Biden: "BANG! Got Ya Tara!"

Both sources of Tara Reade's sexual assault complaint filing are now SEALED.....old Joe has some sneaky ass friends in high places. The Senate secretary is using some obscure rule that says a former Senator can't even see their own records. And we know at least 7 of the University of Delaware board of regents are Biden donors. And even if the school's records were legally pried open, Creepy's boys have already stuffed those in their pants (ala Sandy Berger) and walked out with them. That's Stalinist...that's the democRAT party. BANG!


Whoever think that sealing his records now is gonna play in his favor, is either leftist of crazy.
You gullible fools. The records have always been sealed by law. Did either of you even read a single word of the article? Of course not.
The swamp protects its own...

You elected the king of all gators to clean the swamp...
Outsiders by nature are not members of the have been totally duped.... "outsider" ya gotta be joking!

You'd better think twice about who's been duped!
Trump was elected to prove to you that something insidious is governing in D.C. You have your views on him. But all the others who control us all from that city, do nothing wrong. So when you Progs attempt to vote whoever into power come November, it will be what Trump told you it was. And you won't believe it.
The swamp protects its own...

You elected the king of all gators to clean the swamp...
Outsiders by nature are not members of the have been totally duped.... "outsider" ya gotta be joking!

You'd better think twice about who's been duped!
He hasn't spent his entire life on a government paycheck like Biden and Pelosi...that makes him an are sucking up to people that have been screwing us for shortsighted are you?....

Trump has been a major contributor to politicians for many years. He's just decided to eliminate the middle men. He's always been one of the biggest gators in the swamp. Now he's the biggest of all.

But there's a huge difference between him and the politicians he supported - they knew what they were doing and he doesn't have a clue.
A Quarter of Democrats Want to Replace Joe Biden Over Tara Reade Accusations

A new poll found that 26 percent of Democrats want to replace Joe Biden with someone else on their party’s ticket in response to the sexual assault allegations by former staffer Tara Reade. The poll was taken after respondents were shown a 35-second clip of Biden’s interview with Mika Brzezinski where he publicly responded to the allegations for the first time.

The swamp protects its own...

You elected the king of all gators to clean the swamp...
Outsiders by nature are not members of the have been totally duped.... "outsider" ya gotta be joking!

You'd better think twice about who's been duped!
Trump was elected to prove to you that something insidious is governing in D.C. You have your views on him. But all the others who control us all from that city, do nothing wrong. So when you Progs attempt to vote whoever into power come November, it will be what Trump told you it was. And you won't believe it.

Trump is the most corrupt D.C. politician there's been in recent history. He's too stupid to even understand how corrupt he is. He didn't even know that he's not supposed to use his position as President to force foreign leaders to assist his political campaign, that he's not suppose to demand a oath of personal loyalty from government employees and fire them when they refused. If they Republican Senators were anything more than a bunch of spineless weenies they would have removed him from office.

It's you Trump zoombies that think he can do no wrong.

He himself stated that people like you would still support him even if "he shot someone on Fifth Ave."

That proves that he himself considers people like you to be idiots. Even he's surprised by how stupid you are!
A Quarter of Democrats Want to Replace Joe Biden Over Tara Reade Accusations

A new poll found that 26 percent of Democrats want to replace Joe Biden with someone else on their party’s ticket in response to the sexual assault allegations by former staffer Tara Reade. The poll was taken after respondents were shown a 35-second clip of Biden’s interview with Mika Brzezinski where he publicly responded to the allegations for the first time.

At least a quarter of Democrats would like to replace Biden just because they're not happy with him for multiple reasons and believe that there are much better candidates.

However, 100% of Democrats would rather have Biden as President than a long shot!
However, 100% of Democrats would rather have Biden as President than a long shot!
I am glad Donald Trump was my President instead of Joe Biden during this Coronavirus disaster.

When President Trump was imposing his life-saving China Travel Ban Biden was leading the Democrat opposition against it. While Joe was screaming the ban was Xenophobic, Democrats were drafting legislation to prevent Trump from putting the ban in place...and advising Americans to ignore the threat, to carry on with their daily engage in activities that would have caused much larger / faster infection and death rates.

Biden and the Democrats finally admitted President Trump did the right thing from the start.

That still does not take away from the fact that had the Democrats been in control many more Americans would have been infected and many more would have died from the virus.

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