Biden Calls For A Gun Ban After Colorado Shooting

Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
I don't disagree that ALL PEOPLE should have MANDATORY gun training. I believe that is part of the DUTY of every citizen.

It still does not change the FACT that gun regulation is unconstitutional and a violation of the unalienable right to self defense of any kind.

YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should understand that.

The solution is not more regulation of the tools. That will NEVER work to do anything but FURTHER erode the unalienable right.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
You wear a mask without evidence it works, guess you jumped
I've filter water with filtration that did not take out everything, but it was definitely cleaner than unfilters and I have coughed with and without covering my mouth and know that without covering lets spittle fly farther. So, it makes sense. By the time they came up with their precautions, I had already caught it, flying on an airplane from Memphis to Texas, when they thought it was only in Washington state. So I followed nobody. Just acting on my own best interests as I see them. Worked out well for me and everybody around me, all my life.
So what, you believe we cough while we breathe? You’re insane. How often do you cough, while you’re walking, shitting, talking? Or when you’re ill? Stupid fks all of you. My fking god. Btw, I stay home when I’m ill. Fk
Don't tell me about cough. I have had one ever since Covid back in February of last year, so i cough hourly or more frequent. Spare me your little names, you would not call me in an aisle at lowes. You do not impress me much. Oh, and you stay home when your are ill? Now you want credit for crap your supposed to do? Heck, dummy. Your supposed to stay home when you're ill. What do ya want from me, a cookie? Do I look like Chris Rock?
so you project that what happened to you happens to everyone. makes you a demofk. the most grotesque mannered group of humans to exist. you bark about profiling and it's all you do. You bark about gun control and do nothing about the illegal guns in all of the demofk controlled cities. you all are grotesque mther fkers. oh and claim a peaceful protest includes looting and killing people.
I didn't project any such thing and you know it. Also, you never heard me bitch about profiling. You listen to too much news, but it ain't the news media either. If I go to the teller machine late at night with my 9MM on my hip, I'm not watching my surroundings, looking for Ted Koppel or Van Jones in their Beamers and 3 piece suits. You also misspoke relating to any approval of protestors looting and killing, cause that ain't peaceful. I've been here since about November of 2019 and you have never heard me justify any of that crap. You're just an internet big mouth. Bet you are not like that in aisles at Lowes or Kroger.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is.

They want no guns owned by law abiding citizens.
I don't disagree that ALL PEOPLE should have MANDATORY gun training. I believe that is part of the DUTY of every citizen.

It still does not change the FACT that gun regulation is unconstitutional and a violation of the unalienable right to self defense of any kind.
self defense is self defense, one shouldn't need to take gun training to defend themselves. The tool one choses for that defense is up to the individual. One may not even own a gun and during a scuffle end up taking another's gun away to use to defend oneself. It appears to me, the movement happening here is to remove self defense, while the elitists hide behind barbed wire and guns themselves. fk all these douchebags.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is.

They want no guns owned by law abiding citizens.
they don't want law abiding citizens to protect themselves, that's what the movement is. defund police and take away your self defense and put you in concentration camps like the nazi's did. It is the nazi demofks way or no way movement. Anyone that actually has a brain knows that. KNOWS THAT
I didn't project any such thing and you know it. Also, you never heard me bitch about profiling. You listen to too much news, but it ain't the news media either. If I go to the teller machine late at night with my 9MM on my hip, I'm not watching my surroundings, looking for Ted Koppel or Van Jones in their Beamers and 3 piece suits. You also misspoke relating to any approval of protestors looting and killing, cause that ain't peaceful. I've been here since about November of 2019 and you have never heard me justify any of that crap. You're just an internet big mouth. Bet you are not like that in aisles at Lowes or Kroger.
sure you projected, you posted that wearing a mask and coughing go together and why one should wear one. I asked you do people walk and cough while they breathe, and you never answered.

I don't listen to news, it's all anti american nonsense and has been exposed as such. You listen all you want.

I conduct myself in a professional manner when I go out, and treat others with respect. I will draw the attention of business owners who run stores to conduct encounters with individuals out of control in a store.

I care about my community and my neighbors. You aren't my neighbor, you like others treat those who disagree with you as enemies, rather than conducting rational discussions. I find you often side with demofks, sorry that's your politics, not mine. Demofks don't care for the constitution, or the rights of all. they are not inclusive they are enforsive. They want others to forfeit their rights to accommodate someone else's. That's barbaric. again, it's who you follow, not me.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
you're afraid of something. Tell us what scares you then if not the gun, the gun is inanimate object.
Idiots scare me, as they are unpredictable. Same thing that keeps the pucker factor up on anybody that has been in charge of as many ranges and live qualifications as I. They can ruin your whole damn day, I swear.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
you're afraid of something. Tell us what scares you then if not the gun, the gun is inanimate object.
Idiots scare me, as they are unpredictable. Same thing that keeps the pucker factor up on anybody that has been in charge of as many ranges and live qualifications as I. They can ruin your whole damn day, I swear.
At the prison the range the "instructor" said he would shoot anyone that pointed a gun at him. He also said hollow points were banned because they over penetrate.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

Why? Why do we need to ban AR-15 rifles....rifles that operate the same way as every other rifle, pistol and shotgun that is semi-automatic...........

There are 20 million of these rifles in private hands in the U.S. ..... knives are used to kill more people each and every year than these about 5X.... Clubs and bare hands kill more people than these rifles....

There is no sane, rational reason to ban these rifles.....none.

They operate the same way as every other semi-automatic rifle, pistol and shotgun.....there is no difference.

The only reason anti-gun extremists want to ban the AR-15 is because it is their Trojan Horse.....they get people like you to parrot their irrational talking get this rifle banned....

Then......they come back and say, you allowed us to ban the AR-15 because you agree it is dangerous.....we now get to ban every other semi-automatic pistol, rifle and shotgun because they are the same as the AR-15.......

You have no rational reason to ban these rifles....
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
I don't disagree that ALL PEOPLE should have MANDATORY gun training. I believe that is part of the DUTY of every citizen.

It still does not change the FACT that gun regulation is unconstitutional and a violation of the unalienable right to self defense of any kind.

YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should understand that.

The solution is not more regulation of the tools. That will NEVER work to do anything but FURTHER erode the unalienable right.
Bootney, you know darn well many of our fellow citizens are not willing to do what you and I regard as part of the DUTY of every citizen. You and I differ on the importance of the words "well regulated" in the second amendment. You probably had some time in service and seen it done correctly. Most have not and are really clueless, especially if not raised with weapons for hunting and sport from an early age by a father that had been properly trained. I think your a Texan and probably had that benefit, also. I understand your interpretation of the amendment, having heard it and discussed it before. We just disagree because times have changed since the 1790s, population density has changed, weaponry has changed also. I don't fear the red hoard taking over the country as people did in the 50s or that some idiot president will listen to his disgraced General and declare martial law. Uncle Sugar is not coming for my weapons or yours either. Responsible ownership and use requires some amount of regulation and training.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
I don't disagree that ALL PEOPLE should have MANDATORY gun training. I believe that is part of the DUTY of every citizen.

It still does not change the FACT that gun regulation is unconstitutional and a violation of the unalienable right to self defense of any kind.

YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should understand that.

The solution is not more regulation of the tools. That will NEVER work to do anything but FURTHER erode the unalienable right.
Bootney, you know darn well many of our fellow citizens are not willing to do what you and I regard as part of the DUTY of every citizen. You and I differ on the importance of the words "well regulated" in the second amendment. You probably had some time in service and seen it done correctly. Most have not and are really clueless, especially if not raised with weapons for hunting and sport from an early age by a father that had been properly trained. I think your a Texan and probably had that benefit, also. I understand your interpretation of the amendment, having heard it and discussed it before. We just disagree because times have changed since the 1790s, population density has changed, weaponry has changed also. I don't fear the red hoard taking over the country as people did in the 50s or that some idiot president will listen to his disgraced General and declare martial law. Uncle Sugar is not coming for my weapons or yours either. Responsible ownership and use requires some amount of regulation and training.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is.
Wrong. Many of us will and do and would be willing to go along with "sensible" regulation. We just cannot write it and enact it individually. That is why we have representative legislature. Problem is, legislature is in gridlock on the issue, and a lot of money is made on the issue. The issue has been demagogued to death and the only ones profiting from it are the NRA, the gun manufacturers, the lobbyists and selected politicians.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is.
Wrong. Many of us will and do and would be willing to go along with "sensible" regulation. We just cannot write it and enact it individually. That is why we have representative legislature. Problem is, legislature is in gridlock on the issue, and a lot of money is made on the issue. The issue has been demagogued to death and the only ones profiting from it are the NRA, the gun manufacturers, the lobbyists and selected politicians.

The Nazi Democrat party profits off their ass from gun driven fundraising, how do you possibly not know that?

You have a vision defect? You don't see things you don't agree with?
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is.
Wrong. Many of us will and do and would be willing to go along with "sensible" regulation. We just cannot write it and enact it individually. That is why we have representative legislature. Problem is, legislature is in gridlock on the issue, and a lot of money is made on the issue. The issue has been demagogued to death and the only ones profiting from it are the NRA, the gun manufacturers, the lobbyists and selected politicians.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is. Proof^^.
You and I differ on the importance of the words "well regulated" in the second amendment.

What do the words mean?

White 6 is a government educated reader. He literally can't read a sentence. "Well-regulated" is part of the explanation for the amendment. It's not a restriction on it. So it doesn't matter what it means. He'd know that if he had basic reading skills.

He also doesn't know what "regulated" means. He thinks "regulated" means by government. Had he read ANY of the founders description of gun rights, he'd know it sure doesn't mean that
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
you're afraid of something. Tell us what scares you then if not the gun, the gun is inanimate object.
Idiots scare me, as they are unpredictable. Same thing that keeps the pucker factor up on anybody that has been in charge of as many ranges and live qualifications as I. They can ruin your whole damn day, I swear.
how does one find idiots? I think that is the actual problem, with no resolution. using gun bans harms all, and does not address the idiots. So the target object isn't ever incorporated in the interim avoidance and punishes everyone who aren't idiots. Seems, quite frankly, idiodic. Which then makes those implementing such nonsense the idiots and we should avoid them.

Agree, my hat goes off to those who run ranges, no one ever knows if one member is actually an idiot. That has already happened before.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
Note: All gun banners never will say what "sensible" is.
Wrong. Many of us will and do and would be willing to go along with "sensible" regulation. We just cannot write it and enact it individually. That is why we have representative legislature. Problem is, legislature is in gridlock on the issue, and a lot of money is made on the issue. The issue has been demagogued to death and the only ones profiting from it are the NRA, the gun manufacturers, the lobbyists and selected politicians.

Any regulation by the federal government is automatically not sensible.
Not only does the constitution forbid any federal regulation of weapons, but obviously in a frontier location like Alaska, you would want to keep a rifle on the easily accessible mantle, so that even juveniles had easy access if necessary.
Any firearm regulation has to be local, and minimal. The individual needs vary far to much for distant federal interference.

When it comes to high murder rates, clearly those are caused by other factors than firearm accessibility. And it is those causal factors we should be trying to address instead of attempting to just cover up the real problems by reducing the noticeable symptoms. Like poverty, injustice, lack of education, lack of opportunity, etc. Those are the real causes of crime, and actually can be fairly easily fixed, far more easily than with gun control, which actually increases the fundamental problems.

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