Biden Cabinet Member openly calls for censorship by big tech companies.

Do you agree with Cats that the STASI should determine who and what posts on Twitter and Facebook? Do you agree with Cats that the 1st Amendment is to ensure government can say whatever they want, and it doesn't apply to the peasants?
Of course not. If you'd been paying any attention, you'd know that. But you're just trolling me because i remind you of your partisan hypocrisy. The usual.

Which does not apply to private companies. Little boys like you clearly need a ecucation.
Thr First Amendment doesn't apply to private companies? Quote the part of the Amendment saying that, Simp.
Because the topic webpage has side scrolls and multiple pages.

It's tragic and I hate to say, it's navigation involves some thought and interaction by the reader. I'm sorry that I am unable to spoon feed you the information with a strawberry ice cream cone on the side, while you lay out on a lawn chair, but sometimes when you participate in a political forum, fundamental skills like reading and interaction are necessary.

FFS. How can people be so damn lazy?
So you can't cut and paste because it has multiple pages?

Do you really think that will cover for your lies, Simp?
Because we have watered down the Constitution with poor Court decisions and overreaching legislation. Why do you keep asking tedious questions? Is it some version of gloating? Cheering for shit?
Yeah, that makes much more sense then you are simoly being lied to. Go with that.
Being lied to about what? You seem to be making many ill-informed presumptions.
About it violating the constitution for the fed to request Twitter not post something. That even though most of the requests in the Twitter dumps occurred during Trump's presidency and that is because of the FBI deep state so it's not Trump's fault. That Twitter was paying FBI agents a salary. That the FBI infiltrated Twitter...etc etc, you know, the normal right wing hair on fire nonsense.

Are you not familiar? Have you not been reading this thread?
You are the Nazi commie. They did not have weekly meetings. Social media companies were made aware of Russian attempts to interfere in our elections. They also were urging social media companies of false information about covid such as digesting bleach as Trump suggested.
You are a fucking shitbag liar.
About it violating the constitution for the fed to request Twitter not post something.
No one has told me anything regarding that. So who's lying exactly?
That even though most of the requests in the Twitter dumps occurred during Trump's presidency and that is because of the FBI deep state so it's not Trump's fault. That Twitter was paying FBI agents a salary. That the FBI infiltrated Twitter...etc etc, you know, the normal right wing hair on fire nonsense.
Yep. That's what I figured. You're presuming I'm a Trumpster. I'm not.
Are you not familiar? Have you not been reading this thread?
I'm familiar with your pompous horseshit. It doesn't travel well.
It's a popular right wing arguement.

Sorry if I made a mistake.

Nice. Thanks. I didn't realize I was making an impact here.
If your intent is to troll and be a jackass, you're succeeding marvelously. Congrats on your achievement.

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