Biden Gives Abbot Until Tomorrow Or Face the Consequences


The worst maneuver possible was for Biden to issue an ultimatum....which is exactly what he did.

There are going to be more reporters than guards and migrants combined tomorrow watching what unfolds at the border.

Pictures of military fighting our own military?
Pictures of FBI trying to arrest Guardsmen?
Nevermind the average citizens coming to back up the Texas National Guard....

Nothing plays out well for Biden.
Either he is ineffective or a tyrant. No middle ground here.

One bullet gets fired and it's going to be portrayed as another civil war or a massacre or insurrection.....none of it is going to do Biden any favors come November. His political future is toast. (However colorful it's been at this point)
Nah, they’ll take their orders after they get told how the Texicans hate baseball, apple pie, motherhood, and all the things that made America great. The same shit they told them to get them to kill people all over the globe that were no threat to anybody here. And how if they don’t then they’ll be lined up and shot.
Some will but most will not plus many from red states more than likely want obey Biden unlawful order.
Interesting thought.
I suspect we will see federal funds withheld.. The pocketbook is usually the most powerful route.

I don't know what the Texas budget is ... But I do know it's a very populous state and probably has an outsized number of people that depend on federal funding for anyone of a number of different things. Eventually the pressure will come from within.
Yes Biden will be executed there.
Numbnuts also many in the regular military that are from Texas are stationed throughout the United States they will walk away most of them.
So a military coup, huh.

Would you psychopaths please stop being so fucking delusional?
Biden ain't nothing but a blowhard who is being held up by a fake presidency that should have never been. Once Biden is done, the people in this country are going to look back in disbelief as to what they actually allowed to get to high places in this country. The thing about modern times is that it's all going to be in video history, otherwise every dumb ace decision, every act, every inaction, and every lean this bad president sides with and committed.

He's the fall guy for the continued failed Obama presidency, because he tried to give Obama everything he and his ilk wanted, and in return he sold his own soul to keep it all going.
The mere fact he is threatening to attack a state is shocking and a clear and present threat to our democratic republic

The worst maneuver possible was for Biden to issue an ultimatum....which is exactly what he did.

There are going to be more reporters than guards and migrants combined tomorrow watching what unfolds at the border.

Pictures of military fighting our own military?
Pictures of FBI trying to arrest Guardsmen?
Nevermind the average citizens coming to back up the Texas National Guard....

Nothing plays out well for Biden.
Either he is ineffective or a tyrant. No middle ground here.

One bullet gets fired and it's going to be portrayed as another civil war or a massacre or insurrection.....none of it is going to do Biden any favors come November. His political future is toast. (However colorful it's been at this point)
Well Obama did say to never underestimate the ability of Joe to screw things up.

Starting a Civil War to protect Illegals is one big screw up.
The border patrol can remove barriers and Texas can put them right back up. We'll see who blinks first. Governor Abbott has 25 states backing him.
Biden might want a new civil war between the state's and the feds. He will try and market himself as the new modern day Abe Lincoln. He loves playing the pandering race card, and stirring up shite with his intent to separate the people. He is a serious threat to national security... I've been saying it all along..
Oil and Natural gas comes from the gulf....right there at Louisiana, Mississippi, and of course Texas oil fields and processing plants.

Texas has a lot of power over Biden....and Biden just doesn't believe that he needs to do anything for those who did not vote for him. His vitriol at MAGA displays his hate for half of America. Completely unacceptable for a President.

So we'll see what happens tomorrow. Abbott is painted into a corner just as much as Biden is. But Abbott has 25 other State's National Guardsmen backing him up. This is going to be a central theme of Trump's campaign....he needs no other issue to win.
The mere fact he is threatening to attack a state is shocking and a clear and present threat to our democratic republic
Hell leftist said Trump was going to start world war 3. But here is Biden nearing America to world war 3 and a war of federal agression
Cultist can't handle the shit that will come there way.
This will be fun to watch play out. Can't see Biden ordering the CBP to bum rush the Texas LEOs

Perhaps Texas sets up a line and processes the Border Patrol agents one by one to allow them to the razor wire. More vetting than Biden is doing for the illegals. I think the Border Patrol agents would get a kick out of it.
The American people are on the side of Texas. Potatohead is the wrong side obsessed with having an open border where tens of millions welfare queens, drug cartel mules, human traffickers.
Fuck Joe. He is pushing Texas into a corner where the NG there may have to tell the Fed to FO. What are they going to do, start whipping and arresting NG soldiers who refuse to act against their fellow American to assist Biden in his continued onslaught against the Constitution, his sworn duty, the nation and the American people?

Maybe Joe intends to start using nukes and F-16s on Texas as he is always talking about needing against the Fed?

Good One Joe. And he expects to be reelected in 10 months. Congrats--- YOU are a proven fascist dictator. How about that? The Left really ARE everything they've tried to accuse Trump and conservatives of being all along!
It's definitely a risky situation for him. I don't understand why with the Border patrol accepting Texas' help gratefully he is determined to foil the states desire to protect itself.. It's a very bad look for him and if he does experience a refusal
From the national guard it will be a devastating blow that he will not recover from. He is not going to be able to fix this quickly which makes me wonder why such a hurry? Are they trying to import as many illegitimate voters as they can before November?

I suspect we will see federal funds withheld.. The pocketbook is usually the most powerful route.

I don't know what the Texas budget is ... But I do know it's a very populous state and probably has an outsized number of people that depend on federal funding for anyone of a number of different things. Eventually the pressure will come from within.
Isn't this exactly what it's all been leading too for year's now ? The feds under Democrat theory and ideology has put forth it's hand into every pot it could stir, and it has created the very dependency you are alluding to here. It was all by design, and this involves consumerism, cheap products that don't last, dealing with adversarial nation's in order to make it all work, then came the social engineering that has really accelerated over the year's.. Meanwhile AMERICAN'S slept in their dependency and drunkenness.

Are they awakened yet ? Watching Trump rallies, it seems that they are trying their hardest to wake up, and hopefully so.
Isn't this exactly what it's all been leading too for year's now ? The feds under Democrat theory and ideology has put forth it's hand into every pot it could stir, and it has created the very dependency you are alluding to here. It was all by design, and this involves consumerism, cheap products that don't last, dealing with adversarial nation's in order to make it all work, then came the social engineering that has really accelerated over the year's.. Meanwhile AMERICAN'S slept in their dependency and drunkenness.

Are they awakened yet ? Watching Trump rallies, it seems that they are trying their hardest to wake up, and hopefully so.
Well said

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