Biden declared Jackson non qualified


judges are unelected and serve for life

they do their evil deeds through many elections
By November we should have made a dent in political housecleaning. It's doubtful many democrats will still hold office.
Blah blah. Nobody ever thinks that except for the leftwing racemongers. But it doesn't change the fact that this girl is woefully unqualified for this massive position.
I think Biden likes to embarrass black women by putting them in over their heads. Look at Kamala.
"this girl"? I believe this qualified Federal Judge is over 18.

judges are unelected and serve for life

they do their evil deeds through many elections
Sure, that too but I was thinking more about long term demographic trends and the consistency over the last two decades with which the Republican Party has lost the popular vote. Both indicate a dying white wing culture being propped up by the structure of our elections and government rather than the popularity of their ideas and that can only hold for so long.
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I read her rulings---they are political bias and aren't based on the law. BITCH remains unqualified for any lower court much less a higher court position. But watch the dem trolls try to spin shit. Job of any judge is to UPHOLD THE LAW---the BITCH doesn't UPHOLD THE LAW--she is a political hack that ignores the laws to go after political opponents on a regular basis which is why senile bribe JO and hO support her nomination---but why no one with any morals should ever.
Misogynist posting.
Compare her record of being overturned to theirs. Compare her public statements regarding sex offenders and terrorists to theirs. That's what answers your questions.
I dont know if democrat or republican appointed judges are the most overturned since I dont have a source for that information

But I’m willing to roll the dice and let the chips fall where they may

any judge who is overturned 3 times should be removed from the bench
Federal per the Constitution. You have a problem with the Constitution.
Federal judges can be removed for cause

not knowing the law is the best cause I can think of
It is amazing how folks like you and Flush continue to make these racist remarks about this black woman and all your so called right wing, conservatives sit back quietly and say nothing, where is Struth? Why hasn't she spoken as a black woman and you wonder why black folks call the right racists.
Excuse me I have spoken out.

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