Biden Inherited 9% Inflation Rate?

Of course it fucking wasn't.

It was below 2% in January '21.

Dude's a hapless clown.
NO, you Trumpbots are hapless clowns, and FOOLS.

Biden may have misspoken. He didn't inherit 9% inflation, he just inherited a time bomb that resulted in that inflation.

Trump's completely inept response to Covid is the very foundation of that inflation. The supply chain went off the rails. Millions of pigs, yes, millions, were killed and buried because the supply chain couldn't process them. Did Trump do anything to curtail that supply chain problem. HELL NO. We could have sold those pigs to China but Trump was to busy having a pissing contest with China, that, by the way, he lost miserably.
Nope, Trump's response was just a little less than dropping money from helicopters. The PPP, paycheck protection plan, will go down in history as the most fraudulently plagued government program, EVER.

I mean here is the thing. The economy is in the shitter. Hundreds of thousands of people are laid off, and hundreds of thousands of others are too damn scared to leave the flippin house. And who is in charge, fawking the orange dumbass. Is that really the country you want to live in? Cheap gas because no one goes anywhere, no vacations, no eating out, no travel.

With the economy in the shitter, unemployment approaching depression era levels, personal incomes WENT UP. The absolute only time in the history of this country that has happened and all because of Trump's "stimulus checks".

Those checks were not targeted, and while I won't stand opposed to the additional unemployment benefits, although in many cases workers were drawing more income not working than they did working, that is a problem. And it was nothing more than Trump buying votes from DUMBASSES. With flippin tax money, I mean how damn foolish.

And from a personal perspective let me give you an example. My son is a research scientist, his wife was head of the ER at a local hospital. Funny, my son got covid, but he was working remote, he got no break. But his wife got two weeks off, paid.

And that is just it. Those stimulus checks, hell, they just banked them. After Biden took office, the supply chain problem was addressed, well they started letting go of some of that money, Multiply them by more than a hundred thousand and you can see, inflation was inevitable.

The Fed was absolutely asleep at the switch. But that is not surprising. They are reactive, not proactive, but even an amateur economist could see the writing on the wall.

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It was 1.4% when Biden took office and skyrocketed to 9.1 six months later.

Absolutely nobody should be buying what this guy is spewing. Why make such an assinine statement that is easily fact checked?

Donald Trump's son responds after Biden claims he inherited 9% inflation when he came into office

25th Amendment

Well, he's lying. Global inflation took off in March/April 2021, as domestic and international supply chains buckled under the massive demand spike coming out of the lockdowns. Add that to the $11 TRILLION in stimulus that had already been poured into the economy up until then, and a Fed that was completely asleep at the switch for far too long, and the inflation hit the fan big time. And then it fed on itself, and we were screwed.

He knows he's being blamed personally for the inflation and is trying to decrease the damage. Standard politician bullshit.

BLS stats are total BS
9% was more like the unemployment rate during the 2020 pandemic. A weak economy and unemployment won't contribute to inflation, just the opposite. The position of president is too critical for somebody that can't think straight. As far as this November goes, we're screwed.
It was 1.4% when Biden took office and skyrocketed to 9.1 six months later.

Absolutely nobody should be buying what this guy is spewing. Why make such an assinine statement that is easily fact checked?

Donald Trump's son responds after Biden claims he inherited 9% inflation when he came into office

/——/ The functional illiterate democRAT base will swallow any tripe the White House dishes out without question.

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