Biden blames Delta variant on jobs report

I think it a mistake to blame anyone but Trump for all the bad things that happens during the Biden administration.

After all, that is all the Left will run on in 2024, which is Trump hate because they will have nothing else.

But that is just me. Blaming Delta is a little "iffy"
Is this just another conservative crybaby victim post….


I think it a mistake to blame anyone but Trump for all the bad things that happens during the Biden administration.

After all, that is all the Left will run on in 2024, which is Trump hate because they will have nothing else.

But that is just me. Blaming Delta is a little "iffy"
Dr Fauci is bringing out his newest Covid variant.

Fauci says the new mu Covid strain isn't an immediate ...

1 day ago · The new Covid-19 variant “mu” is not an immediate threat to the United States, federal health officials said Thursday. “We’re paying attention to it, we take everything like that seriously, but we...
Know how many jobs were gained in the hospitality sector?


People are too scared to eat indoors at restaurants or get on planes and ships
Speak for yourself.
I have been out and about since the panic started.
Even spent a full day at the crowed Mall of America a few weeks ago with Grandkids unvaxxed and unmasked, gasp. Only 10% of folks were wearing masks, with no idea who is vaccinated or not.
MN State Fair is running with zero restrictions and expecting over a million visitors.
Continue to live in your bubble of paranoia, the rest of us went about our lives the whole damn time.
is basically the same thing you dummy.
Well... except that the original meaning was that the president accepted FULL RESPONSIBILITY. Biden hasn't done that a single time, ever. Saying "the buck stops with me", THEN explaining why it really ISN'T his fault is a poor excuse for accepting responsibility. BTW... interesting bit of trivia. Many here may already know the answer but I thought it was cool and worth mentioning.

Truman coined that phrase as president. Do you know what the "buck" was?
The single greatest demographic displaying hesitancy are African Americans.
The largest number of people not taking the vaccine are white. I'm vaccinated and since blacks have been injected with syphillis and other deadly diseases by the white mans government it's understandable the distrust that exists. So falling back on that racist narrative ain't going to cut it Ken Paxton.

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