Biden Family Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption

He was impeached for using government power to personal political reasons by attempting to coerce another head of state to smear his political opponent.
No, Trump was inquiring about CRIMINAL ACTIVETY not to SMEAR Biden, but to EXPOSE what is coming to light NOW!!!
You assholes have been "trying to smear" Trump for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS!!!!

"They don't think it be like it is, but it do."
You can repeat it as often as you'd like until you convince yourself that it's true.
There is no direct evidence linking Joe Biden to anything in Comer's "revelations".
Just a lot of innuendo..which aren't facts.

Thanks for playing. Move along. <waves hand>. :)
fuck off. the most investigated and litigated election evah, and that tard queefs about CNN.

Typical cult hugger response.
You have seen ZERO evidence for yourself.

Like Trumpettes, you just take the medias word for it....then get nasty if anyone dares to ask an intellectual question.
You can repeat it as often as you'd like until you convince yourself that it's true.
There is no direct evidence linking Joe Biden to anything in Comer's "revelations".
Just a lot of innuendo..which aren't facts.

Thanks for playing. Move along. <waves hand>. :)
Oh Kay Baghdad Bob.

Typical cult hugger response.
You have seen ZERO evidence for yourself.

Like Trumpettes, you just take the medias word for it....then get nasty if anyone dares to ask an intellectual question.
nice attempt at switching the burden of proof. and when i post "nice attempt" i meant "pathetic queefery".

and you can keep your projection to your sad sack self, in case you wanted a second opinion.
There's just too much out there to be ignored.

The explosive new evidence of Biden family's breathtaking corruption

I already have a thread asking what the crime is and I didn’t get any answers. This is now the 18th thread on the topic and you have levied zero accusations of crimes against Joe Biden. When are you going to see yourself for what you are? A partisan hack who ignores facts for fantasy?
He was impeached for using government power to personal political reasons by attempting to coerce another head of state to smear his political opponent.

I already have a thread asking what the crime is and I didn’t get any answers. This is now the 18th thread on the topic and you have levied zero accusations of crimes against Joe Biden. When are you going to see yourself for what you are? A partisan hack who ignores facts for fantasy?

So go back to your thread. How's that? You're in no position to make any demands
they, like trump, never read it, and solely rely on regurgitated shit from their echo chamber. or, in trumptard lingo, they did their own research.
It is amusing that this aspect of their ubiquitous, paranoidal Trump "witch hunt" was an entirely Republican-run caper.

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“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers!
Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit,
and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately.”

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Sure, nations all over the world hire crackheads for advice and to sit on boards they're absolutely unqualified for

Jeebus cripes

How do you know that Hunter Biden is “absolutely unqualified” to sit on the board of Burisma? Right wing media keeps saying this, but he’s a graduate of Yale law school, with an extensive background in banking, lobbying and business. He spent several working in the Department of Commerce, when Bill Clinton was President.

I have no doubt that Hunter Biden has traded on his name and family connections throughout his professional life, but he is VERY qualified to sit on the Burisma Board, and engage in the international consulting work he’s carried out over the years.

Right wing media has promoted the notion that Hunter Biden is a drooling drug-addled idiot that no one in their right mind would hire if he wasn’t the son of the vice president. And that’s completely false.

This idea has been promulgated and pushed by Donald Trump in order to discredit Joe Biden. But like every other Republican lie about Democrats, it collapses completely under close scrutiny.

Hunter Biden is a man whose entire life has been marked by trauma and tragedy. He survived a car accident that killed his mother and sister, and that trauma alone is something no child will ever fully recover from.

The fact that he has struggled throughout his adult life and is prone to self-destructive behaviour is hardly surprising. Nor is his complete breakdown after his brother’s death. Trauma on top of trauma.

The only truly disgusting behavior here is the willingness of Donald Trump and the Republican Party to judicially harass someone who holds no elected office, and make serious allegations and accusations, against Hunter Biden, without a shred of evidence, in an effort to slander his father.

In Republican politics, the cruelty is a feature not a bug.
Everyone in this thread is a loser. On BOTH sides.
You let the media command your thoughts. They lead you by a nose ring.
No ability to THINK for yourselves.
No wonder America is doomed.
No, Trump was inquiring about CRIMINAL ACTIVETY not to SMEAR Biden, but to EXPOSE what is coming to light NOW!!!
You assholes have been "trying to smear" Trump for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS!!!!

No, Trump was inquiring about CRIMINAL ACTIVETY not to SMEAR Biden, but to EXPOSE what is coming to light NOW!!!
You assholes have been "trying to smear" Trump for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS!!!!

Interesting concern

A welcome call to the new Premier of Ukraine.

No concerns on the threat of Russia, no questions about trade or the stability of the country.

Just…..What do you got on Biden?
Interesting concern

A welcome call to the new Premier of Ukraine.

No concerns on the threat of Russia, no questions about trade or the stability of the country.

Just…..What do you got on Biden?
Lotsa Lotsa Clues!!!
"Fire the prosecutor or you don't get a BILLION dollars.
Son of a bitch, they fired him."
~Quid Pro Joe Biden

Of course you leave out the one most important detail.
Under whose authority was Biden making those demands?
The VP has no constitutional powers in the executive branch.
So it was President Barack Obama who made the decision
the corrupt Ukraine prosecutor had to go. And said that
Biden was the guy to axe him.

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