Biden declared Jackson non qualified

"I'm not an atheist. I'm not Christian. I'm not a Republican. I'm not a Democrat. I just sit back and take shots at people like the wishy-washy coward I am, without taking a stand myself."
Says the hypocrite who wants everyone to live by the religion he can't even follow.

She also shows a soft spot for sex offenders

And terrorists

She apparently bases her decisions on her personal feelings and not the law.

Thank you. I appreciate your post.

I do have a couple of things...

The FoxNews article gave one example of a ruling that was overturned, and that only by a 2-1 margin.

In the case of Sexual offenders, she argued that laws dealing with them upon their release should, based upon the Constitution, be preventive in nature and not punitive. I agree with this, once people have served their time in prison they should not be further punished upon release. If they are too dangerous to release, then do not let them out. But it violates the very essence of our Constitution to further punish them.

I will have to read more on her cases with the Gitmo people. That she was working on a case filed by the CATO Institute on the surface at least leads me to believe she was on the right track as I have a great deal of respect for the Cato Institute
You aren’t exactly being clever crappy joke. Of course I don’t like her politics. I don’t think any judge should make judicial decisions on partisan politics. You liberoids tend to do that all too much when you’re on the bench.

Nothing weird about it.

Forgive me for asking, but were you upset about the appointment of ACB, since she surely was picked solely for her politics and specifically for her view on one single issue.
can you list the number of times she was overturned and what her total number of rulings were?
600 cases 12 overturns by mostly other LIBERALS. Her rulings have not be been based on law and she should have had many more overturned except the that the liberal DC circuit is prone to supporting her abuse of the laws. She is pro criminal--Pro illegal--and Pro terrorists. Her rulings were so stupid that even other libs judges had to toss them. Anything that Trump did, she tried to abuse her office to interfere not just in hearing by several different manners which cost taxpayers millions $$$$ and did harm to the US.

Bitch aint qualified and you better learn to start googling for your lazy ass self. WIKI is a great source and easy to put in a google search.
Thank you. I appreciate your post.

I do have a couple of things...

The FoxNews article gave one example of a ruling that was overturned, and that only by a 2-1 margin.

In the case of Sexual offenders, she argued that laws dealing with them upon their release should, based upon the Constitution, be preventive in nature and not punitive. I agree with this, once people have served their time in prison they should not be further punished upon release. If they are too dangerous to release, then do not let them out. But it violates the very essence of our Constitution to further punish them.

I will have to read more on her cases with the Gitmo people. That she was working on a case filed by the CATO Institute on the surface at least leads me to believe she was on the right track as I have a great deal of respect for the Cato Institute
You are playing head games----there is a whole list of her faulty rulings and the 2-1 over turn is in the DC circuit who are notorious for their own corruption and refusal to follow the laws. She has abused the bench for political purposes and has harmed the US in doing so. She needs to be impeached and her license removed. Biden nominating her is pay back for her corrupt political rulings.
Forgive me for asking, but were you upset about the appointment of ACB, since she surely was picked solely for her politics and specifically for her view on one single issue.
ACB was picked because her judicial record and catholic anti-abortion made her a candidate considered highly qualified by the Federalist society that the anti-abortion koch brothers donate heavily to.
ACB was picked because her judicial record and catholic anti-abortion made her a candidate considered highly qualified the Federalist society that anti-abortion koch brothers donate heavily to.

Her entire judicial experience was less than 3 years. That is not why she was picked.

But yes, that she was catholic and anti-abortion is why she was picked. In other words she was picked for her politics.
I hear she was born in Kenya
I read her rulings---they are political bias and aren't based on the law. BITCH remains unqualified for any lower court much less a higher court position. But watch the dem trolls try to spin shit. Job of any judge is to UPHOLD THE LAW---the BITCH doesn't UPHOLD THE LAW--she is a political hack that ignores the laws to go after political opponents on a regular basis which is why senile bribe JO and hO support her nomination---but why no one with any morals should ever.
I read her rulings---they are political bias and aren't based on the law. BITCH remains unqualified for any lower court much less a higher court position. But watch the dem trolls try to spin shit. Job of any judge is to UPHOLD THE LAW---the BITCH doesn't UPHOLD THE LAW--she is a political hack that ignores the laws to go after political opponents on a regular basis which is why senile bribe JO and hO support her nomination---but why no one with any morals should ever.
We love that she triggers you little cuck. 😁
I read her rulings---they are political bias and aren't based on the law. BITCH remains unqualified for any lower court much less a higher court position. But watch the dem trolls try to spin shit. Job of any judge is to UPHOLD THE LAW---the BITCH doesn't UPHOLD THE LAW--she is a political hack that ignores the laws to go after political opponents on a regular basis which is why senile bribe JO and hO support her nomination---but why no one with any morals should ever.
She doesn’t support Conservative dogma

Doesnt mean she doesn’t uphold the law
Kunte Kinte Jackson has been overturned too much to be qualified. She is an activist.
It is amazing how folks like you and Flush continue to make these racist remarks about this black woman and all your so called right wing, conservatives sit back quietly and say nothing, where is Struth? Why hasn't she spoken as a black woman and you wonder why black folks call the right racists.
It is amazing how folks like you and Flush continue to make these racist remarks about this black woman and all your so called right wing, conservatives sit back quietly and say nothing, where is Struth? Why hasn't she spoken as a black woman and you wonder why black folks call the right racists.
What would you say? I really don't care if you call me a racist. It doesn't hurt my feelings one bit. Clearly this woman is not qualified to sit on the high court, or any court. She got where she is by being black. She is an activist, a social justice warrior, very likely a democrat, therefore an enemy,

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