Biden blames Delta variant on jobs report

These "national statistics" come with no empirical or sensory evidence to back the claim that delta is to blame.
This is only true if you choose to remain ignorant.

So I guess that’s your motivation.
"sensory evidence"? - is that your crack at sounding not stupid? You aren't doing well.

Why else do you think liesuire and hospitality is lagging in August if not for resurgence of Covid? Why did people suddenly not want to travel at the tail end of the summer?

You've got some other, surely well thought out, alternate theory to everything economists are saying? I don't think you do, I think youa re a two bit politico out to pin everything on POTUS who has a D instead of an R in front.
What I think is not the issue.....You have no fucking evidence at all, so shut your know-nothing face.

BTW, I'm currently in the hospitality racket....We're making money hand-over-fist.
What I think is not the issue.....You have no fucking evidence at all, so shut your know-nothing face.

BTW, I'm currently in the hospitality racket....We're making money hand-over-fist.
Surely your little local operation is superior to national statistics. Right?

We should not belive that there was slowdown in hires in hospitality, because you hired someone recently, right?
Yep, if we had Trump he would take full responsibility for what happens on his watch.


...oh wait no, he always did just the opposite, never taking any responsbility for anything negative that happened it didn't bother you at all - why the sudden reversal?
There were more people employed when Trump was President ever in our history. More minorities employed ever in our history.
Hey dope… if people were cramming into restaurants and taking vacations… the hospitality sector would have added jobs… even if they had to pay higher wages.

That didn’t happen
Thanks for the input, Mr Farm Land.
It's been said continually. When anyone says "All lives matter, the leftist moonbats crap their britches.

Nobody in this thread said “All lives matter” either. Until just now when you brought it up for no fucking reason.

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