Biden: “Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did.”

Biden seems always able to one up himself. Stunning.



Nike needs to name a shoe after old Joe.

As the nation pauses to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a video of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden saying George Floyd's death had a greater global impact than the assassination of Dr. King is recirculating and drawing criticism.

Biden made the comments in June of 2020 during an economic reopening roundtable in Philadelphia, weeks after Floyd's death. During the discussion, Biden was explaining how smartphones have mobilized people all over the world to participate in the movement against police brutality.

"Even Dr. King's assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd's death did," Biden said during the discussion. "It's just like television changed the Civil Rights movement for the better when they saw Bull Connor and his dogs ripping the clothes off of elderly black women going to church and firehoses ripping the skin off of young kids."

Another idiotic statement made by a walking, talking disaster.

He got 80 million votes?? In a pigs ass.
It's a shame that a serial criminal felon dope head street trash thug that was arrested because he flipped out when questioned about potential criminal activity and died when he was resisting arrest and fighting the police is considered a "hero".
Not a peep from the likes of IM2

I guess he will continue to worship Veggie Joe after he shit on MLK and his family.

On MLK Day Biden just pissed on MLK, his family, and millions of blacks...

Biden threw 'I have a dream' under the proverbial bus for 'I am a lowlife criminal POS, and I have a massive, unbeatable DRUG ADDICTION'...

IF MLK had been a drug-addicted lowlife kissing white elitist racist Democrat ass, content to live quietly on their plantation and barely surviving on the social program scraps from their policies of economic slavery he would still be the most important person celebrated by Democrats on HIS national holiday.

So when is Joey 'Vote for me or you ain't black' Biden going to boot MLK and make the holiday 'George Floyd' Day?


Just to clarify one point, that video of Biden is from July of 2020. People are just circulating it around social media right now because of MLK day.

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