Biden impeachment hearings could start as soon as September

Comer hasnt let me down a single time yet. Why WOULDNT i believe him? Are you aware of any lies that he has told? Im not. :dunno:

Of course he has. He has not done a damn thing but talk.

Where is the Impeachment? Where are the charges?
Alas, too late to prevent much of the damage Biden's disastrous administration has perpetrated on America, but better late than never.

I'm looking forward to the impeachment riots coming soon to a blue shithole city near you!

When the impeachment proceeding might begin is unknown. McCarthy told lawmakers Tuesday the inquiry will not begin this week. He reportedly told GOP lawmakers Wednesday he may come to them in the near future and ask for the proceeding, arguing it gives them more tools and investigative powers.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) predicted an impeachment inquiry could be opened as soon as “early September.”

“You have the support of 222 Republican [House] members to move forward with this?” Fox News’s Martha MacCallum asked Issa. “Absolutely,” Issa replied. “As a matter of fact, I would expect that some Democrats would join us in a bipartisan inquiry to get to the truth.”

Wow, Kennedy is looking better for the left all the time. IMO he won't pass the Demonicrats. I'm reminded of Jim Webb. Decent man, the Democrack's last hope. A man who often says what he feels instead of the racial BS and pay their fair share antics. Leftists love that shit. Cause and effect, results, history etc have no meaning to them. Short memories, perhaps doses of zombie drugs in the water. Shit, no low too low, I wouldn't put it past them.
Of course he has. He has not done a damn thing but talk.

Where is the Impeachment? Where are the charges?
No, he has released a metric shit ton of actilual evidence. When you say "all he does is talk", you reveal your dishonest position in this discussion. Denying reality is not a good way to win a debate.

An overseas bank account!!!!

Like there aren't millions of Americans that have had overseas bank accounts. It means squat.

Pretty much anybody that spends any significant time overseas is going to open an overseas bank account.

Perhaps the IRS should issue a report of all Congress people that have had overseas bank accounts.

Perhaps they could find out if I left any money in my Lloyd of London account back in 1981.

An overseas bank account!!!!

Like there aren't millions of Americans that have had overseas bank accounts. It means squat.

Pretty much anybody that spends any significant time overseas is going to open an overseas bank account.

Perhaps the IRS should issue a report of all Congress people that have had overseas bank accounts.

Perhaps they could find out if I left any money in my Lloyd of London account back in 1981.
Are you fucking retarded? If they find an overseas account attached to Joe Biden, they will track the money right back to China, exactly to whom we say he is being paid by. It is game over if this happens.
Impeachment is a waste of time and money, just like the two times Democrats did it.
The investigation certainly isn't. The Democrats skipped the investigation part both times. That was why the impeachments were such a waste.

An overseas bank account!!!!

Like there aren't millions of Americans that have had overseas bank accounts. It means squat.

Pretty much anybody that spends any significant time overseas is going to open an overseas bank account.

Perhaps the IRS should issue a report of all Congress people that have had overseas bank accounts.

Perhaps they could find out if I left any money in my Lloyd of London account back in 1981.
Does it concern you at all that Biden keeps lying about this?
None of it is evidence until it is sworn into a court of law or an impeachment hearing.

Till such time it is all just talk
The information remains the same, ragardless of where its heard. You are bending over backwards to disregard ALL the evidence. Do you even care about being honest with YOURSELF?
The information remains the same, ragardless of where its heard. You are bending over backwards to disregard ALL the evidence. Do you even care about being honest with YOURSELF?

Things change when one is sworn in and can be punished for not being truthful. Things change when there is cross examination.

Back to the words of a very wise man....The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.
Are you fucking retarded? If they find an overseas account attached to Joe Biden, they will track the money right back to China, exactly to whom we say he is being paid by. It is game over if this happens.

So they actually have the transaction records? Have you seen them? Or is this just your delusional BS?
Does it concern you at all that Biden keeps lying about this?

You mean that he doesn't recall every insignificant overseas bank account that he opened for personal expenses?

There are very, very few overseas banks that do not report on the accounts of all Americans to the IRS on a routine basis.

Only when we know which bank & what country these accounts are in would we have any indication that there may be sometime illegal involved. Even then, those few banks will never open their transaction records to the IRS.

Go Fish!
You mean that he doesn't recall every insignificant overseas bank account that he opened for personal expenses?

There are very, very few overseas banks that do not report on the accounts of all Americans to the IRS on a routine basis.

Only when we know which bank & what country these accounts are in would we have any indication that there may be sometime illegal involved. Even then, those few banks will never open their transaction records to the IRS.

Go Fish!
I guess that non-answer means that you don't care that he gets caught in lie after lie after lie regarding the family "business"

All we have are the words of a biased politicians. Did you believe all you were being told when it was the Dems saying it about Trump?
No we have actual records. And sworn testimony, under oath. And reliable testimony from trusted FBI informants.
Things change when one is sworn in and can be punished for not being truthful. Things change when there is cross examination.

Back to the words of a very wise man....The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.
The witnesses have already given sworn testimony. They would be punished the same if they lied to Congress or a court.
Alas, too late to prevent much of the damage Biden's disastrous administration has perpetrated on America, but better late than never.
I'm looking forward to the impeachment riots coming soon to a blue shithole city near you!

Several republicans including Rand Paul have already come out against any impeachment.

Rand Paul said he doesn't want to see it come down now to every president getting impeached.

I guess that means that only GOP presidents will get impeached because the GOP is master at defeating everything they want to do that if they ran against themselves, they'd still find a way to lose!
So they actually have the transaction records? Have you seen them? Or is this just your delusional BS?
You are asking if i have seen the President of the United States bank records? Seriously? Get better arguments. This is just embarrassing.

Dems in Congress arent denying their existence, so unless you have evidence to the contrary, the records are real.
I guess that non-answer means that you don't care that he gets caught in lie after lie after lie regarding the family "business"

A detailed review of the "Biden Family Business", shows that there may be good reason to impeach Hunter and James Biden...

Oh, wait, neither are the President!

Sorry, there's no such thing as guilt by family association.


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