Biden declared Jackson non qualified

But she is also likely to make judicial decisions without regard to the Constitution and without regard to the law; but with complete regard for partisan political purposes.

Translation: You don't like her politics. Weird, huh?
She is totally qualified.
She meets the qualification test. Again. I don’t know why you need to keep saying it or hearing it. But there’s more to a good selection than just having met the threshold for good qualifications.
You didn't have to do so. You racist simpletons are a dime a dozen. None of you has come up with any new material since about 1978.
This is what you tolerant people came up with 30 years later:

“Obama is a light-skinned negro with no negro dialect unless he wanted one”- Harry Reid

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate,bright, and clean and a nice looking guy. “I mean, that is storybook, man” - President Joe Biden (D)
Yes. But hers were too activist to be tolerated.

None of Fuck Biden's picks will be actual jurists. He isn't basing the decision on whether the person would be a good justice.
Brandon’s main announced criteria were female gender and black (or brown) skin color. I assume he left unspoken another significant required “qualification:” The prospective nominee must be a dependable activist liberal.
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its this:

Yep....she's qualified....and will be approved.
I already said she was qualified - and you have already agreed with that several times.
I already predicted that she will get confirmed. So, overall, a very redundant redundancy post you just offered for some reason. 👍🥱🙄
Translation: You don't like her politics. Weird, huh?
You aren’t exactly being clever crappy joke. Of course I don’t like her politics. I don’t think any judge should make judicial decisions on partisan politics. You liberoids tend to do that all too much when you’re on the bench.

Nothing weird about it.

"Following a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Wednesday, Carlson, came under fire for questioning the credentials of President Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson. This came just days after he attacked her very nomination, saying it would humiliate the Supreme Court, and make the U.S. look like Rwanda.
Taking a different approach than he did for any of former President Trump’s three nominees, all of whom are white, Carlson demanded to know what Brown got on her LSAT.

Why wouldn’t he tell us that? That would settle the question conclusively as to whether she’s a once-in-a-generation legal talent. It would seem like American’s in a democracy have a right to know that and much more before giving her a lifetime appointment." DNC Chair Jaime Harrison took it upon himself to put forth Jackson’s academic accomplishments. So, despite not knowing the meaningless answer to what Jackson got on the LSAT, Carlson’s question about her academic prowess has been answered."

Tucker brings up an excellent point, why don't we know this woman's LSAT scores? Just look at her name for example -- it sounds so foreign and inferior; putting her on the court will make our Supreme Court look like Rwanda...why is Biden hiding her LSATs?? Everyone knows that every Supreme Court nominee going back for the last 30 yrs have all been asked to provide their LSAT score -- why does this whore think she is so special to where she can hide her scores??

Look at her name, it sounds foreign and muslim, are we sure she was even born in America?? Why hasn't she released her birth certificate? Why hasn't she released her LSATs...What do we know about her 9th grade Algebra scores?? What is Biden hiding. Yea, I know she graduated from Harvard with honors, yea, I know she was editor of the Harvard Law review -- but still, how do we know she actually earned any of it?

We all know that most blacks who get degrees from schools like Princeton and Harvard never earned them and only got them because their black. Do you think Thomas Sowell really deserved his Harvard degree? The guy was a high school dropout. It reminds me of how Tucker couldn't get into the CIA; I am sure people like Jackson reminds him of how he was probably passed over by some inferior black.

They are hiding her LSAT score because it is higher than Ted Cruz's score, and they need his vote.
You aren’t exactly being clever crappy joke. Of course I don’t like her politics. I don’t think any judge should make judicial decisions on partisan politics. You liberoids tend to do that all too much when you’re on the bench.

Nothing weird about it.

You're not stating facts, you just don't like her politics.

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