mitch's Russian aluminum plant it his home state coming along?
View attachment 332306

Link, Twinky?
Russia's Rusal was sanctioned by the US. Now it's investing $200 million in a Kentucky mill
Julia Horowitz byline

By Julia Horowitz, CNN Business

Updated 12:52 PM ET, Mon April 15, 2019
Is Braidy Industries of Kentucky getting in bed with Russian mobsters?
Joseph Gerth, Courier Journal Published 9:59 a.m. ET April 22, 2019 | Updated 4:38 p.m. ET April 22, 2019
Report: Kentucky aluminum plant benefited from McConnell-backed effort to lift Russian sanctions

August 14, 2019

Mitch McConnell.
Win McNamee/Getty Images

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is denying that he knew a project in his home state would benefit from the U.S. ending sanctions against a Russian oligarch.
How Moscow Mitch won a new Russian plant in his home state of Kentucky


David Crook
9 months ago
August 16, 2019

Thanks for your support!
This article was paid for by reader donations to Raw Story Investigates.

Sorry, I thought you knew.
Mitch, the Globalist Tool, has to go...but not to be replaced by yet another Globalist Tool.

Trump is a globalist tool. He's still having his suits made in China, importing hotel staff from Mexico, and having the air force refuel near his golf clubs in Scotland.

Moscow Mitch and Trump are shovelling money to corporations as quickly as possible, - all to be paid for by middle class tax payers. The massive bailouts to Wall Street represented a multi-billion transfer of wealth to Wall Street. Trump is ensuring his corportist buddies get all of this bailout money. Publically traded companies should not receive bailouts. $58 billion to the airline industry - which was doing stock buy-backs a year ago. Not one more dime to publically traded companies. No private profits and public losses. The stock market is a gamble. You pays your money, you takes your chances.
Ooh! Trump has his suits made in China.
Trump also stated that as soon as everybody, including himself, is taxed to death for doing so he will bring whatever he does back to the US.
But unlike all my other "Representatives", he is actually making it a daily issue as opposed to no issue at all.

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