Biden blames Delta variant on jobs report

The largest number of people not taking the vaccine are white. I'm vaccinated and since blacks have been injected with syphillis and other deadly diseases by the white mans government it's understandable the distrust that exists. So falling back on that racist narrative ain't going to cut it Ken Paxton.
Hey buds, I didn't say they were WRONG for avoiding it. I still believe it should be a personal choice. Regardless, I don't think black folks generally fit the description of "Republicans".
Speak for yourself.
I have been out and about since the panic started.
Even spent a full day at the crowed Mall of America a few weeks ago with Grandkids unvaxxed and unmasked, gasp. Only 10% of folks were wearing masks, with no idea who is vaccinated or not.
MN State Fair is running with zero restrictions and expecting over a million visitors.
Continue to live in your bubble of paranoia, the rest of us went about our lives the whole damn time.
Oh you like anecdotes, do you?

Well I just happened to be in DC a week ago - it was completely dead.

Mall of America was relatively empty the whole weekend even with "anniversary of march on Washington" event going on.

Stayed at #1 rated hotel. It was at 60% capacity.

Your experience is just a drop in the ocean of what goes on in the world.
Black unemployment went up.
Y'all keep voting Democrat, ya' hear?
Black employment INCREASED by over 100,000.
How much did black unemployment go up? Wanna bet it was a lot less than 100,000?
Another perfect example of the Right LYING with a half-truth!!!
Oh right like double vaxxed, hospitalized Oscar de la Hoya
The anecdote you use here is called a breakthrough case and since no vaccine is 100 percent effective this happens. I believe this vaccine is over 90 percent effective. If you aren't vaccinated that's zero percent effective. So you keep using the small number argument and end up like my man in texas:


This was a young man. He left behind a pregnant wife getting ready to have their fourth child. Instead of being vaccinated and wearing a mask because that would take away his freedom, he took ivermectin. Inevitably he lost his freedom because he did not vaccinate or wear masks. He was confined to a hospital bed and a ventalator and now his body is confined to a casket in the graveyard and that's a place where he will be forced to stay forever, until resurrection day.

So keep on Suzie...
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Hey buds, I didn't say they were WRONG for avoiding it. I still believe it should be a personal choice. Regardless, I don't think black folks generally fit the description of "Republicans".
They damn sure don't fit the description of white and the most people not taking the vaccine are white.
How low can his approvals go? I say upper 30s or bust
Unlike the last guy his approval won't stay 40 percent for 40 years. But as long as you nutjobs keep trying to sabotage wecwon't get where we need to go.
Nobody in this thread said “All lives matter” either. Until just now when you brought it up for no fucking reason.
hahhahah--you fkd up!!!! ----all of you people bring up BLM for no fkin reason .....BLM makes no sense at all
Biden is wrong to blame Delta

He needs to blame the assholes who refused to get vaccinated and allowed it to spread

Dont like the business shutdown……Blame those who are not vaccinated
Dont like your kid having to wear a mask?…..Blame those who are not vaccinated
Biden is wrong to blame Delta

He needs to blame the assholes who refused to get vaccinated and allowed it to spread

Dont like the business shutdown……Blame those who are not vaccinated
Dont like your kid having to wear a mask?…..Blame those who are not vaccinated

You're still trying this?

Would be nice if we had anyone but Biden in the White House. Even Bonzo the chimp would be a better choice. But unfortunately we have too many that vote party not people

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