Biden got Millions from China but thats OK.

How would you make a fair voting system in America?

How would small populated states fair with high populated states under your proposals?

The same way they do now. They have two senators and disproportionate representation in Congress.

The problem is, of course, during the 19th Century, the Republicans decided to stack their representation in the Senate by giving statehood to a bunch of empty rectangles in the west where no one really lived then and few people live now.
A national popular vote would lead to ……One man, one vote
Regardless of where you live. Right now, the votes in thinly populated states count much more than the vote in highly populated states
Um no....We are not now, and should never become a direct democracy....

“the Founders wanted those in charge of government’s operations to be selected by a democratic process,” they “also wanted to insulate those who ran the government from direct influence by its citizens” because “y insulating political decision-makers from directs accountability to citizens, the government would be in a better position to adhere to its constitutionally-mandated limits.” (p. 15)

“Thus, the Constitution created a limited government designed to protect liberty, not to foster democracy.” (p. 16) But the United States “consistently has moved toward more democracy, and the unintended side effect has been a reduction in liberty.” (p. 25)

Your dismissal aside, Durham revealed massive problems within the DoJ, and FBI...It also confirmed the collusion between the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and Russia to subvert an election....You should be proud...

He made a lot of accusations.
Filed very few indictments.
Won no convictions.

Bullied some clerk into signing a guilty plea over some bad paperwork.

Durham showed the problem with special counsels in general. They make a lot of noise, never get anywhere near proving what they are charged with proving, ruin a lot of lives in the process.
He made a lot of accusations.
Filed very few indictments.
Won no convictions.

Bullied some clerk into signing a guilty plea over some bad paperwork.

Durham showed the problem with special counsels in general. They make a lot of noise, never get anywhere near proving what they are charged with proving, ruin a lot of lives in the process.
Of the last part I will agree...Not a fan of Special Counsel's...However, with that said, you think mistakenly that because the left has corrupted the system all the way through the Judicial, that this means there is no culpability....You'd be wrong....The pendulum always swings....You won't like it when you're on the wrong side of it....
You dont think these bank records point to a possible crime? Actually, let me rephrase that... youre willing to pretend like those bank records dont point to a possible crime? A likely crime even?

It’s more like you’re prepared to pretend that these bank rep records are proof of an actual crime, when they are proof of nothing.

The only thing these bank records prove is that a law firm dispersed, money from its trust account to a number of people with the last name of Biden.

The bank records also show monies received by the same law, firm, from a Chinese energy company. We have no records to prove whether there is a connection between the money coming in from the Chinese energy company and anyone named Biden. And if there is a connection, what those payments may relate to.

The Republican Party is speculating that these payments relate to something illegal. But no one has provided any proof to support such allegations.
Um no....We are not now, and should never become a direct democracy....

“the Founders wanted those in charge of government’s operations to be selected by a democratic process,” they “also wanted to insulate those who ran the government from direct influence by its citizens” because “y insulating political decision-makers from directs accountability to citizens, the government would be in a better position to adhere to its constitutionally-mandated limits.” (p. 15)

“Thus, the Constitution created a limited government designed to protect liberty, not to foster democracy.” (p. 16) But the United States “consistently has moved toward more democracy, and the unintended side effect has been a reduction in liberty.” (p. 25)

Damn, so...............what's up with all the elections, laws getting passed, roads getting built, taxes being cut, prom queens, prom kings, class presidents?
What congress does with the report is up to them, recommendations or not....That is a fact.

Um, so what is Congress "supposed to do" exactly, Anger Issues.

Most of the people Durrrr-ham rails against aren't with the FBI anymore.

The usual excuse about Special Prosecutors is that because they can't indict a sitting president, it's "left up to Congress", which is why nothing ever comes of these things.
Um, so what is Congress "supposed to do" exactly, Anger Issues.

Most of the people Durrrr-ham rails against aren't with the FBI anymore.

The usual excuse about Special Prosecutors is that because they can't indict a sitting president, it's "left up to Congress", which is why nothing ever comes of these things.
I agree…Process charges are about the best you can get….But, they do reveal the corruption in the system….THATS what congress must tackle….

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Your dismissal aside, Durham revealed massive problems within the DoJ, and FBI...It also confirmed the collusion between the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and Russia to subvert an election....You should be proud...
He made unsubstantiated allegations but even then he didn’t actually claim any “collusion” between Obama’s administration, the Clinton campaign and Russia.

He certainly didn’t allege anyone was trying to subvert the election.
Of the last part I will agree...Not a fan of Special Counsel's...However, with that said, you think mistakenly that because the left has corrupted the system all the way through the Judicial, that this means there is no culpability....You'd be wrong....The pendulum always swings....You won't like it when you're on the wrong side of it....

Uh, guy, you had four years under Trump to exact your revenge, and the FBI, IRS, and the intel community balked.

The real problem is Trump had no business being president, and everyone in both parties knows it.

The failure of our system is that it tries to work around Mad Emperors instead of getting rid of them.

In a sane world, we'd have had President Pence in about March of 2017.

I agree…Process charges are about the best you can get….But, they do reveal the corruption in the system….THATS what congress must tackle….

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Except they didn't prove the system was "corrupt", just that they thought Trump was a jackass.. because Trump is a jackass.
I would say investigate, always have done. If no evidence, close it down.

You find me one post I've done that says otherwise.

Biden and China, investigate, no evidence, close it down. Trump claims election stolen, investigate and no evidence, close it down.

Do you want Biden and China investigated?
How about "Trump incited an Insurrection"?
Your dismissal aside, Durham revealed massive problems within the DoJ, and FBI...It also confirmed the collusion between the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and Russia to subvert an election....You should be proud...
No, it didn't...
He made a lot of accusations.
Filed very few indictments.
Won no convictions.

Bullied some clerk into signing a guilty plea over some bad paperwork.

Durham showed the problem with special counsels in general. They make a lot of noise, never get anywhere near proving what they are charged with proving, ruin a lot of lives in the process.
Now that we know Trump Russia was a hoax can we get some reparations from Hilly, Vindman and Obama........back in the day they would have been shot but I'll settle for the cash

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