Biden Escalates Barry's War

Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is deploying a small number of U.S. troops to Syria after a series of escalating encounters between the U.S. and Russian militaries, according to three U.S. defense officials.

The troops and vehicles will serve as a show of presence to discourage the Russian military from crossing into the eastern security area where U.S., coalition, and Syrian Democratic Forces operate, the officials said.
So a show of presence.

Are they going to be doing active operations while there? If yes, that is not a show. If not then it is not an escalation of anything until something actually happens. I have been on deployments for use as a 'show of force' and they are not the same thing as being brought in for combat operations. Not even close. It seems that this is not an issue at this point.
Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is deploying a small number of U.S. troops to Syria after a series of escalating encounters between the U.S. and Russian militaries, according to three U.S. defense officials.

The troops and vehicles will serve as a show of presence to discourage the Russian military from crossing into the eastern security area where U.S., coalition, and Syrian Democratic Forces operate, the officials said.
So a show of presence.

Are they going to be doing active operations while there? If yes, that is not a show. If not then it is not an escalation of anything until something actually happens. I have been on deployments for use as a 'show of force' and they are not the same thing as being brought in for combat operations. Not even close. It seems that this is not an issue at this point.

Agree, though I have little doubt the position we're in with Biden's appointment. Joe is establishment guy, Joe has personal foreign interests, Joe will involve us in war, and knowing the Demonicrats they won't win anything more than to fill personal pocket books.
Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is deploying a small number of U.S. troops to Syria after a series of escalating encounters between the U.S. and Russian militaries, according to three U.S. defense officials.

The troops and vehicles will serve as a show of presence to discourage the Russian military from crossing into the eastern security area where U.S., coalition, and Syrian Democratic Forces operate, the officials said.
So a show of presence.

Are they going to be doing active operations while there? If yes, that is not a show. If not then it is not an escalation of anything until something actually happens. I have been on deployments for use as a 'show of force' and they are not the same thing as being brought in for combat operations. Not even close. It seems that this is not an issue at this point.

Agree, though I have little doubt the position we're in with Biden's appointment. Joe is establishment guy, Joe has personal foreign interests, Joe will involve us in war, and knowing the Demonicrats they won't win anything more than to fill personal pocket books.
Cant really argue with that. Biden has consistently been on the wrong side of every FP move for decades. I hope like hell he does not expand our wars. I do think he will but we should not jump the gun calling him out on it until he actually does. Cry wolf to often and all that...
DemoKKKrats' endless wars for $$$ and oil.

Poor Hoss, Our foreign policy in the ME with regards to their natural resources has been the one area of bipartisan agreement.

"If the chief natural resource of the Middle East were bananas, the region would not have attracted the attention of U.S. policymakers as it has for decades. Americans became interested in the oil riches of the region in the 1920s, and two U.S. companies, Standard Oil of California and Texaco, won the first concession to explore for oil in Saudi Arabia in the 1930s. They discovered oil there in 1938, just after Standard Oil of California found it in Bahrain. The same year Gulf Oil (along with its British partner Anglo-Persian Oil) found oil in Kuwait. During and after World War II, the region became a primary object of U.S. foreign policy. It was then that policymakers realized that the Middle East was "a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history."

Biden is desperate to distract from his domestic policy disaster.

By having Faux Nuts whine about our militaries move into the lawless areas of Syria to protect our troops and allies who are being threatened by militia's in the area that the Syrian government can't control?

Yeah, somebody is desperate aright.
Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon is deploying a small number of U.S. troops to Syria after a series of escalating encounters between the U.S. and Russian militaries, according to three U.S. defense officials.

The troops and vehicles will serve as a show of presence to discourage the Russian military from crossing into the eastern security area where U.S., coalition, and Syrian Democratic Forces operate, the officials said.

Don't piss off the Eagle.

Biden is desperate to distract from his domestic policy disaster.

By having Faux Nuts whine about our militaries move into the lawless areas of Syria to protect our troops and allies who are being threatened by militia's in the area that the Syrian government can't control?

Yeah, somebody is desperate aright.
You still do not know why people voted for Trump. Trump tried to bring peace. You didn't have to like it. The media and entertainers certainly didn't. Its just that we are tired of wars. You may not be now. A lot of Progs are from the Viet Nam era and were anti war. What happened?
Biden is desperate to distract from his domestic policy disaster.

By having Faux Nuts whine about our militaries move into the lawless areas of Syria to protect our troops and allies who are being threatened by militia's in the area that the Syrian government can't control?

Yeah, somebody is desperate aright.
You still do not know why people voted for Trump. Trump tried to bring peace. You didn't have to like it. The media and entertainers certainly didn't. Its just that we are tired of wars. You may not be now. A lot of Progs are from the Viet Nam era and were anti war. What happened?

What he brought was the battle fields to America. He could have been a peace maker but he got too big a kick out of America tearing itself to pieces just to entertain him. Better to have the battle field somewhere else.
You still do not know why people voted for Trump. Trump tried to bring peace. You didn't have to like it.

Imagine Whorled Peas. Put it up there with Peak Oil and the Climate change tipping point date.

Lofty ideal. But it is highly suspect however that it is coming from the fascist leaning, insurrection inspiring ex-president who pulled that cut and run on our allied fighting against the ISIS ideology in the ME. I don't like it. But I understand how we got here.
Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

Some of us did.

I believe that some did.

Imho, it's a continuation of the "Carter Doctrine". Erbil seems to be the canary in the coal mine.
Won't be long before we see ISIS again running around in Toyota trucks given to them by Democrats
Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

Some of us did.

I believe that some did.

Imho, it's a continuation of the "Carter Doctrine". Erbil seems to be the canary in the coal mine.
It does appear to be a practice of the Empire. Place troops in foreign lands and hope they get attacked. So then, the empire can ramp up it’s imperialist militarist actions.
Reality: Trump only POTUS since Hoover not to involve us in war

So when Trumpybear moved some troops and equipment back into Syria why didn't ya'll call that an escalation of Bushes war for oil?

Some of us did.

I believe that some did.

Imho, it's a continuation of the "Carter Doctrine". Erbil seems to be the canary in the coal mine.
It does appear to be a practice of the Empire. Place troops in foreign lands and hope they get attacked. So then, the empire can ramp up it’s imperialist militarist actions.

Maybe but it's more about protecting the Empires hold on the oil supply.

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