Biden has reached a level of mental derangement not seen before in a world leader in history...he must be impeached by the GOP majority @ January 2023

STOP the presses but this isn't news. The left voted EXACTLY for Mad Joe Robinette & the Kosher Commie, it was clearly apparent the guy lost it before they appointed him POTUS. All because MSM said to hate the orange-man, they were only doing what they were told.

The people have spoken man, and they said we're severely corrupt, foolish & dumbed down, Xiden is the perfect representation of just that. Yes, this is a first. Welcome to PROGRESSION

Classic video, how about those leftists? She's the prime example for how the left operates, singing other's tunes without the slightest knowledge of what they're talking about & always wrong. She meets all the MQs for big city folk, because she's black, fat, correct genitals and loose lips.
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If the repubs win the House and senate it will be enough to stop the radical Left and their puppet in the Whitehouse Until 2024.

Problem is too many Republicans stroke the same cocks as the Democracks do.
Ignore his possible incapacity. Impeach him for flouting U.S. immigration laws. He has instructed the INS and the Justice Department NOT TO ENFORCE existing laws, and furthermore to move illegal aliens into the heart of the country, knowing that they will never be seen again by the authorities until they come back to sign up for one of his massive legalization/naturalization initiatives, to get their voter ID cards.
There are plenty of impeachable offenses for biden. R's are too weak and spineless to pursue any of them. They prefer to draft up symbolic legislation that is meaningless while they're not in power.

Trump's an entertainer. he's an entertainer. it's like WWE. he says bizzarre things on purpose to get a rise out of the media

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