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Biden Cannot Govern From The Center, Ending Trumpism Means Radical Action

Trump has remade the Republican party into a white supremacist cult living within a counter-factual wonderland of lies and conspiracies.
Liberal dems continually play the race card in every argument they try to make

Yep, they just can't seem to grasp that more minorities voted for Trump than any republican candidate in decades. They have to super hype everything to try a get back the folks that left the plantation and started thinking for themselves. They just can let transgressions like that slide, it will eventually threaten their hold on power.

This division only proves that we are trying to govern for our own interest and not the interest in the country we live which will only lead to us becoming weaker, not stronger.

Yet you are consistently trying to widen the division, go figure.

Trump has remade the Republican party into a white supremacist cult living within a counter-factual wonderland of lies and conspiracies.
Liberal dems continually play the race card in every argument they try to make
Yeah, okay. You are incorrect about Dems.
what the heck is wrong with supporting civil rights?

Commiecrats don't care about civil rights, they only care about keeping minorities in line to maintain their power. Minorities left their plantation in record numbers in 2020 and they're scared shitless that trend will continue.

......blacks are murdering over 3000 blacks every YEAR- ---and what is Biden/racist Harris main issues????!!!!??????? the climate!!!!!!!!!!! ....bringing in MORE uneducated workers from other countries!!!!!!!! = dumbasses
You truly don’t pay attention to anything outside your side, do you?
The main interest is stopping the pandemic and giving all Americans the freedom to be Americans - without fear of violence and hatred.

Yeah, you commies demonstrated that quite well over the summer. You fucking hypocrites cheer violence and hatred when you think it benefits you.

The OP has a solid point on the size of the radicalization of the right. It’s not just a fringe few. I hold out hope that many people will realize they may not have acted on facts but with emotion on their votes for Trump and find acceptance that the election was not rigged just because he said so.

People love being victims though. You see it in work environments everywhere. No one else works but me, “they” just want to make it harder, woe is me. That’s bleeding over into everything for some.

Fuck you, HR-1 proves you commies want to destroy election integrity for all time, guess what skippy, it's unconstitutional.

Last Wednesday, fully 93% of House Republicans voted against impeaching Trump for inciting insurrection

Only because you can't show us where Trump ever "incited insurrection," he drove no coup, and those republicans knew that the election was a fraud, that the riot started before Trump's rally even began, that it took much advance planning and preparation, and that many democrat and leftist organization sympathizers were involved.

And no matter how often you try to repeat your lies, you can't change the TRUTH.

Trump by claiming election fraud and refusing to accept the courts actions sowed the seed..

Look at yourself here, you are claiming election fraud... Where is the evidence that stood up in court? Trump had $250m legal fund... That allows him to investigate every angle...

They brought 59 court cases... They had nothing...

So when you have nothing, you just radicalise the base with lies.. You have shown that you can't see reason and facts anymore... You are not seeing facts anymore. If presented with them you dismiss them and go back to your own information bubble... Secluded from the information that challenges your thoughts you are happy for now...
Progs use Saul Alinsky better then anyone. With Repubs help you are turning us into a totalitarian nightmare. Now you want freedom. Get rid of the Patriot Act. Get rid of Homeland Security. Tame the TSA. Remove the growing amount of surveillance cameras and other tech snoop devices. That is if you want freedom. All we ever hear is "Democracy" We were once a Republic.
Trump has remade the Republican party into a white supremacist cult living within a counter-factual wonderland of lies and conspiracies.
Liberal dems continually play the race card in every argument they try to make

You're an example of posting Big lies, making this (stupid) claim isn't an argument, it's bullshit. Racism, Misogyny, and intolerance of liberals wasn't part of Reagan Republicans nor is it conservatism. The words, deeds and yes tweets in the four years of Trumpism is exactly what skews13 posted.

Your denial that the 21st Century iteration of the Republican Party is radical is an opinion with no rational foundation. The events of Jan 6th suggest that the mob which vandalized our Nation's Capitol was an attempt at a violent coup; an attempt to violate the supreme law of our land.

Those elected Republicans, members of LE and the military who participated or supported this attempt, in words or deeds, violated the solemn oath taken to support or defend our nation from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Stop lying and stop using conspiracy stories, i. e., fictions which are incapable of being supported by reason, facts or truth.

You stupid fucks shit on the supreme law of the land at every opportunity, you hypocrites have no room to lecture anyone on the Constitution. You only invoke it for your convenience and with zero authority.

Last Wednesday, fully 93% of House Republicans voted against impeaching Trump for inciting insurrection

Only because you can't show us where Trump ever "incited insurrection," he drove no coup, and those republicans knew that the election was a fraud, that the riot started before Trump's rally even began, that it took much advance planning and preparation, and that many democrat and leftist organization sympathizers were involved.

And no matter how often you try to repeat your lies, you can't change the TRUTH.

Without Trump, and his divisive rhetoric in speech, in tweets and in deeds an armed coup would not have happened. That is the Truth, something alien to you when it is self evident. The criminals that stormed our Nation's Capitol have consumed the Kool-Aid trump has served in every rally and in every tweet and in all of his 10's of thousand lies.

You must know this to be true, and yet you continue to use BIG LIES and Conspiracy Theories to do what? Your claim that Trump never incited the mobs riot is absurd.

Yeah, that's what your commies masters keep telling you, RIGHT?

China Joe was never going to govern from the Center.

The dufus sonofabitch doesn't know what the hell he is doing most of the time.

He will only do what his handlers tell him what to do.

These Useful Idiots were morons supporting him for President.

The only person happy about China Joe getting elected is Obama. Just like he knocked Carter out of the ranking of being the worst President this country ever had there is a real chance China Joe will dislodge the Negro from that position.
Anybody that voted for Biden is a fucking moron.

This is Biden's America:

Massive Migrant Caravan From Honduras Busts Through Guatemala Border en Route to US

According to Center for Immigration Studies, the new caravan left San Pedro Sula, Honduras on Friday and is hoping to reach ‘paradise’ (United States) by January 20th.

Footage of the massive caravan heading to the US advancing toward Guatemala from Honduras was released on Friday evening
The Honduran migrants busted through the Guatemala border on Saturday.

Migrants overwhelmed the border security and trampled each other as they ran through the checkpoint.
The caravan was waiting months for Biden to win.

How come all the people that were glad that Biden won are the assholes of the world?

Tells us something, doesn't it?

Another hate and fear post. And another poster who was indoctrinated by the King of Hate and Fear, Donald J. Trump.

let us hope and pray that the US Senate Convicts Donald J. Trump on the Article of Impeachment.

You stupid fuck, you commies have been warned for more than a decade that America was getting sick and tired of your bullshit. The state of the country is of your making and all you're doing now is trying to make it worse. Be prepared for the consequences.

Radical action:

1. expel all House-critters who conspired or collaborated with the Insurrectionists

2. expel all Senate-critters who conspired or collaborated with the Insurrectionists

Governors can appoint replacements from the same party - no problem - they just can't be Insurrectionist -sympathizers

3. convict the Orange Baboon-God in the Senate

4. metaphorically crucify all office-holding Insurrection -inciters in the criminal law courts
Trump by claiming election fraud and refusing to accept the courts actions sowed the seed..Look at yourself here, you are claiming election fraud... Where is the evidence that stood up in court?

Look Bozo, Trump is claiming NOTHING.
I am clamming NOTHING.
The courts took NO ACTION.

They simply refused to even consider the subject.

Trump reported as I report THE EVIDENCE, overwhelming undeniable evidence impossible to ignore that no democrat can explain. First we were told that elections were sacred, the cornerstone of our democracy. We had to take all steps possible to ensue and protect the citizen's right to vote!

Then the night of the election and following, we get reports, video, documents and sworn testimony that there was:
forged signatures,
ballot-box stuffing,
ballot harvesting,
paying for voting,
offering raffle prizes for voting,
voting in place of the deceased,
doctoring ballots,
voting twice,
not delivering opposition ballots,
destroying opposition ballots,
backdating ballots,
re-running ballots through counting machines,
restricting access of poll observers,
assaulting and threatening observers
advising voters at the voting booth,
‘finding’ stacks of ballots hours and days later,
feigning water main breaks to clear out voting precincts and then manipulate counting machines,
delivering truckloads of computer-generated ballots,
employing software susceptible to vote-switching,
and untold numbers other illegal and un-democratic schemes.

And in every case, done so as to benefit Biden's election.

And with that reported, suddenly the left does a 180 and says we don't need to even look into that? To prove it wrong? Just call it baseless, accept the results and move on?



That it was Trump and Americans rightly questioning and asking for the lawful investigation and vetting of the evidence to INSURE AN ELECTION WASN'T RIGGED that caused a protest gone riot at the Capitol and not the ACTUAL ACT OF TELLING AMERICA TO GO GET STUFFED? The power Elite announcing that they can do what they want, use the media to spin any lie and you just have to take it?

The over-arching intent here in this "election" was to quash our constitutional right to vote in free and fair elections, to block the rightful, winning candidate from taking office, and to steal future elections at every level. All of these maneuvers, and others yet to be revealed, in the aggregate, required central planning behind them.

  1. Who delivered thousands of ballots by truck?
  2. Who drove the trucks?
  3. Did anyone have to pay for the trucks and drivers?
  4. Who summoned the drivers, in the wee hours, and
  5. who coordinated the delivery and timing?
  6. Who instigated the ‘water main’ break, or the equivalent excuse, in Atlanta?
  7. Who informed postal officials to instruct their workers to backdate ballots?
  8. Who directed postal workers to doctor ballots?
  9. Who directed poll workers to discard or destroy outside envelopes for mail-in ballots?
  10. Where were the ballot mills located?
  11. Who printed thousands of ‘Biden votes,’ and delivered them in pristine condition – thus indicating that the ballots had never been mailed, and virtually had never been handled?

The further we examine the attempted coup against the United States, the more apparent it becomes that huge financial backers were involved. Who had the political bent, the resources, and the organizational capability to engage in such an endeavor?

If there was a coup, it was to unelect, undo, block and render moot Trump's election.

If there was a coup, it was to spread such massive misinformation so to unelect Trump from office.

If there was a coup, it was to manufacture a false crisis to validate the desire to keep him from running again all the while turning the nation into a police state, lock it down, and criminalize all who dare think for themselves with open eyes.
Most allegations of election fraud turn out to be baseless and most of the few remaining allegations reveal irregularities and other forms of election misconduct. Numerous studies, including one commissioned by the Trump administration has reached the same conclusion. Election fraud is very rare.

The fact that the presidential election is actual 50 separate elections conducted under different rules, different equipment, and different types of audit trails and safeguards makes the possibility of stealing the presidential election so slim, it is hardly worth even considering. In this election, the fraudsters would have to steal 135,000 votes, and they would all have to be for Trump in just the right states and the right numbers to effect the election results.

Donald Trump began his attack on our electoral system long before the election, claiming the election would be rigged. If he won the election there would no mention of election fraud. If he didn't win, then his prediction would be claimed to be correct and once again poor Donald is being cheated and mistreated. Not a bad strategy, but just as phony as his others claims which he can not prove no matter how many lawsuits he launches.
Last Wednesday, fully 93% of House Republicans voted against impeaching Trump for inciting insurrection, even after his attempted coup threatened their very lives. Prior to the raid, several Republican members of Congress repeated those lies on television and Twitter and at “Stop the Steal” events – encouraging Trump followers to “fight for America” and start “kicking ass”.

This is the culmination of the growing insanity of the GOP over the last four years. Trump has remade the Republican party into a white supremacist cult living within a counter-factual wonderland of lies and conspiracies. More than half of Republican voters – almost 40 million people – believe Trump won the 2020 race; 45% support the storming of the Capitol; 57% say he should be the Republican candidate in 2024.

There’s no “center” between the reality-based world and theirs.

Repealing all of Trumps executive orders, purging the entire federal government top to bottom, and signing HR 1 into law on day one, would accomplish that.
Waah waah waah such drama from the poor little TDS libbers
Sure you do, you must know that very much like trump you are a terrible liar.
I see posts attacking whites all the time

I'm white, and no one has yet attacked me for the color of my skin. Yet I've been called a moron, an idiot and other epithets such as cum catcher by the poorly educated faux conservative and deplorable trumpanzees.

YOu are willfully blind to the attacks.

You are proving to be a domestic enemy. Social media is the happy place for Right Wing / Neo Fascist / anti democracy haters get to thrive. You are one of them, and you're not a patriotic American.

Good job on the personal attacks.

I note that you didn't address my point at all.

Is that the closest you can come to admitting that you lost the debate?
If you don't get impeached at least twice by the filthy Democrat House then you ain't doing it right.

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