Biden & Democrats Refuse Talks To Halt Government Shutdown

Guess what?
With only a five vote majority in the House and Democrats holding the Senate and White House, McCarthy doesn’t get to make that decision

But a small minority of MAGA Republicans are willing to cripple the country anyway
/---/ And yet, you Libtards whine that Trump blew up the deficit because he signed bloated spending bills. Then, you bash Republicans for trying to cut spending.
Now will you attack Dementia Joe for signing any budget that doesn't cut spending?
/---/ And yet, you Libtards whine that Trump blew up the deficit because he signed bloated spending bills. Then, you bash Republicans for trying to cut spending.
Now will you attack Dementia Joe for signing any budget that doesn't cut spending?

Actually the Repubs are being bashed for not giving a fuck about spending when Trump was in office.
Actually the Repubs are being bashed for not giving a fuck about spending when Trump was in office.
/——-/ And what’s your take on democRATs who don’t give a f*ck about spending with Dementia Joe in office? Eh?
/---/ And yet, you Libtards whine that Trump blew up the deficit because he signed bloated spending bills. Then, you bash Republicans for trying to cut spending.
Now will you attack Dementia Joe for signing any budget that doesn't cut spending?
Trump blew up the deficit because he slashed taxes on the wealthy and corporations
Trump ran trillion dollar deficits in a strong economy
/——-/ And what’s your take on democRATs who don’t give a f*ck about spending with Dementia Joe in office? Eh?

That is what is expected from Dems. They never pretend to give a fuck about spending. They are at least honest about it, while you beloved party lies about it when there is a Dem in the White House so sheep like you will keep voting for them.
The GOP cant get all of their candidates to debates, cant agree on house rules, went a record number of votes to find a house leader... They are a dysfunctional bunch of loons, racists, traitors, and some, I assume, are good people.
That is what is expected from Dems. They never pretend to give a fuck about spending. They are at least honest about it, while you beloved party lies about it when there is a Dem in the White House so sheep like you will keep voting for them.
/——-/ So, you approve of Republican overspending. OK
They won't even talk. Zero, zip, nada. Republicans have
: "As a condition for averting default and suspending the debt limit, Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and House Republican leaders struck a deal with the Biden administration to set budget caps on annual defense and nondefense appropriations.1 Although this deal, made in late May, was spearheaded by Speaker McCarthy and his caucus’ leadership,2 the 12 bills that House Republican appropriators have written and reported violate the negotiated terms in three key ways:

While deals can be, and often are, changed with bipartisan support, the House Appropriations Committee deviations do not have any such support.7 In contrast, the Senate Appropriations Committee considered and approved all 12 of its appropriations bills with overwhelmingly bipartisan and often unanimous support.8 And while Senate appropriators have recommended funding plans that could be passed and implemented, the approach of House Republican appropriators greatly increases the likelihood of a federal government shutdown."

The Trumpybear and his CraCra Caucus simply cannot be trusted.
So, to be “bi-partisan” to you means that Democrats send a package that is crammed with pork, has nothing that Republicans want in the bill, and does nothing for America, and Republicans have to accept it, or they’re responsible?

Oh, fuck that!
Why do you ignore the bill was bi-partisan. Your opinion of its worth is meritless.
fallacy of false equivalency. That is not what was sent, which was a bi-partisan agreement.
/---/ And my point went over your head. Just because someone sends you a package doesn't mean you have any obligation to accept it, especially if you are certain of what is in it.

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