Biden DOJ Tries Charging Whistleblower To Cover Up Their Crimes

But Obama was called dumb and stupid, blah blah blah...

Now you are saying a guy who is the only president in 60 years to not have a single indictment during his whole 8 years -- is also a corrupt evil mastermind who still to this day has more control over the US than Trump could ever hope to have?

No wonder so many of you folks are cuckholds
Obama isn't running things.
He's just the one putting his foot in the door so all of the criminals can infiltrate our government.
Susan Rice was running the WH as Chief of Staff, and you might as well have had Obama as POTUS with her running things.
I see lots of name calling and no facts.

There's no accounting for what you see, leftard.

You don't see stuff that's there, and you see lots of stuff that isn't.

That’s pretty typical of pathetic conservative shit posters.


You're talking out your ass.

Slinging shit, howler monkey.

In typical IDIOTIC libtard fashion, you think you know what makes me tick. Because your masters have conditioned you to think that way.

I'm not a conservative, shit for brains.

Not at all. Not in the least. Not even for a microsecond. I don't like kings, and I have no use for Sir Edmund Burke.

I'm the exact opposite of a conservative. See how wrong you are?

I'm a classical liberal in the Jeffersonian mold, which today makes me a right leaning libertarian.

That's why I'm concerned about equal application of the law, and why I'll call out the abusive leftards for their abusive Stalinist bullshit EVERY TIME.

You clowns are *NOT* liberals, not by any stretch of the imagination. You're abusive neo-libs who've thrown away all meaningful boundaries. The only thing left for you is retaining power at all costs.

And dammit, I'm gonna make sure it's YOUR fucking cost and not me or my kids.
The DOJ is charging a whistleblower with a fake crime in an attempt to Epstein him.

The MSM calls this witness against the Bidens "A Fugitive".

Absolute joke

He was indicted before Republicans took control. You are a lying weasel
Biden's the Village Idiot.....and he's just the fall-guy for what Obama is doing behind the scenes.
Obama is working for Klaus Schwab at that the WEF.

You are the stupide fall guy. You apparently took a fall on your head. You and Trump are working with Putin to seize control of this country. Right wing traitors need to be dealt with.
How is Biden so powerful yet, also a bumbling senile old man??

And if you say its not Biden, but the Deep

So if Trump was such an absolute disaster at "stopping the Deep State" during his first term...why do you think he will be much better now?

Obviously, "the power of the presidency" didn't really empower him to do much.....other than to grift and pardon other grifters....
Trump exposed them and threw economic monkey wrenches into their criminal globalist business/war machine. They were SO afraid of him undoing their 30 years of work, the Deep State went off the DEEP END leaving their haphazard signature of lies on everything as they tried every possible media smear-tactic they could think of short of assassinating him.
Trump exposed them and threw economic monkey wrenches into their criminal globalist business/war machine. They were SO afraid of him undoing their 30 years of work, the Deep State went off the DEEP END leaving their haphazard signature of lies on everything as they tried every possible media smear-tactic they could think of short of assassinating him.
Sure bro

Yall have been whining deep state since before Trump.....

What have you really exposed?

The more you whine the more you reveal to the rest of us that your cult leader is so weak that whining means strength to yall

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