Biden blames Delta variant on jobs report

Biden blames Delta variant on jobs report​

Pretty sure that's the other way around, and he's blaming the jobs report on the Delta variant.

Be that as it may, he's correct. Job growth and the economy in general stumbles when the virus surges.

I think it a mistake to blame anyone but Trump for all the bad things that happens during the Biden administration.

After all, that is all the Left will run on in 2024, which is Trump hate because they will have nothing else.

But that is just me. Blaming Delta is a little "iffy"
99.999999% probability Democrats will act and run as if Trump has been in office 21-24.
hahhahah--you fkd up!!!! ----all of you people bring up BLM for no fkin reason .....BLM makes no sense at all

Nobody said anything about BLM until YOU brought it up. It’s unrelated to the topic. In other words, babble crap.

Here is the problem with your thesis. The states that are being hardest hit are red states run by Republicans. Republicans are banning attempts by local governments to protect their citizens. They are banning attempts by schools to protect our children. They are trampling on property rights to prevent businesses from protecting their customers. Red states are becoming the biggest mass murderers in American history.
Here’s the problem with your rebuttal.
A. You can’t blame President Trump for ChiCom Flu and then a year later blame Governors because another President moves into the White House.
B. 5 of the top 10 States with ChiCom Flu deaths are blue states. When you factor in NY, CA, WA and NJ led the nation for the first year, blue states are the mass murderers. Go ask Cuomo.

So yes, Biden is to blame for the surge in ChiCom Flu Cases.
Biden is wrong to blame Delta

He needs to blame the assholes who refused to get vaccinated and allowed it to spread

Dont like the business shutdown……Blame those who are not vaccinated
Dont like your kid having to wear a mask?…..Blame those who are not vaccinated
Majority in the hospital for ChiCom Flu are vaccinated, shitforbrains.
Actually Texasshole leads NY in covid mass murders.
More outlandish lies.
Find Texas.
#24 if you need to know TRUTH.
Make sure you welcome your new GOP majority in 2022
For some reason I just don't think that's going to happen without republicans overturning results. If that happens, you thought the protests for Georgre Floyd was bad....
Would be nice if we had anyone but Biden in the White House. Even Bonzo the chimp would be a better choice. But unfortunately we have too many that vote party not people
No, we voted for the best candidate. If republicans and Manchin stopped trying to sabotage shit, we wouldn't be here.

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