Biden Family Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption

Of course you leave out the one most important detail.
Under whose authority was Biden making those demands?
The VP has no constitutional powers in the executive branch.
So it was President Barack Obama who made the decision
the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor had to go. And said that
Biden was the guy to axe him.
Well son of a bitch, that clears it up, don't it?
There is a difference between "smearing a political opponent" and LOOKING INTO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY!!!
And Trump was asking Zekinsky to smear a political opponent.
Explaining his "demands" to release the military aid congress already appropriated to Ukraine, but that Trump put a hold on, to increase his leaverage.
And Trump was asking Zekinsky to smear a political opponent.
Explaining his "demands" to release the military aid congress already appropriated to Ukraine, but that Trump put a hold on, to increase his leaverage.
Ukraine got their loot, and then some!
10% for The Big Guy!
I've noticed you haven't noticed I don't care what you've noticed

Still no evidence.

Hell, we are still waiting for all of the evidence of Hillary Clinton’s crimes. Republican swore it existed.

Here’s a clue: when Donald Trump came into office, he tried to shut down every investigation of his campaign, his Administration, and his staffers.

When Joe Biden came into office, he made no attempt to shut down any investigation of Hunter Biden, himself, his campaign, or any other Democrat. John Durham is still collecting a paycheque as a special prosecutor hired by Donald Trump. The Hunter Biden/IRS investigation hasn’t wrapped up.

The Democrats entire attitude has been “Let them investigate”. Donald Trump and the Republicans label every investigation, a “witchhunt”, even as the indictment and the convictions pile up.

All of the people that Donald Trump falsely accused and tried to prosecute, are suing the government for violation of their civil rights. And they’re winning.

After 30 years of the Republicans, crying “Wolf” in making accusations of corruption and criminal behaviour against Obama, Clinton, and Biden, among others, even FOX News is demand evidence of these accusations.
Still no evidence.

Hell, we are still waiting for all of the evidence of Hillary Clinton’s crimes. Republican swore it existed.

Here’s a clue: when Donald Trump came into office, he tried to shut down every investigation of his campaign, his Administration, and his staffers.

When Joe Biden came into office, he made no attempt to shut down any investigation of Hunter Biden, himself, his campaign, or any other Democrat. John Durham is still collecting a paycheque as a special prosecutor hired by Donald Trump. The Hunter Biden/IRS investigation hasn’t wrapped up.

The Democrats entire attitude has been “Let them investigate”. Donald Trump and the Republicans label every investigation, a “witchhunt”, even as the indictment and the convictions pile up.

All of the people that Donald Trump falsely accused and tried to prosecute, are suing the government for violation of their civil rights. And they’re winning.

After 30 years of the Republicans, crying “Wolf” in making accusations of corruption and criminal behaviour against Obama, Clinton, and Biden, among others, even FOX News is demand evidence of these accusations.

I've noticed you haven't noticed I don't care what some foreigner spews either

We'll eventually come to the understanding
Actually, it does
VP Biden did not have the authority to make deals on his own
If you read the whole transcript, you hear where Poroshenko tells Biden that he doesn't have the authority. To which Biden tells Poroshenko to call Obama

I said, “Nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.” They said, “You have no authority. You’re not the president.” The president said—I said, “Call him.”
As long as you people keep allowing the Establishment and their media lap dogs to pit you against each other....


Are you expecting the side which is living in a fact based reality to capitulate to or even compromise with the side that believes every lie they’ve accepted without question???

You have half of the nation which believes things that are proveable lies. And a political party, backed by a corrupt media, which continues to promulgated these lies.

Even when Fox News admitted that they lied to the American people about a “stolen election”, you continue to believe the other lies they spout about immigration, the economy and Democratic policies. And you continue to believe that Biden didn’t win election.

This is an moveable force meeting an irresistible object.
I've noticed you haven't noticed I don't care what some foreigner spews either

Then let me just say I'm in 100% agreement. If you want me to repost what dragonlady said to give it a "domestic" source, just say the word.
Then let me just say I'm in 100% agreement. If you want me to repost what dragonlady said to give it a "domestic" source, just say the word.

I've noticed you haven't noticed I consider you a left loon.

Post what you want but it's nice you asked for permission from your superior
Everyone in this thread is a loser. On BOTH sides.
You let the media command your thoughts. They lead you by a nose ring.
No ability to THINK for yourselves.
No wonder America is doomed.

The only people on this thread, who are losers, are those who deny reality and you’re one of them.

It takes no thought or intellect to throw your shit at the passing humans and call people names. Nowhere do you suggest what should be done differently or how to breach the impass.

The old expression “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re not, you’re part of the problem” was never more appropriate.

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