Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences

Texas has its own well equipped military
Plus others will join along side Texas blart
We'll all get to see history repeat.

Well, the federal execution chamber is in Fort Wayne Indiana. They have plenty capacity for anyone who kills a federal officer.

Take your chances.
Yes Biden will be executed there.
Numbnuts also many in the regular military that are from Texas are stationed throughout the United States they will walk away most of them.
Biden will do nothing because anything he does will be complete political suicide. He will continue to bitch and moan.... And probably try to hit Texas in the pocketbook. There's no way in hell you're going to see a confrontation between federal and state gendarmerie....
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Texas has its own well equipped military
Plus others will join along side Texas blart. Numbnuts also many in the regular military that are from Texas are stationed throughout the United States they will walk away most of them.
These idiots forget many in the regular military are from Texas. Going to be hard for Biden to man his military
I don't know about you, but I'm askeert. I bet Texas is, too. betcha

But, but, but, there's no crisis at the southern Border, and Biden has the border sealed remember, and Kamala Harris is on it mannnn 👍...

Pfft, Biden will be lucky if he's not sent to

SAN Quentin


United States Penitentiary Marion​





Whatever is fitting for the alleged criminal who should have never been president.
These idiots forget many in the regular military are from Texas. Going to be hard for Biden to man his military
I read a report on another forum today from a man whose son is at Ft Bliss. He says many of the troops are siding with Texas.

Ole Potatohead may have a hard time getting his troops to use the F-15s and atom bombs he threatened the American people with.
These idiots forget many in the regular military are from Texas. Going to be hard for Biden to man his military
Nah, they’ll take their orders after they get told how the Texicans hate baseball, apple pie, motherhood, and all the things that made America great. The same shit they told them to get them to kill people all over the globe that were no threat to anybody here. And how if they don’t then they’ll be lined up and shot.
I don't know about you, but I'm askeert. I bet Texas is, too. betcha

Fuck Joe. He is pushing Texas into a corner where the NG there may have to tell the Fed to FO. What are they going to do, start whipping and arresting NG soldiers who refuse to act against their fellow American to assist Biden in his continued onslaught against the Constitution, his sworn duty, the nation and the American people?

Maybe Joe intends to start using nukes and F-16s on Texas as he is always talking about needing against the Fed?

Good One Joe. And he expects to be reelected in 10 months. Congrats--- YOU are a proven fascist dictator. How about that? The Left really ARE everything they've tried to accuse Trump and conservatives of being all along!
The American people are on the side of Texas. Potatohead is the wrong side obsessed with having an open border where tens of millions welfare queens, drug cartel mules, human traffickers and terrorists are streaming in.
Is Xiden gonna attack Texas?
Biden ain't nothing but a blowhard who is being held up by a fake presidency that should have never been. Once Biden is done, the people in this country are going to look back in disbelief as to what they actually allowed to get to high places in this country. The thing about modern times is that it's all going to be in video history, otherwise every dumb ace decision, every act, every inaction, and every lean this bad president sides with and committed.

He's the fall guy for the continued failed Obama presidency, because he tried to give Obama everything he and his ilk wanted, and in return he sold his own soul to keep it all going.
The American people are on the side of Texas. Potatohead is the wrong side obsessed with having an open border where tens of millions welfare queens, drug cartel mules, human traffickers and terrorists are streaming in.

No shit.

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