Biden declares national emergency at Ukraine-Russia border — but calls back US warships

This is not a good turn for peace in this world. What a great waste of so many lives and money in that sandbox called Afghanistan. Now Russia, along with China; intends to do as they please.

Let's call it out with full honesty, when all is said and done, barring a miracle, the three worst U.S presidents in a row, are Clinton, GBW and Obama. How in the hell could you throw away the position the U.S and the West was in post-Berlin Wall?

I will pray for Biden to do what's right. I hope he isn't listening to the same fools Obama was being advised by.

The Biden administration declared a national emergency on Thursday, slapping sanctions on more than three dozen people in Russia and expelling 10 diplomats, in an about face after the US pulled back two warships heading to the Black Sea.

President Biden reversed course on the warships just before his announcement of the fresh sanctions and after Russia warned the US ships to “stay away for their own good.”

Biden on Tuesday had emphasized on a call with Russian President Vladmimr Putin “the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and “voiced our concerns over the sudden Russian military build-up in Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.”

As a result, the US, alarmed by the military buildup in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s moving warships and landing craft from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said it was sending the two warships to the Black Sea. But the ships were turned around on Wednesday night following the Russian warnings.

“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,” Politico reported.
Right, no need for a confrontation between our militaries in the black sea.
The problem here is not Joe but two nations who seek to expand their borders through force. And god knows the US hates competition in controlling nations and economies.
So does IsNtReal. They have G-d given rights !
This is not a good turn for peace in this world. What a great waste of so many lives and money in that sandbox called Afghanistan. Now Russia, along with China; intends to do as they please.

Let's call it out with full honesty, when all is said and done, barring a miracle, the three worst U.S presidents in a row, are Clinton, GBW and Obama. How in the hell could you throw away the position the U.S and the West was in post-Berlin Wall?

I will pray for Biden to do what's right. I hope he isn't listening to the same fools Obama was being advised by.

The Biden administration declared a national emergency on Thursday, slapping sanctions on more than three dozen people in Russia and expelling 10 diplomats, in an about face after the US pulled back two warships heading to the Black Sea.

President Biden reversed course on the warships just before his announcement of the fresh sanctions and after Russia warned the US ships to “stay away for their own good.”

Biden on Tuesday had emphasized on a call with Russian President Vladmimr Putin “the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and “voiced our concerns over the sudden Russian military build-up in Crimea and on Ukraine’s borders, calling on Russia to de-escalate tensions.”

As a result, the US, alarmed by the military buildup in eastern Ukraine and Russia’s moving warships and landing craft from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said it was sending the two warships to the Black Sea. But the ships were turned around on Wednesday night following the Russian warnings.

“We have no desire to be in an escalating war with Russia,” a senior administration official said Thursday on a briefing call with reporters, adding that it didn’t want the situation to spin “out of control,” Politico reported.


Senile Joe is the designated ScapeGoat. He has no morals and is taking bribes---doesn't give a shit about the damage he is doing to the US---but he isn't the one pulling the strings. He is just the one that world globalist bankers, psychopath billionaires, and giant out of control corporations along with the usual group of bloody dictators and oligarths are going to offer up as the sacrificial lamb when the shit starts hitting the ceiling and they offer another one of their solutions to the crisis they are creating.
One Question Before Us Is: Will We be Destroyed in War Before We Lose Our Civil Liberty to the Establishment’s Orchestrated “Covid Pandemic”?

Shoigu announced that the Russian military is in full readiness and in full ability to dispose of any threat from any quarter.

Can the low-grade morons ruling in Washington understand the language?

Have th
Yogurt-brains just got checkmated by Putin. What an embarrassment.

We shouldn’t be involved in Ukraine at all. They aren’t NATO. Crimea belongs to Russians. Move on.
It's like when the US invaded Russia to support the monarchy during the Bolshevik Revolution....


"Historians still debate why President Woodrow Wilson really sent troops to Russia, but they tend to agree that the two missions, burdened by Wilson’s ambiguous goals, ended in failures that foreshadowed U.S. foreign interventions in the century to come".
Old touch guy China-Joe backed down when he was confronted by Biden. Biden sent a message to Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, etc., etc., etc., that the U.S. can be pushed around and nothing will happen. What an EMBARRASSMENT for the U.S.
The more Russia and China expand, especially China who are using immense soft power advantages to wrestle away U.S influence with so many nations; the worse the U.S will suffer in the long run.

Putin is just seeing an opening and trying to speed up the decline of the West even further. Appears he is looking for revenge for the collapse of Russia that the West so enjoyed and then pissed away.

Thanks to Clinton with the allowing of China into the WTO, Bush and his multi-trillion dollar adventures in the M.E (surely he didn't profit from it, did he?) and Obamas continued wagging the finger at America while letting China do as they please in the SCS and elsewhere, he most certainly smells blood.

If Trump had lost in 2016 we would have experienced four years of this already and China would probably already own Taiwan. They would have taken HK even quicker.

As I said, Biden better surround himself with some men and women who have game, because he hasn't even been in office six months and it's clear what the agenda is. Standing behind Biden is Harris.

For some reason, all I see are politicians...
Old touch guy China-Joe backed down when he was confronted by Biden. Biden sent a message to Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, etc., etc., etc., that the U.S. can be pushed around and nothing will happen. What an EMBARRASSMENT for the U.S.
That's a lot of crybabying, without any suggestions. So go ahead, genius. Tell us what Biden should do.
Biden will do nothing to check China and Russias aggression . tough talk is all you'll get from Biden about his fellow communist leaders ! maybe hell send more Blankets to help Ukraine defend themselves like he and Obama did years ago ...Biden sent Blankets ...Trump sent weapons ....who's a russian shill ?
When a person is older, weaker and mentally failing, his family usually usually gives him attention and respect for the triumphs of his past. But people like this are never put in charge of running the family business or taking care of the finances. This is the exact mistake we made with Biden. There really is NO hope of him ever growing into the job. There's actually no hope of him ever doing the job at all.
Right, no need for a confrontation between our militaries in the black sea.

That's it! Suck that cock!
Oh , you think we should confront russia with our military? Go ahead, say it then. Let all the stupid out at once.
Our policy was to surround Russia after the fall of the Soviet union. They are not the West but they do have some of the West's game in them. Perhaps treating them a bit more like a friend would have helped. Since Putin is not a globalist the die was cast.
Tell us what Biden should do.

He shouldn't have announced that U.S. destroyers were being deployed to the Black Sea unless he was committed to following through with what might come. His lack of foresight compelled his administration to tuck tail and run from Putin. He embarrassed and humiliated the U.S.
Oh , you think we should confront russia with our military? Go ahead, say it then. Let all the stupid out at once.

No, I was simply pointing out that you're eager and willing to drop to your knees and service anyone with a "D" by their name. Regardless of what Biden did, you would support it. LOL.

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