Biden calls white supremacists ‘demented’

Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

We are all racists.....just human nature.

Oh we can play games like this .......the name of the game is to divide weaken America....and once enough chaos has been instigated....then those who love totalitarianism will advocate for a one party system to restore unity.

Let us be honest.....there are white supremacists, there are black supremacists .....should we lock up everyone who has a belief we consider wrong? Who is going to be the great decider....the one who decides who gets sent to the camps?

Anyhow.....some on here predicted this sort of thing would happen if biden got elected.

He is going to stir up more hatred and division amongst the races than even obama did.

How long before we start seeing rioting, looting and burning in all our big cities.....that is what the media and the democrats destroy America.

We are still a two party system. Your party lost the last presidential election, and your members are abandoning you like rats from a sinking ship. If you maintain your unethical behavior, it might seem like a one party system to you.


Your side is the one whining about it being a one party system. You planning on folding your party and going away, leaving the Democrats as the only major party? That would be a one party system.

It is not any "unethical behavior" that is harming our party, but your sides lies and criminal refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

To the extent that that has succeeded, we are already in an defacto One Party System.

That is an injustice and an oppression that speaking out against is called for.

For you to minimize that as "whining" is you being a fucking asshole.

No. It's whining all right. You lost, and no amount of trump lies can change that.

No, it's you being a fucking asshole. ANdn a coward.

That's Mr Asshole to you BooBoo. An asshole whose party has the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. You don't have to like it, but you should accept it for your own mental health.

You guys didn't .

Why do you expect us to play by the rules when you don't?

You destroyed that game. Now you whine like a faggot because we notice and are not playing by the old rules?

I'm sorry. If what you say is true, then we have all made a terrible mistake. All you have to do is point out the rule that says we should overthrow a fair election and give the presidency to trump just because he came up with that big lie, and we will correct it all and put trump back into the Oval Office with a humble appology for his inconvienence. The entire country anxiously awaits your link to that rule.

Not what I was referring to, but thanks for the offer.

No, I was referring to your control of teh flow of information and your various methods of not letting us get a real turn in.

I remember a debate I saw a lib moderate.

During the conservative guest turn the liberal guest constantly interrupted and talked over the conservative guest and did not let her make her case.

Then on the liberal's turn, the conservative returned the favor. THe moderator told the conservative guest to give the liberal guest time to make her case.

The conservative refused to be silenced. If she did not get a fair turn to make her case, then the liberal would not either.

That is what you guys did to TRump.

Biden should get the same treatment. Though he won't. Because we are not vile scum of the earth like you are.

BUt we can do what we can do.

I'm guessing you never watched The 5 on fox. That could be used as a training film on not letting someone get a word in edgewise.

Different shows have different rules.

I used my example to explain my point to you.

Address it or not.

You want me to address your example of some debate you say you saw with some unnamed participants, and an unnamed moderator? You're kidding, right?

Nope. I was clear that I offered that example to explain my point about the breakdown of democracy into an ONe Party State.

You can address that or not.

I did address your obviously made up scenario with a real example of a person not being allowed to make their point. If you want me to condemn that behavior, then OK. A fair discussion requires all participants having the opportunity to make their points uninterrupted. Now please explain how your made up example of an unfair debate has anything to do with proving we have a one party system, or that anybody even wants one.

We, ie traditional Americans have been ignored by the political class for a long time, for reasons.

Trump spoke up for US and we supported him and he won. He won big. We had the white house, both houses of congress and the court.

According to the rules it was "our turn".

You people used extra legal means to sabotage our turn and unfairly shorten it.

YOu "talked over" us.

Now, that it is your turn, you want to be able to have your turn.

I ask, why should we follow the rules, if you did not?

And that, is the end of the Two Party System.

A system where only one side gets it's wins respected, is not really a two side system.

Wow. You think that one election made trump president forever. You're dumber than I thought. We have always had elections every four years. Look it up.

I knew that you would not address my point.

Perhaps your point wasn't very pointy. We have a two party system, and that won't change until one party goes away. You planning on packing it in and quitting? I know we aren't.

You "talked over us" on our turn. That ended the Two Party System.

We got more voters than you did, and people are leaving your party in droves. Sorry about your Blues

Not really relevant to this complaint. Oh, wait, you just trying to change the subject because you can't defend your sides actions?

I guess I can't blame you. Your actions were vile and stupid and wrong.

Biden ran a better campaign than Trump, and trump lost the election. The subject has been covered. Your silly attempt to find an excuse for your loss is just that, a silly attempt.
Ok, how many ws are there in the country, if it is "the number one threat" as your president Biden claims?
At least 75 million of them.

Like I said, when liberals say "ws" what they really mean, is " my political enemies".

Thanks for your honesty.

Too bad Biden is not so honest.

Hey stupid. Liberals don't have "political enemies" among the American people. Neither do conservatives. There are people who disagree with your policies. They are not your "enemies". Russia is your enemy. Democrats are not. Your paraphrasing is yet another lie.

And yes, Trump voters are the #1 threat to the nation. Most importantly because they believe what Trump tells them. Without question.
Moon Bats are certifiably demented and a beaucoup dinky dau.

Well there is a well a succinct response, if not factually true.
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

We are all racists.....just human nature.

Oh we can play games like this .......the name of the game is to divide weaken America....and once enough chaos has been instigated....then those who love totalitarianism will advocate for a one party system to restore unity.

Let us be honest.....there are white supremacists, there are black supremacists .....should we lock up everyone who has a belief we consider wrong? Who is going to be the great decider....the one who decides who gets sent to the camps?

Anyhow.....some on here predicted this sort of thing would happen if biden got elected.

He is going to stir up more hatred and division amongst the races than even obama did.

How long before we start seeing rioting, looting and burning in all our big cities.....that is what the media and the democrats destroy America.

We are still a two party system. Your party lost the last presidential election, and your members are abandoning you like rats from a sinking ship. If you maintain your unethical behavior, it might seem like a one party system to you.


Your side is the one whining about it being a one party system. You planning on folding your party and going away, leaving the Democrats as the only major party? That would be a one party system.

It is not any "unethical behavior" that is harming our party, but your sides lies and criminal refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

To the extent that that has succeeded, we are already in an defacto One Party System.

That is an injustice and an oppression that speaking out against is called for.

For you to minimize that as "whining" is you being a fucking asshole.

No. It's whining all right. You lost, and no amount of trump lies can change that.

No, it's you being a fucking asshole. ANdn a coward.

That's Mr Asshole to you BooBoo. An asshole whose party has the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. You don't have to like it, but you should accept it for your own mental health.

You guys didn't .

Why do you expect us to play by the rules when you don't?

You destroyed that game. Now you whine like a faggot because we notice and are not playing by the old rules?

I'm sorry. If what you say is true, then we have all made a terrible mistake. All you have to do is point out the rule that says we should overthrow a fair election and give the presidency to trump just because he came up with that big lie, and we will correct it all and put trump back into the Oval Office with a humble appology for his inconvienence. The entire country anxiously awaits your link to that rule.

Not what I was referring to, but thanks for the offer.

No, I was referring to your control of teh flow of information and your various methods of not letting us get a real turn in.

I remember a debate I saw a lib moderate.

During the conservative guest turn the liberal guest constantly interrupted and talked over the conservative guest and did not let her make her case.

Then on the liberal's turn, the conservative returned the favor. THe moderator told the conservative guest to give the liberal guest time to make her case.

The conservative refused to be silenced. If she did not get a fair turn to make her case, then the liberal would not either.

That is what you guys did to TRump.

Biden should get the same treatment. Though he won't. Because we are not vile scum of the earth like you are.

BUt we can do what we can do.

I'm guessing you never watched The 5 on fox. That could be used as a training film on not letting someone get a word in edgewise.

Different shows have different rules.

I used my example to explain my point to you.

Address it or not.

You want me to address your example of some debate you say you saw with some unnamed participants, and an unnamed moderator? You're kidding, right?

Nope. I was clear that I offered that example to explain my point about the breakdown of democracy into an ONe Party State.

You can address that or not.

I did address your obviously made up scenario with a real example of a person not being allowed to make their point. If you want me to condemn that behavior, then OK. A fair discussion requires all participants having the opportunity to make their points uninterrupted. Now please explain how your made up example of an unfair debate has anything to do with proving we have a one party system, or that anybody even wants one.

We, ie traditional Americans have been ignored by the political class for a long time, for reasons.

Trump spoke up for US and we supported him and he won. He won big. We had the white house, both houses of congress and the court.

According to the rules it was "our turn".

You people used extra legal means to sabotage our turn and unfairly shorten it.

YOu "talked over" us.

Now, that it is your turn, you want to be able to have your turn.

I ask, why should we follow the rules, if you did not?

And that, is the end of the Two Party System.

A system where only one side gets it's wins respected, is not really a two side system.

Trump didn't speak for you at all. He lied to you, used you, and screwed you over completely.

Trump did not win a single election. The people NEVER voted for him. The Republican Party has been a minority rule party since the year 2000, and it has held the White House for 12 of the past 20 years, while only winning one popular vote of the people in all that time. The Senators who voted to impeach President Trump represented

The two Presidents inflicted on the American people by the electoral college have been two of the worst President, in American history. Both were dishonest, corrupt, and incompetent, and both crashed the economy.

The Democratic Senators represent 42 million more voters than the Republicans Senators. The Senators who voted to convict Trump, represented 205 million people. Those who voted to acquit, represented 125 million people.

YOUR side held the House throughout the Obama Administration, despite losing the popular vote in the House in every election since 2006 except the 2010 election. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, "exact match", closing polling places in poor and minority neighbourhoods.

You've got a LOT of damn gall to sit there and post about "one side not getting its wins" when YOUR side didn't win this election, and then tried an insurrection to steal it, after not winning the popular vote in 2016.

Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on with that bullshit.

Thank you for demonstrating how you have not been playing by the rules.

My points stands, even stronger thanks to Dragonlady's help.

YOu people stopped playing by the rules when Trump won.

Hell, maybe earlier. But under President Trump, it became obvious.

And you sabotaged our turn.

We have no moral obligation to respect your turn.

A win btw, based on lies. YOU people could not have won without your lies, and your censorship.

Biden could have won without saying a word. Every trump rally sent more voters into Joe's column.

Especially the ones where he left his supporters in the freezing cold, with no ride to their cars and dozens had to be taken to hospital
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

We are all racists.....just human nature.

Oh we can play games like this .......the name of the game is to divide weaken America....and once enough chaos has been instigated....then those who love totalitarianism will advocate for a one party system to restore unity.

Let us be honest.....there are white supremacists, there are black supremacists .....should we lock up everyone who has a belief we consider wrong? Who is going to be the great decider....the one who decides who gets sent to the camps?

Anyhow.....some on here predicted this sort of thing would happen if biden got elected.

He is going to stir up more hatred and division amongst the races than even obama did.

How long before we start seeing rioting, looting and burning in all our big cities.....that is what the media and the democrats destroy America.

We are still a two party system. Your party lost the last presidential election, and your members are abandoning you like rats from a sinking ship. If you maintain your unethical behavior, it might seem like a one party system to you.


Your side is the one whining about it being a one party system. You planning on folding your party and going away, leaving the Democrats as the only major party? That would be a one party system.

It is not any "unethical behavior" that is harming our party, but your sides lies and criminal refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

To the extent that that has succeeded, we are already in an defacto One Party System.

That is an injustice and an oppression that speaking out against is called for.

For you to minimize that as "whining" is you being a fucking asshole.

No. It's whining all right. You lost, and no amount of trump lies can change that.

No, it's you being a fucking asshole. ANdn a coward.

That's Mr Asshole to you BooBoo. An asshole whose party has the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. You don't have to like it, but you should accept it for your own mental health.

You guys didn't .

Why do you expect us to play by the rules when you don't?

You destroyed that game. Now you whine like a faggot because we notice and are not playing by the old rules?

I'm sorry. If what you say is true, then we have all made a terrible mistake. All you have to do is point out the rule that says we should overthrow a fair election and give the presidency to trump just because he came up with that big lie, and we will correct it all and put trump back into the Oval Office with a humble appology for his inconvienence. The entire country anxiously awaits your link to that rule.

Not what I was referring to, but thanks for the offer.

No, I was referring to your control of teh flow of information and your various methods of not letting us get a real turn in.

I remember a debate I saw a lib moderate.

During the conservative guest turn the liberal guest constantly interrupted and talked over the conservative guest and did not let her make her case.

Then on the liberal's turn, the conservative returned the favor. THe moderator told the conservative guest to give the liberal guest time to make her case.

The conservative refused to be silenced. If she did not get a fair turn to make her case, then the liberal would not either.

That is what you guys did to TRump.

Biden should get the same treatment. Though he won't. Because we are not vile scum of the earth like you are.

BUt we can do what we can do.

I'm guessing you never watched The 5 on fox. That could be used as a training film on not letting someone get a word in edgewise.

Different shows have different rules.

I used my example to explain my point to you.

Address it or not.

You want me to address your example of some debate you say you saw with some unnamed participants, and an unnamed moderator? You're kidding, right?

Nope. I was clear that I offered that example to explain my point about the breakdown of democracy into an ONe Party State.

You can address that or not.

I did address your obviously made up scenario with a real example of a person not being allowed to make their point. If you want me to condemn that behavior, then OK. A fair discussion requires all participants having the opportunity to make their points uninterrupted. Now please explain how your made up example of an unfair debate has anything to do with proving we have a one party system, or that anybody even wants one.

We, ie traditional Americans have been ignored by the political class for a long time, for reasons.

Trump spoke up for US and we supported him and he won. He won big. We had the white house, both houses of congress and the court.

According to the rules it was "our turn".

You people used extra legal means to sabotage our turn and unfairly shorten it.

YOu "talked over" us.

Now, that it is your turn, you want to be able to have your turn.

I ask, why should we follow the rules, if you did not?

And that, is the end of the Two Party System.

A system where only one side gets it's wins respected, is not really a two side system.

Trump didn't speak for you at all. He lied to you, used you, and screwed you over completely.

Trump did not win a single election. The people NEVER voted for him. The Republican Party has been a minority rule party since the year 2000, and it has held the White House for 12 of the past 20 years, while only winning one popular vote of the people in all that time. The Senators who voted to impeach President Trump represented

The two Presidents inflicted on the American people by the electoral college have been two of the worst President, in American history. Both were dishonest, corrupt, and incompetent, and both crashed the economy.

The Democratic Senators represent 42 million more voters than the Republicans Senators. The Senators who voted to convict Trump, represented 205 million people. Those who voted to acquit, represented 125 million people.

YOUR side held the House throughout the Obama Administration, despite losing the popular vote in the House in every election since 2006 except the 2010 election. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, "exact match", closing polling places in poor and minority neighbourhoods.

You've got a LOT of damn gall to sit there and post about "one side not getting its wins" when YOUR side didn't win this election, and then tried an insurrection to steal it, after not winning the popular vote in 2016.

Fuck you, and the horse you rode in on with that bullshit.

Thank you for demonstrating how you have not been playing by the rules.

My points stands, even stronger thanks to Dragonlady's help.

YOu people stopped playing by the rules when Trump won.

Hell, maybe earlier. But under President Trump, it became obvious.

And you sabotaged our turn.

We have no moral obligation to respect your turn.

A win btw, based on lies. YOU people could not have won without your lies, and your censorship.

Biden could have won without saying a word. Every trump rally sent more voters into Joe's column.

Nope. Every lie that Big Media told, and Big Tech protected , sent more voters into Joe's column.

You ended the two party system.

Its a virus that needs to be stamped out and 100% of them are Trump supporters

Another flame op in the "politics" section.

It's the fascist way. You are consumed with hate and that makes the lies easy
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

We are all racists.....just human nature.

Oh we can play games like this .......the name of the game is to divide weaken America....and once enough chaos has been instigated....then those who love totalitarianism will advocate for a one party system to restore unity.

Let us be honest.....there are white supremacists, there are black supremacists .....should we lock up everyone who has a belief we consider wrong? Who is going to be the great decider....the one who decides who gets sent to the camps?

Anyhow.....some on here predicted this sort of thing would happen if biden got elected.

He is going to stir up more hatred and division amongst the races than even obama did.

How long before we start seeing rioting, looting and burning in all our big cities.....that is what the media and the democrats destroy America.

We are still a two party system. Your party lost the last presidential election, and your members are abandoning you like rats from a sinking ship. If you maintain your unethical behavior, it might seem like a one party system to you.


Your side is the one whining about it being a one party system. You planning on folding your party and going away, leaving the Democrats as the only major party? That would be a one party system.

It is not any "unethical behavior" that is harming our party, but your sides lies and criminal refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

To the extent that that has succeeded, we are already in an defacto One Party System.

That is an injustice and an oppression that speaking out against is called for.

For you to minimize that as "whining" is you being a fucking asshole.

No. It's whining all right. You lost, and no amount of trump lies can change that.

No, it's you being a fucking asshole. ANdn a coward.

That's Mr Asshole to you BooBoo. An asshole whose party has the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. You don't have to like it, but you should accept it for your own mental health.

You guys didn't .

Why do you expect us to play by the rules when you don't?

You destroyed that game. Now you whine like a faggot because we notice and are not playing by the old rules?

I'm sorry. If what you say is true, then we have all made a terrible mistake. All you have to do is point out the rule that says we should overthrow a fair election and give the presidency to trump just because he came up with that big lie, and we will correct it all and put trump back into the Oval Office with a humble appology for his inconvienence. The entire country anxiously awaits your link to that rule.

Not what I was referring to, but thanks for the offer.

No, I was referring to your control of teh flow of information and your various methods of not letting us get a real turn in.

I remember a debate I saw a lib moderate.

During the conservative guest turn the liberal guest constantly interrupted and talked over the conservative guest and did not let her make her case.

Then on the liberal's turn, the conservative returned the favor. THe moderator told the conservative guest to give the liberal guest time to make her case.

The conservative refused to be silenced. If she did not get a fair turn to make her case, then the liberal would not either.

That is what you guys did to TRump.

Biden should get the same treatment. Though he won't. Because we are not vile scum of the earth like you are.

BUt we can do what we can do.

I'm guessing you never watched The 5 on fox. That could be used as a training film on not letting someone get a word in edgewise.

Different shows have different rules.

I used my example to explain my point to you.

Address it or not.

You want me to address your example of some debate you say you saw with some unnamed participants, and an unnamed moderator? You're kidding, right?

Nope. I was clear that I offered that example to explain my point about the breakdown of democracy into an ONe Party State.

You can address that or not.

I did address your obviously made up scenario with a real example of a person not being allowed to make their point. If you want me to condemn that behavior, then OK. A fair discussion requires all participants having the opportunity to make their points uninterrupted. Now please explain how your made up example of an unfair debate has anything to do with proving we have a one party system, or that anybody even wants one.

We, ie traditional Americans have been ignored by the political class for a long time, for reasons.

Trump spoke up for US and we supported him and he won. He won big. We had the white house, both houses of congress and the court.

According to the rules it was "our turn".

You people used extra legal means to sabotage our turn and unfairly shorten it.

YOu "talked over" us.

Now, that it is your turn, you want to be able to have your turn.

I ask, why should we follow the rules, if you did not?

And that, is the end of the Two Party System.

A system where only one side gets it's wins respected, is not really a two side system.

Wow. You think that one election made trump president forever. You're dumber than I thought. We have always had elections every four years. Look it up.

I knew that you would not address my point.

Perhaps your point wasn't very pointy. We have a two party system, and that won't change until one party goes away. You planning on packing it in and quitting? I know we aren't.

You "talked over us" on our turn. That ended the Two Party System.

We got more voters than you did, and people are leaving your party in droves. Sorry about your Blues

Not really relevant to this complaint. Oh, wait, you just trying to change the subject because you can't defend your sides actions?

I guess I can't blame you. Your actions were vile and stupid and wrong.

Biden ran a better campaign than Trump, and trump lost the election. The subject has been covered. Your silly attempt to find an excuse for your loss is just that, a silly attempt.

Biden couldn't run late.

The election was stolen, by you people sabotaging our turn, and lying and censoring.

A Two Party System, where only one side's wins are respected, is called an One Party State.
"White supremacist" is the new black.

Blacks are welcome in our society.....White Supremacists are not

In reality, you're personally fine with either as long as they are democrats and you reject both if they are not.

Listen to any black Republican talk about how Democrat target them and you sit in your chair, pump your fist and say darn right, N... Learn your place
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

We are all racists.....just human nature.

Oh we can play games like this .......the name of the game is to divide weaken America....and once enough chaos has been instigated....then those who love totalitarianism will advocate for a one party system to restore unity.

Let us be honest.....there are white supremacists, there are black supremacists .....should we lock up everyone who has a belief we consider wrong? Who is going to be the great decider....the one who decides who gets sent to the camps?

Anyhow.....some on here predicted this sort of thing would happen if biden got elected.

He is going to stir up more hatred and division amongst the races than even obama did.

How long before we start seeing rioting, looting and burning in all our big cities.....that is what the media and the democrats destroy America.

We are still a two party system. Your party lost the last presidential election, and your members are abandoning you like rats from a sinking ship. If you maintain your unethical behavior, it might seem like a one party system to you.


Your side is the one whining about it being a one party system. You planning on folding your party and going away, leaving the Democrats as the only major party? That would be a one party system.

It is not any "unethical behavior" that is harming our party, but your sides lies and criminal refusal to respect the peaceful transfer of power.

To the extent that that has succeeded, we are already in an defacto One Party System.

That is an injustice and an oppression that speaking out against is called for.

For you to minimize that as "whining" is you being a fucking asshole.

No. It's whining all right. You lost, and no amount of trump lies can change that.

No, it's you being a fucking asshole. ANdn a coward.

That's Mr Asshole to you BooBoo. An asshole whose party has the Presidency, the Senate, and the House. You don't have to like it, but you should accept it for your own mental health.

You guys didn't .

Why do you expect us to play by the rules when you don't?

You destroyed that game. Now you whine like a faggot because we notice and are not playing by the old rules?

I'm sorry. If what you say is true, then we have all made a terrible mistake. All you have to do is point out the rule that says we should overthrow a fair election and give the presidency to trump just because he came up with that big lie, and we will correct it all and put trump back into the Oval Office with a humble appology for his inconvienence. The entire country anxiously awaits your link to that rule.

Not what I was referring to, but thanks for the offer.

No, I was referring to your control of teh flow of information and your various methods of not letting us get a real turn in.

I remember a debate I saw a lib moderate.

During the conservative guest turn the liberal guest constantly interrupted and talked over the conservative guest and did not let her make her case.

Then on the liberal's turn, the conservative returned the favor. THe moderator told the conservative guest to give the liberal guest time to make her case.

The conservative refused to be silenced. If she did not get a fair turn to make her case, then the liberal would not either.

That is what you guys did to TRump.

Biden should get the same treatment. Though he won't. Because we are not vile scum of the earth like you are.

BUt we can do what we can do.

I'm guessing you never watched The 5 on fox. That could be used as a training film on not letting someone get a word in edgewise.

Different shows have different rules.

I used my example to explain my point to you.

Address it or not.

You want me to address your example of some debate you say you saw with some unnamed participants, and an unnamed moderator? You're kidding, right?

Nope. I was clear that I offered that example to explain my point about the breakdown of democracy into an ONe Party State.

You can address that or not.

I did address your obviously made up scenario with a real example of a person not being allowed to make their point. If you want me to condemn that behavior, then OK. A fair discussion requires all participants having the opportunity to make their points uninterrupted. Now please explain how your made up example of an unfair debate has anything to do with proving we have a one party system, or that anybody even wants one.

We, ie traditional Americans have been ignored by the political class for a long time, for reasons.

Trump spoke up for US and we supported him and he won. He won big. We had the white house, both houses of congress and the court.

According to the rules it was "our turn".

You people used extra legal means to sabotage our turn and unfairly shorten it.

YOu "talked over" us.

Now, that it is your turn, you want to be able to have your turn.

I ask, why should we follow the rules, if you did not?

And that, is the end of the Two Party System.

A system where only one side gets it's wins respected, is not really a two side system.

Wow. You think that one election made trump president forever. You're dumber than I thought. We have always had elections every four years. Look it up.

I knew that you would not address my point.

Perhaps your point wasn't very pointy. We have a two party system, and that won't change until one party goes away. You planning on packing it in and quitting? I know we aren't.

You "talked over us" on our turn. That ended the Two Party System.

We got more voters than you did, and people are leaving your party in droves. Sorry about your Blues

Not really relevant to this complaint. Oh, wait, you just trying to change the subject because you can't defend your sides actions?

I guess I can't blame you. Your actions were vile and stupid and wrong.

Biden ran a better campaign than Trump, and trump lost the election. The subject has been covered. Your silly attempt to find an excuse for your loss is just that, a silly attempt.

Democrats stole the election, liar. That they tore down all validation of votes to enable cheating ... but then didn't cheat ... is just more of your fascist lies
Ok, how many ws are there in the country, if it is "the number one threat" as your president Biden claims?
At least 75 million of them.

Like I said, when liberals say "ws" what they really mean, is " my political enemies".

Thanks for your honesty.

Too bad Biden is not so honest.

Hey stupid. Liberals don't have "political enemies" among the American people. Neither do conservatives. There are people who disagree with your policies. They are not your "enemies". Russia is your enemy. Democrats are not. Your paraphrasing is yet another lie.

And yes, Trump voters are the #1 threat to the nation. Most importantly because they believe what Trump tells them. Without question.

1. Bass, who I was talking to, disagrees. He sees all Trump supporters as ws and as his enemy. And when I said political enemy, he corrected me to "factual enemies". So, you need to hash that out with him.

2. Bullshit. When you call someone a ws, or a nazi, you are not having a political disagreement, you are putting them in a category to be marginalized and destroyed.

3. And then you state that Trump voters are teh #1 threat to the nation. In the same post where you claim that you do not think of them as your enemies. LOL!!!
Some people think condemning white supremacy means condemning white people, that shows their inner bias and insecure racism.
That is exactly what condemning white supremacy means Poindexter.

It means condemning white supremacists not the white race itself on the whole, unless you think all whites are white devils.

Can we get some specifics? What do you think constitutes "white supremacy" and what exactly should the government do about it?
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

Your ignorance of history is obvious, so are your hilarious replies.

KKK White supremacist group started way back in 1868, all are 100% democrat whites.

Your ignorance of history is obvious, so are your hilarious replies.

The KKK group was not originally Democrats. The KKK was initially founded by returning Confederate soldiers and had nothing to do with persecuting blacks. It was meant to protect the South from northern carpetbaggers. It wasn't until the days of the Jim Crow Laws that the KKK was taken over by the old Southern Democrats.

Racism is neither Democrat nor Republican. Both parties have long racist histories. Only Republicans try to deny their racist past and pretend racism doesn't exist. Democrats repudiated racism in the 1960's. Republicans never have, and continue to this day to promote authoritarian, white supremacist policies.

Back in the 1980's, Ronald Reagan vetoed a bill which would condemn and sanction the white ruled Apartheid regime in South Africa. Republicans couldn't condemn Aparheid, because they have been working since Reagan to ensure that the USA remains segregated.
Some people think condemning white supremacy means condemning white people, that shows their inner bias and insecure racism.
That is exactly what condemning white supremacy means Poindexter.

It means condemning white supremacists not the white race itself on the whole, unless you think all whites are white devils.

Can we get some specifics? What do you think constitutes "white supremacy" and what exactly should the government do about it?

He already said. Vote for Trump equals ws, and he wants laws passed making thinking that illegal.
Some people think condemning white supremacy means condemning white people, that shows their inner bias and insecure racism.
That is exactly what condemning white supremacy means Poindexter.

It means condemning white supremacists not the white race itself on the whole, unless you think all whites are white devils.

Can we get some specifics? What do you think constitutes "white supremacy" and what exactly should the government do about it?

Elections in which only white votes are counted, or where white votes are given more "weight" than minority votes. A government in which white people hold ALL of the positions of power or succession.
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

Your ignorance of history is obvious, so are your hilarious replies.

KKK White supremacist group started way back in 1868, all are 100% democrat whites.

Your ignorance of history is obvious, so are your hilarious replies.

The KKK group was not originally Democrats. The KKK was initially founded by returning Confederate soldiers and had nothing to do with persecuting blacks. It was meant to protect the South from northern carpetbaggers. It wasn't until the days of the Jim Crow Laws that the KKK was taken over by the old Southern Democrats.

Racism is neither Democrat nor Republican. Both parties have long racist histories. Only Republicans try to deny their racist past and pretend racism doesn't exist. Democrats repudiated racism in the 1960's. Republicans never have, and continue to this day to promote authoritarian, white supremacist policies.

Back in the 1980's, Ronald Reagan vetoed a bill which would condemn and sanction the white ruled Apartheid regime in South Africa. Republicans couldn't condemn Aparheid, because they have been working since Reagan to ensure that the USA remains segregated.

Republicans desegregated more than dems did. Reagan did not want to put pressure on South African because he did not want it to flip to the Soviet side of the Cold War.

Your example is false. Your point is thus false.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

Your pretense otherwise is tearing this nation apart.
Biden should get busy, he has a lot of racist and racism to stomp out of his party.

Quit flapping your lips.

Name those racists, Republicans are the party of the racists

Your ignorance of history is obvious, so are your hilarious replies.

KKK White supremacist group started way back in 1868, all are 100% democrat whites.

Your ignorance of history is obvious, so are your hilarious replies.

The KKK group was not originally Democrats. The KKK was initially founded by returning Confederate soldiers and had nothing to do with persecuting blacks. It was meant to protect the South from northern carpetbaggers. It wasn't until the days of the Jim Crow Laws that the KKK was taken over by the old Southern Democrats.

Racism is neither Democrat nor Republican. Both parties have long racist histories. Only Republicans try to deny their racist past and pretend racism doesn't exist. Democrats repudiated racism in the 1960's. Republicans never have, and continue to this day to promote authoritarian, white supremacist policies.

Back in the 1980's, Ronald Reagan vetoed a bill which would condemn and sanction the white ruled Apartheid regime in South Africa. Republicans couldn't condemn Aparheid, because they have been working since Reagan to ensure that the USA remains segregated.

Funny, you tell him he doesn't know history then prove you don't. Wasn't the same KKK, butter cup. The original KKK disbanded and the second group started decades later by the Democrats who have always dominated American racism. Tell people you're a black Republican and see how free you are from Democrat racism

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