Biden got Millions from China but thats OK.

Biden is going to sign an executive order to stop export of semiconductor microchips to China, and is busy convincing allies to do the same, which could have a devastating impact on China's economy. Biden has threatened China with war over Taiwan. But we're supposed to believe China is paying Biden millions? For what exactly? LOL. This is how dogma makes you stupid.
all investigated multiple times, this is from six years ago you brainwashed ignoramus.
No, this is from a couple months ago. This investigation just got started. It wont end for a couple years at least.
Who told you that? What evidence to do you have that the Bidens had no business interests in China?

You keep regurgitating all of the bullshit and lies that the Republican party in right wing media tells you about the Biden family. Hunter Biden is a lawyer with extensive experience, working with energy companies in the Ukraine and elsewhere.

I realize that right wing media tells you that he’s simply a fuck up and trading on his name but the reality is that Burisma, and other international energy companies continued their relationship with HB for years after his father had left office.
If he had legitimate business with them, Joe probably would have released that information a couple years ago, dont ya think? :laugh:

If you think that he actually has the proof to vindicate himself, but endured all of these bribery accusations for nothing, you are dumb as fuck. :cuckoo:
So, you’re in favor of a one sided, corrupt, authoritarian system….Shocker

Here's the thing, I would love to go back to a two-party system of sane parties. The Democrats have their flaws, but the Republicans are absolutely fucking nuts, and frankly, that didn't start with Trump.

The People said Trump was unfit for office. We have had four elections that were referendums on Trump, and the people rejected Trump every time.

Yet you guys keep trying to foist him on us.
Here's the thing, I would love to go back to a two-party system of sane parties. The Democrats have their flaws, but the Republicans are absolutely fucking nuts, and frankly, that didn't start with Trump.

The People said Trump was unfit for office. We have had four elections that were referendums on Trump, and the people rejected Trump every time.

Yet you guys keep trying to foist him on us.
I'm not "foisting" anyone on for who you want...If you want a man who 66% of the country thinks would be disastrous for the country should he be re elected, then vote for him....

And, you have no interest in a two party system, regardless of what you tell yourself...You want one party in perpetual control, and the other party subservient to the party in control...That is single party rule...and ultimately tyranny.
Did you watch the January 6th hearings?
You mean the highly produced, one sided kangaroo court, show trial? Parts of it....Seemed very inaccurate to me....They were more interested in skewing the story to present what their preconceived notions of J6 were, rather than anything resembling the truth...
You mean the highly produced, one sided kangaroo court, show trial? Parts of it....Seemed very inaccurate to me....They were more interested in skewing the story to present what their preconceived notions of J6 were, rather than anything resembling the truth...
How do you know what the Truth was, before seeing the testimony they presented?
How do you know what the Truth was, before seeing the testimony they presented?
Look, I have long been on record in here saying that the riot that happened on J6 was a travesty. And, that anyone who broke the law on that day should pay the price...I don't condone political violence in any circumstance....What I don't like is how these people are treated more like political prisoners than defendants...What I don't like is the mischaracterization of their crimes as some sort of insurrection, worse than anything in the past...What I don't like is people sitting in jail for 2.5 years without any resolution of their cases...This sort of thing is a stain on our history, and our founding...This is not who we are...

Now, I do find it interesting that you require that I have all of the knowledge and investigative conclusions of the collective experts that have studied this so far...And If I don't in your mind then I have no right to express any dissent against what I think was a manipulated election...But, my thinking that is an opinion, just like you believing that it was fair and honest is your opinion...Doesn't make either one of us wrong, or anything else, just opinionated on an event in American history...
Look, I have long been on record in here saying that the riot that happened on J6 was a travesty. And, that anyone who broke the law on that day should pay the price...I don't condone political violence in any circumstance....What I don't like is how these people are treated more like political prisoners than defendants...What I don't like is the mischaracterization of their crimes as some sort of insurrection, worse than anything in the past...What I don't like is people sitting in jail for 2.5 years without any resolution of their cases...This sort of thing is a stain on our history, and our founding...This is not who we are...

Now, I do find it interesting that you require that I have all of the knowledge and investigative conclusions of the collective experts that have studied this so far...And If I don't in your mind then I have no right to express any dissent against what I think was a manipulated election...But, my thinking that is an opinion, just like you believing that it was fair and honest is your opinion...Doesn't make either one of us wrong, or anything else, just opinionated on an event in American history...
Hold on a second...

This was to demonstrate your complete indifference to Evidence..
Hold on a second...

This was to demonstrate your complete indifference to Evidence..
You point to the J6 show trial as if that was a fair and impartial look at the events...It wasn't....So, I don't have indifference to evidence...I have indifference to a narrative being shoved down our throats.
You point to the J6 show trial as if that was a fair and impartial look at the events...It wasn't....So, I don't have indifference to evidence...I have indifference to a narrative being shoved down our throats.
It wasn't....So, I don't have indifference to evidence...I

Who told you that it wasn't?

The problem your cult has is that, with only 2 notable exceptions, everyone present has testified.
it wasn't....So, I don't have indifference to evidence...
How do you know?
40,000 hours of CCTV footage. Carlson emailed it to me.

Sounds like your were duped by the Jan 6 clown show.
I watched pretty much every minute.

I saw everyone who was at the WH on 5, 6, and 7th of January (with the exception of 2 who declined to testify), tell the same story...I also heard the entire leadership of Grifty's DoJ relate how they threatened to resign, along with more than 40 federal prosecutors if Grifty proceeded with his appointment of Clark.

It was very convincing.

What do you have?

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