Biden Calls For A Gun Ban After Colorado Shooting

The fed keeps tabs on lots of folks, hell, I have had a file since at least 2003..... that's not the same as them having a full, round the clock surveillance team in place on these people ready to intercede in the event of criminal activity.

Do you all have any idea how many trained bodies that takes?
Indeed, it’s why it’s hilarious
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
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Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry, except there is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Depends on quite a lot
Gun control isn't a gun ban.
Yes it is. For the love of sour yak milk.

I have never even been arrested in my nearly 50 years on earth. I have had several psych evaluations with no problems.

Are you telling me that this new "gun control" the commies are proposing will NOT limit my access to certain weapons currently available?

Please tell me you are not serious.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
You brought it up. You blamed the Democrats for blocking health care coverage.
You're a liar, as al lcan see. I did not bring up HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are contiuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

There's already laws on the books concerning mental illness and gun ownership. Just like all other laws, enforcement is what's lacking. It's always what's lacking.


The problem with the laws on the books is that they are mostly unconstitutional because there is no due process. They allow for example Veterans affairs to unilaterally remove your gun rights. That clearly violates due process.

On the other hand, there is no good court system way to hear cases to establish someone is mentally unfit. So it's a real problem both ways.

We need to set up court processes for mental cases so Constitutional rights are not Unconstitutionally removed but there is a way to process actual mental cases
Mental hospitals were mostly closed by demofks. It’s all them, every mother fking thing a result of demofks

It was both.
The movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" got the liberal involvement in closing them, but it was Reagan who did it, to save money and cut taxes.

And the liberals then and now fought every step of the way......

Oh, wait, no they didn't. DURR
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
...Criminals won't obey those laws...
At least not until those laws exist on the FEDERAL level and not until the Federal government has crucified (very long prison sentences) a few thousand violators.

...Likewise with the latest 2 mass shooters they had no prior felonies...
Yep. So we'll need a deeper background investigation. And, of course, some are going to fall through the cracks, regardless.

But you play the ponies... you play the percentages... and if mandatory and deep background checks in all cases ends-up catching half of them... it's worth it.

...So no red flag on the sale. How come you guys never bring this up with daily hood shootings in Chicago?
Good point.

Chicago is a clusterphukk when it comes to regulating firearms and the gang-animals on the South and West Sides won't listen until they're in jail for a while.

The boys-in-the-hood just drive 15-20 miles around the bottom of Lake Michigan and get their stuff in Indiana.

Or gang-folk make 'road trips' to more gun-friendly states and come back with a bootleg trunk full of 'em.

Both scenarios could be avoided if (a) we make illegal possession of a firearm a
major felony and (b) we present and enforce the same laws across the nation.

It won't eliminate such traffic but if consistently applied over the course of a few years it should put a whopping-big dent in it. Also worthwhile.
The States have had 230+ years to figure this out and they're still screwing-up.

Time to either (a) take control away from them or (b) issue Federal guidelines that each State must comply with.

Not to take guns away.... not to infringe upon rights... but to save lives by ensuring that the "militia" is "well regulated" with respect to firearms.

* Federal database accessible to both law enforcement and private citizens
* Federal identification number for each firearm owner
* Federal identification number for each firearm
* Federal identification number for each approved firearms transfer ( sale, inheritance, loan, etc. )
* Mandatory waiting period for all transfers ( no more same-day transfers, including gun-shows )
* Federal Red Flagging of citizens prohibited from possessing firearms ( and related mechanisms for disputing or removing or renewing )
* Federal enforcement of Federal standards in jurisdictions designated as not complying with Federal statute on the subject
* No transfers ( sale, inheritance, loan, etc. ) without a Federal transaction-approval number
* Limits on the number of firearms ( a half-dozen?) that any single citizen can own
* Limits on the amount of ammunition ( a couple of hundred rounds per weapon? ) that any single citizen can own
* Limits on the capacity of magazines ( twenty rounds? thirty? ) for any repeating weapon
* Standards for secure storage and transportation of weapons and ammunition
* Mandatory Federal background investigation prior to issuing a license - with provision for periodic (once every 2-3 renewals?) refresh
* Mandatory training for any class of weapons owned - Federal standards for training content and testing and periodic ( every 10 years? ) refresher
* Refusal or revocation of license or registration to felons or mental defectives - and seizure of weapons owned by same - permanent or temporary
* Seizure of weapons from suspects in violent-crime cases (automatic)
* Seizure of weapons from those reported to have psychological illness ( court warrant required )
* Seizure of weapons from those in violation of licensing or registration or ownership regulations ( court warrant required )
* Compensation for cash value of related items seized for non-criminal cases
* Death penalty for those convicted of intentional killing of another human being using a firearm
* Long prison sentences for those convicted of non-accidental non-lethal injury to another human being using a firearm
* Long prison sentences for any other crime committed using a firearm
* Medium prison sentences for anyone found in possession of a firearm without license or registration ( allowance made for late renewals, etc. )

The same crap pulled by every country that ever stripped their citizens of their ability to defend themselves.

Nobody's looking to take away your pop-guns, Mister Paranoid.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
You wear a mask without evidence it works, guess you jumped
The States have had 230+ years to figure this out and they're still screwing-up.

Time to either (a) take control away from them or (b) issue Federal guidelines that each State must comply with.

Not to take guns away.... not to infringe upon rights... but to save lives by ensuring that the "militia" is "well regulated" with respect to firearms.

* Federal database accessible to both law enforcement and private citizens
* Federal identification number for each firearm owner
* Federal identification number for each firearm
* Federal identification number for each approved firearms transfer ( sale, inheritance, loan, etc. )
* Mandatory waiting period for all transfers ( no more same-day transfers, including gun-shows )
* Federal Red Flagging of citizens prohibited from possessing firearms ( and related mechanisms for disputing or removing or renewing )
* Federal enforcement of Federal standards in jurisdictions designated as not complying with Federal statute on the subject
* No transfers ( sale, inheritance, loan, etc. ) without a Federal transaction-approval number
* Limits on the number of firearms ( a half-dozen?) that any single citizen can own
* Limits on the amount of ammunition ( a couple of hundred rounds per weapon? ) that any single citizen can own
* Limits on the capacity of magazines ( twenty rounds? thirty? ) for any repeating weapon
* Standards for secure storage and transportation of weapons and ammunition
* Mandatory Federal background investigation prior to issuing a license - with provision for periodic (once every 2-3 renewals?) refresh
* Mandatory training for any class of weapons owned - Federal standards for training content and testing and periodic ( every 10 years? ) refresher
* Refusal or revocation of license or registration to felons or mental defectives - and seizure of weapons owned by same - permanent or temporary
* Seizure of weapons from suspects in violent-crime cases (automatic)
* Seizure of weapons from those reported to have psychological illness ( court warrant required )
* Seizure of weapons from those in violation of licensing or registration or ownership regulations ( court warrant required )
* Compensation for cash value of related items seized for non-criminal cases
* Death penalty for those convicted of intentional killing of another human being using a firearm
* Long prison sentences for those convicted of non-accidental non-lethal injury to another human being using a firearm
* Long prison sentences for any other crime committed using a firearm
* Medium prison sentences for anyone found in possession of a firearm without license or registration ( allowance made for late renewals, etc. )

The same crap pulled by every country that ever stripped their citizens of their ability to defend themselves.

Nobody's looking to take away your pop-guns, Mister Paranoid.
What is it then? Explain how you know that?
...Criminals won't obey those laws...
At least not until those laws exist on the FEDERAL level and not until the Federal government has crucified (very long prison sentences) a few thousand violators.

...Likewise with the latest 2 mass shooters they had no prior felonies...
Yep. So we'll need a deeper background investigation. And, of course, some are going to fall through the cracks, regardless.

But you play the ponies... you play the percentages... and if mandatory and deep background checks in all cases ends-up catching half of them... it's worth it.

...So no red flag on the sale. How come you guys never bring this up with daily hood shootings in Chicago?
Good point.

Chicago is a clusterphukk when it comes to regulating firearms and the gang-animals on the South and West Sides won't listen until they're in jail for a while.

The boys-in-the-hood just drive 15-20 miles around the bottom of Lake Michigan and get their stuff in Indiana.

Or gang-folk make 'road trips' to more gun-friendly states and come back with a bootleg trunk full of 'em.

Both scenarios could be avoided if (a) we make illegal possession of a firearm a
major felony and (b) we present and enforce the same laws across the nation.

It won't eliminate such traffic but if consistently applied over the course of a few years it should put a whopping-big dent in it. Also worthwhile.
The gangs run the city, and you as a stupid demofk will never admit it. Cops stand down to defund and prosecutors don’t prosecute, and again, demofks say fking nothing. On all of you deaths in the hood.

jussie smollett was all anyone needed to see. Fk you!
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
You wear a mask without evidence it works, guess you jumped
I've filter water with filtration that did not take out everything, but it was definitely cleaner than unfilters and I have coughed with and without covering my mouth and know that without covering lets spittle fly farther. So, it makes sense. By the time they came up with their precautions, I had already caught it, flying on an airplane from Memphis to Texas, when they thought it was only in Washington state. So I followed nobody. Just acting on my own best interests as I see them. Worked out well for me and everybody around me, all my life.
You brought it up. You blamed the Democrats for blocking health care coverage.
You're a liar, as al lcan see. I did not bring up HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are contiuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?

So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?
> So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?

It's a great question, and I would like to chime in on the mental health issue, speaking as a huge 2A proponent myself with some possibly relevant experience...

I have helped out a mentally-disabled person for over two decades. He's basically retarded and was a complete stranger to me when a preacher hooked me up with an opportunity for karma.

Social Security admin has declared him incompetent to manage the money they send him, and rightly so. But he does not see mental health professionals, nor does he need to. He is pretty much self-sufficient, with some exceptions.

He certainly should not have a gun. He gets really crazy ideas occasionally, like people tapping his phone, but he is not really mentally ill, IMO, he is simply very dumb and gullible to what other people tell him.

He could walk into a gun store today, and if he had the money, he could legally walk out with a gun, as he has no criminal record nor documented treatment by mental health professionals. Really, the only barriers to him doing so is that he has no desire to, he is illiterate and cannot possibly complete the background check form without assistance, and hopefully the gun shop owner would have some integrity and not be willing to sell to him, noting he is not all right in the head, but you can't expect gun shop owners to assess a person's mental health or other cognitive ability.

I don't know what the solution is either. It has previously been proposed that people who receive social security benefits, but have been deemed incompetent to handle their own finances should be prohibited from possessing a firearm.

I am not really in favor of that, as not being able to handle one's finances does not necessarily mean one cannot responsibly handle a firearm, and some people in this category probably have a real need to be able to defend themselves from bad people in the communities they live in, or bad people they have personally known.

It's complicated, and I don't know the solution. For sure, though, if the government is going to infringe upon someone's fundamental constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, the government needs to show probably cause, followed by adjudicating proving such infringement is reasonable and necessary.

You brought it up. You blamed the Democrats for blocking health care coverage.
You're a liar, as al lcan see. I did not bring up HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are contiuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?

So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?
> So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?

It's a great question, and I would like to chime in on the mental health issue, speaking as a huge 2A proponent myself with some possibly relevant experience...

I have helped out a mentally-disabled person for over two decades. He's basically retarded and was a complete stranger to me when a preacher hooked me up with an opportunity for karma.

Social Security admin has declared him incompetent to manage the money they send him, and rightly so. But he does not see mental health professionals, nor does he need to. He is pretty much self-sufficient, with some exceptions.

He certainly should not have a gun. He gets really crazy ideas occasionally, like people tapping his phone, but he is not really mentally ill, IMO, he is simply very dumb and gullible to what other people tell him.

He could walk into a gun store today, and if he had the money, he could legally walk out with a gun, as he has no criminal record nor documented treatment by mental health professionals. Really, the only barriers to him doing so is that he has no desire to, he is illiterate and cannot possibly complete the background check form without assistance, and hopefully the gun shop owner would have some integrity and not be willing to sell to him, noting he is not all right in the head, but you can't expect gun shop owners to assess a person's mental health or other cognitive ability.

I don't know what the solution is either. It has previously been proposed that people who receive social security benefits, but have been deemed incompetent to handle their own finances should be prohibited from possessing a firearm.

I am not really in favor of that, as not being able to handle one's finances does not necessarily mean one cannot responsibly handle a firearm, and some people in this category probably have a real need to be able to defend themselves from bad people in the communities they live in, or bad people they have personally known.

It's complicated, and I don't know the solution. For sure, though, if the government is going to infringe upon someone's fundamental constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, the government needs to show probably cause, followed by adjudicating proving such infringement is reasonable and necessary.

The solution is functional families and caring communities made up of people with character, morals, and integrity.

If you don't have one, build one..... you got something better to do?
The States have had 230+ years to figure this out and they're still screwing-up.

Time to either (a) take control away from them or (b) issue Federal guidelines that each State must comply with.

Not to take guns away.... not to infringe upon rights... but to save lives by ensuring that the "militia" is "well regulated" with respect to firearms.

* Federal database accessible to both law enforcement and private citizens
* Federal identification number for each firearm owner
* Federal identification number for each firearm
* Federal identification number for each approved firearms transfer ( sale, inheritance, loan, etc. )
* Mandatory waiting period for all transfers ( no more same-day transfers, including gun-shows )
* Federal Red Flagging of citizens prohibited from possessing firearms ( and related mechanisms for disputing or removing or renewing )
* Federal enforcement of Federal standards in jurisdictions designated as not complying with Federal statute on the subject
* No transfers ( sale, inheritance, loan, etc. ) without a Federal transaction-approval number
* Limits on the number of firearms ( a half-dozen?) that any single citizen can own
* Limits on the amount of ammunition ( a couple of hundred rounds per weapon? ) that any single citizen can own
* Limits on the capacity of magazines ( twenty rounds? thirty? ) for any repeating weapon
* Standards for secure storage and transportation of weapons and ammunition
* Mandatory Federal background investigation prior to issuing a license - with provision for periodic (once every 2-3 renewals?) refresh
* Mandatory training for any class of weapons owned - Federal standards for training content and testing and periodic ( every 10 years? ) refresher
* Refusal or revocation of license or registration to felons or mental defectives - and seizure of weapons owned by same - permanent or temporary
* Seizure of weapons from suspects in violent-crime cases (automatic)
* Seizure of weapons from those reported to have psychological illness ( court warrant required )
* Seizure of weapons from those in violation of licensing or registration or ownership regulations ( court warrant required )
* Compensation for cash value of related items seized for non-criminal cases
* Death penalty for those convicted of intentional killing of another human being using a firearm
* Long prison sentences for those convicted of non-accidental non-lethal injury to another human being using a firearm
* Long prison sentences for any other crime committed using a firearm
* Medium prison sentences for anyone found in possession of a firearm without license or registration ( allowance made for late renewals, etc. )

The same crap pulled by every country that ever stripped their citizens of their ability to defend themselves.

Nobody's looking to take away your pop-guns, Mister Paranoid.

Not only is gun control about confiscation, most politicians like Harris and Biden have been talking about specifically confiscating the 20 million ARs now legally owned.
So some liberal extremist, Trump-Hating Whack-a-doodle with a Muslim-sounding name goes on a shooting spree, and Biden and the Democrats rush to use this as an excuse to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights.

During the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic-terrorist violence of Antifa looting, pillaging, destroying, arsonist, raping, assaulting, and murdering Antifa terrorist acts in Democrat-run communities all over the country - that caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage and destroyed many Americans businesses / dreams...

Democrats arrested a couple for holding their legally-owned, Constitutionally protected personal weapons on their own property in front of their own house - in a 'Stand-Your Ground' state, to protect themselves and ther home from violent protestors who threatened their lives and threatened to burn down their House.

The trespassing terrorists were arrested for trespassing....and have already been released. The case by a liberal extremist AG against the couple is still on-going, has not been dropped, despite the fact that they did not do anything illegal and a bipartisan effort to get the charges dropped is on-going.

Biden and the Democrats, who are just screwing the majority of Americans as hard as they can as fast as they can have turned DC into the Iraqi 'Green Zone' defended by National Guard Troops because they are so deathly afraid that the Americans they are screwing and whose country they are turning into a 3rd-world socialist tyrannical country are going to rise up against them for what they are doing.

To ensure a successful revolt against their tyrannical transformation f this nation into a single-party Socialist state they HAVE to take the guns out of the hands of the people.

'Hell yes, we are coming after your AR-15s!'
- A bill has already been submitted by proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Diane Feinstein

Hell YES, we are coming for your guns. There was never any doubt.
Gun control isn't a gun ban. No reasonable person should believe that's the case.


For example dumb like a parrot, if I cross the border next door into the St. of Ca. PROGS ruined....

A. I can't have a magazine greater than 10 rounds.
B. I can't have any rounds with the gun.
C The pistol has to be locked away separate the rounds.
D. The rounds have to be locked away separate the pistol.

Bodes well if confronted by a bear or SCUMBAG who packs a gun illegally. Wait, TIME OUT, we have to play fair. My record and credit is CLEAN. That's your PROG scum, and you're just a mouth. Read the Constitution, that's a clear infraction of our Constitutional rights.

And scumbags could give a flying fuck about gun control, shame we can't send you into the front line for a real education. Become a cop, East LA, what comes first, you break down and leave early or you're educated then leave early because you don't have the stomach for it?
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
You wear a mask without evidence it works, guess you jumped
I've filter water with filtration that did not take out everything, but it was definitely cleaner than unfilters and I have coughed with and without covering my mouth and know that without covering lets spittle fly farther. So, it makes sense. By the time they came up with their precautions, I had already caught it, flying on an airplane from Memphis to Texas, when they thought it was only in Washington state. So I followed nobody. Just acting on my own best interests as I see them. Worked out well for me and everybody around me, all my life.
So what, you believe we cough while we breathe? You’re insane. How often do you cough, while you’re walking, shitting, talking? Or when you’re ill? Stupid fks all of you. My fking god. Btw, I stay home when I’m ill. Fk
...The gangs run the city...
Yes, they do, to a very large extent, at the neighborhood level, on the South and West Sides.

...and you as a stupid demofk will never admit it...
1. I am no Democrat

2. I just admitted it.

...Cops stand down to defund and prosecutors don’t prosecute, and again, demofks say fking nothing. On all of you deaths in the hood...
Is there a coherent sentence in there somewhere, Princess?

...jussie smollett was all anyone needed to see...
What-the-hell does that twit have to do with whether or not gun-violence in Chicago is out of control?

...Fk you!
Doubtful, my litte internet butt-floss... put down the bottle of Jack and sober-up before you interact with me again, eh?

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