Biden Blames Guns

Actually one of the biggest clues identifying a Fascist State is stripping The People of their constitutionally protected rights.
No one has ever used the extreme power of the White House to actually attempt to strip a constitutionally protected right of 88 million voters to have their sacred votes count, until Trump attempted to do exactly that on Jan6 Therefore you agree Trump was leading us down the path of becoming a fascist state when he tried to overturn the 2020 election.

You compare that to your right to buy an assault rifle without a background check which is a right you have And you refuse to give up even with homicidal mad men buying guns easily they used to kill 10 year old kids. I think my right to vote and I have that would be counted as a bit more significant to the preservation of our democracy. Do you support what Trump tried to do that only Mike Pence could stop the chaos on the election that Trump wanted for personal power.
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I want to make it impossible for an 18-year-old to buy an assault rifle and high velocity ammunition with 30 round clips without a damn good reason for why he needs one for starters.

There will be an application process to buy a weapon that looks like an assault rifle used by the military. If there’s any semblance of hate towards other races or towards the opposite sex, or opposing political views recorded in any of his social media then he will be watched during a two years application process requireing not posting any of that rape shit like Ramos did, if he is going to earn the right to play with an AR15 ever. The applicant signs a contract that if he slips up during those two years he gives up all rights to gun possession and ownership for life.

You probably oppose that right off the bat. You enabled Ramos to buy his assault weapon easily, to be was used immediately to mass murder 19 kids and two of their teachers while the good guys with the guns didn’t move very fast to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

You have no soul. You have no heart. You should not have any say in this matter. That’s why I hope JD Vance loses. We don’t need NRAowned US Senators holding school kids hostage to service the NRA and the gun manufacturers so unknown problem people can easily buy guns to shoot them.

MY sister is on a first name basis working with Congressman Ryan on the The SFC Heath Robinson Pact ACT which is a huge deal coming to the aid of Veterans suffering from the effects of burn pits white in Iraq. My niece was married to Heath, they have a daughter and Heath died of multiple cancers after keeping him isolated and protected from rightwing anti-maskers during COVID. But the cancer was too much. My sister and congressman Ryan have been instrumental in getting this bill almost to a vote as we speak. She is in DC right now at the rolling thunder Rally as a speaking part of the Memorial Day event which will provide so much benefits for our veterans. There’s still a chance that Republicans can shoot it down in the coming weeks but I hope not. Fucking Republicans.

My sister carries all the time. Her husband is a hunter. they both know the NRA is evil Because they know Democrats are not coming to grab any law abiding citizens guns. . It’s an NRA lie to their suckers for cash to buy Senators. Well enough of that is enough. Let’s fire 10 Republican NRA owned senators over the next decade. Start by not letting Vance get near him Save school kids from dying in gunfire.

I hooe to volunteer to work on RYAN’s campaign to start Putting an end to your gun grabber bullshit.
30 round clips? They are called magazines not clips. You have no idea what you're talkin about.
You compare that to your right to buy an assault rifle without a background check which is a right you have And you refuse to give up even with homicidal mad men buying guns easily they used to kill 10 year old kids.
There's no rational reaosn whatsoever for us to allow unnecessary and ineffective rrestrictions on our right to keep and bear arms.
So now America’s gun scum not only want to preserve the right ti have a law abiding but secret intentional murderous madman being able to buy any kind of gun he wants with no background check to shoot kids in classrooms and Black people in supermarkets, now you want to defend their right to buy a gun to shoot a doctor if you have back painSo now America’s gun scum not only want to preserve the right we’re going to buy any kind of gun he wants to shoot kids in classrooms and Black people in supermarkets now you want to defend their right to buy a gun to shoot a doctor if you have back pain.

So when a little kid survives their days in classrooms grow up to be Doctors you can get them then.
What about that fact supports your assumption he would not have bought a shotgun, had he not been able to purchase an AR?
You’re a damn fool. You are making assumption that he would buy a shotgun. Why don’t you support that and get back to me
No one has ever used the extreme power of the White House to actually attempt to strip a constitutionally protected right of 88 million voters to have their sacred votes count, until Trump attempted to do exactly that on Jan6 Therefore you agree Trump was leading us down the path of becoming a fascist state when he tried to overturn the 2020 election.
In 1942 on the orders of FDR over 120,000 American citizens were arrested and put into concentration camps and all of their property seized. This was done by fiat, no votes, not due process at all and was done on the basis of race and nationality.

That was Fascism in the name of protecting our "Democracy".

Best learn some history before spewing any more bile.
Still waiting for you to asnwer the question:
What about that fact supports your assumption he would not have bought a shotgun, had he not been able to purchase an AR?
What supports your assumption that he would’ve went out and bought a shotgun to kill those same kids on the very last day at school?

I do not have to justify my assumptions based on the shooters pattern to wait 8 months to someone Who disregards the factual pattern that we know about the shooter.
I make an assumption based on the pattern that he waited for eight months before turning 18 and purging the weaponry used to kill 19 kids.l
And if he was unable to buy his first choice of weapon there's every likelihood he'd have bought a pump or semi auto shotgun for the attack and thence very well might have done even more damage.

You obviously know nothing about guns at all other than perhaps that they go, "Bang", so you should probably keep silent on the subject.
What supports your assumption....
-You- argue a 21+ age requirement to buy an AR would have prevented this crime because -you- assume he would not have have bought a shotgun instead.
What about that fact you cited supports your assumption he would not have bought a shotgun, had he not been able to purchase an AR?
Why should it be a ten year olds business “why” a person chooses assault weapons to mass murder them in schools when Ray from Cleveland says it is none of anybody’s business because Ray from Cleveland has more respect for the shooter’s right to purchase the weapon than the ten year olds right to not be shot and mutilated to death by it.
Would you prefer handguns, incendiaries, or explosives?
You’re a damn fool. You are making assumption that he would buy a shotgun. Why don’t you support that and get back to me

Maybe not a shotgun, maybe an illegal hand gun, or perhaps an illegal AR. Point is you are not going to stop a mad killer by restricting firearms. You may make it a little more difficult, but a killer is going to kill no matter what. Our biggest domestic terrorist attack last year was a black guy who wanted to kill as many whites as possible. This BLM supporter injured over 50 people killing 6 of them. You may not have heard about it since the MSM buried that story in less than a week. Our biggest attack happened with box cutters and planes. The next biggest one before that was a guy who rented a U-Haul truck and picked up some fertilizer.

None of these people had guns, they only had this mad desire to kill innocent people.
I make an assumption based on the pattern that he waited for eight months before turning 18 and purging the weaponry used to kill 19 kids.l

You are assuming that he would’ve waited until his birthday and then found out he could not buy an AR 15 legally so he goes to the illegal market and then a few days he would be able to do the same exact thing. Your presumption is absurd based on no patterns of the shooters behavior. Your assumption is based on your belief that the shooter has a bigger right when purchasing a gun than a kid has a right to live. You
Are guns scum too.

You with your either/or bullshit. It's not an either or situation. If he wasn't allowed to buy any AR's he still would have attacked that school. You are making the claim if he didn't purchase an AR legally, all those kids would be alive today. That's total bullshit.
Because he is a racist and the leader of a party that has a lot of racism in it that’s why black voters voted for Biden. So what gives you the right to cancel their votes because you’ve been fooled by the ConMan white nationalist Putin sidekick Trump.

Is that so? Then tell me one racist thing Trump ever said.

What a stupid claim. They voted for Dementia because they didn't want to vote for a racist party, so instead, voted for a guy who said........

He's the first black (Obama) that's articulate and clean.
Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.
They want to put ya'all back in chains.
You're not really black unless you vote for me.
I don't want to send my kids to school in a racial jungle.
The reason black kids are illiterate is because the parents are illiterate too!

All you really proved with your statement is how stupid and politically ignorant those who voted for Dementia are. He has said the most racist things of any contender for President in modern times.
You can pay for it and then get an appointment for a test you will have to take just like student drivers have to do to get a drivers license. He should be willing to allow authorities local and state to review any social media content over the past five years.

That sounds good. I'll support your effort to make an appointment and take a test, if you do the same with my desire to take a test to vote. After all, if we move towards having to take tests to exercise constitutional rights, why stop at guns? Let's see what some of the Communist voters have said on social media as well. Deal?

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