Biden calls Fox reporter a “stupid SOB” after he asks question

Those are not annual inflation rates. Those are the inflation rates for December in each respective year.

So do you think a 6.81% inflation rate is a political liability for Biden?

And do you think like Biden said, “It’s a great asset”?

inflation rate2.jpg
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Hey dumbfuck. It’s YOU idiots who are showing your hypocrisy. YOU idiots are defending Xiden for the same behavior you cried about for 4 years. We are merely pointing it out.
Trump was relentless about this behavior for years. Biden mutters one thing under his breath and now they’re the same?

The hell it is.
Hey dumbfuck. It’s YOU idiots who are showing your hypocrisy. YOU idiots are defending Xiden for the same behavior you cried about for 4 years. We are merely pointing it out.
You cannot see the difference with branding the press "fake news". Using the most powerful position in the USA to undermine the freedom of the press to calling on reporter a son of a bitch.

I cannot believe how stupid the whole Trump cult is. Fricking idiots.
I bet Joe's approval rating goes up by at least two points. Calling a reporter, "a stupid son of bitch" is a plus these days.
He would not allow Acosta from CNN into any more press briefings because he did not like his questions.
There is plenty you can go after Biden on but definitely not on the way he treats the press compared to Trump. You are all idiots.
The Playboy correspondent and a Washington Post reporter, also, because he was pissed that Jeff Bezos bought the Post, and is an actual billionaire.
Which liberal reporters asked that question? Oh, none?

So are they either dumber than the stupid son of a bitch, or are they too busy kissing Biden's ass? Those are the only choices.
A conservative reporter should ask.
If you read the "real" free press you would find much is being reported on the inflation and Biden.
Whose fault is it? What can be done. We should all be asking the question reading many different opinions.
But a dumbass like you will listen to NewsMax and call it a day.
How do you know exactly what Hunter knows or doesn't know about oil?

Why are you watching his money?
Hey dummy, Crackhead Hunter has repeatedly admitted he knew nothing about oil or natural gas. Hell, he didn’t even speak the language. Swing and miss. Again.
Yes, even if you did not ask it, you are a stupid son of a bitch

So do you think a 6.81% inflation rate is a political liability for Biden?

And do you think like Biden said, a 6.81% inflation rate is "a great asset”?
What steps would you take to reduce inflation?

You tell me: I'm not the President, Joe Biden is.

So is a 6.81% inflation rate a political liability for Biden?

And do you think like Biden said, a 6.815 inflation rate is “a great asset”?
And he's not incorrect. As far as the decorum, what did you expect? That's the price this country paid for letting a carnival barking fraud near the White House. If you are going to give, you should expect to get. Personally, I think Doocy is a moron. The fact that he got hot miked...must piss him off to no end. :)
You fascists, God knows, you haven't any shame, no hypocrisy is to great for you to embrace, what filth you shameless animals are! :fu:
Orange Man bad.... wait for it
Simple minded people look to Trump or Biden.
People who are intelligent look at domestic and global economy. The US and global leadership over the past decade. The pandemic. And much more.

But someone as stupid as you figure it is either Biden or Trump. And since you love Trump it must be Biden. Good thinking!

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