Zone1 Biden inspires black graduates by telling them America hates them

Riveting narrative by the president. Instead of inspirational messages he lectures them about how America intrinsically hates them. It's no wonder why so many minorities believe this. They are constantly fed this narrative by the media and the politicians and now you have a sitting president, who, ironically, has been guilty of microaggressions throughout his political career, handing it to them on a platter.

America needs to do better.

Briben sure hates them .. he wrote the law in the 90s that sent millions of them to prison .. and did anyone expect the leftist to not pull the race card .. look for more race card double dealing as Dems continue to lose support from many blacks ... the Dems need around 85% black support to feel comfortable right now Briben is polling in the 70s with blacks .
Briben sure hates them .. he wrote the law in the 90s that sent millions of them to prison .. and did anyone expect the leftist to not pull the race card .. look for more race card double dealing as Dems continue to lose support from many blacks ... the Dems need around 85% black support to feel comfortable right now Briben is polling in the 70s with blacks .
Why do whites like you try teling us ths ----? Biden crafted that bill with the support of the CBC. At that time crack that was allowed to go into black neighborhoods thanks to a republican administration was a major problem. Blacks at that time supported the crime bill. What blacks didn't expect was that white racist police departments and courts wouldd go overboard in jailing blacks whie letting whites snort all the coke they wanted.

I know this because we got crime bill funds as part of a grant and that money helped us take youth offenders off the street as well as monitor adults who were ex cons mandated by the courts to improve their lives.

Biden is polling over 80 percent with blacks according to a poll taken by an organizaton that actually polls black people. The white polls may ask 4-5 blacks and then if 1 or 2 say they will vote for trump the RWM media makes claims about 20-25 percent of all blacks are supporting Trump. That is not happening no matter how badly you guys want to fool just enough blacks so that you can take us back to Jim Crow.
Riveting narrative by the president. Instead of inspirational messages he lectures them about how America intrinsically hates them. It's no wonder why so many minorities believe this. They are constantly fed this narrative by the media and the politicians and now you have a sitting president, who, ironically, has been guilty of microaggressions throughout his political career, handing it to them on a platter.

America needs to do better.

From the author of the 1994 Crime Bill that disproportionately targeted blacks
And what you disingenuous chumps missed was the fact that Biden told them that he refused to accept the continuing racism on his watch. That's encouraging for those kids to know that the president is not telling them how their neighborhoods are all run down shitholes and all they have to look forward to is hoping not to get shot like Trumps punk ass says.
LOL Biden came off as a grifter trying to gaslight all these blacks into hating whites.

He literally said “you have to be ten times better than everyone else just to get a fair shake”. What a load of shit. Blacks get affirmative action and DEI passes to be sub par on skills yet get jobs.

Biden’s only hope to get blacks voting for him is to start another race riot war like in 2020. How has that Biden economy worked out for blacks by the way? 😂
American voters could give a shit about Hamastan
AMERICAN voters don't want to be attached to an attempted genocide. You racists don't care and think that America will be immune from world disdan for supportiing what Netanyahu is doing.
AMERICAN voters don't want to be attached to an attempted genocide. You racists don't care and think that America will be immune from world disdan for supportiing what Netanyahu is doing.
f it was genocide the IDF would be attacking Palestinian neighborhoods in ( Cyprus) ( Jordan) ( Egypt) ( Syria) ...
Blacks turn their back on Biden, LOL!

Some did. Most did not. Now if you want cee a majority or nearly every back turned to someone, let Trump try speaking at an HBCU. But HBCU's won't even waste their time inviting Trump. That's what you call completely turning your backs on a candidate.

f it was genocide the IDF would be attacking Palestinian neighborhoods in ( Cyprus) ( Jordan) ( Egypt) ( Syria) ...
Wrong. Now go on junior with your excuses.
LOL Biden came off as a grifter trying to gaslight all these blacks into hating whites.

He literally said “you have to be ten times better than everyone else just to get a fair shake”. What a load of shit. Blacks get affirmative action and DEI passes to be sub par on skills yet get jobs.

Biden’s only hope to get blacks voting for him is to start another race riot war like in 2020. How has that Biden economy worked out for blacks by the way? 😂
Biden spoke the truth white boy. How has Bidens economy worked for us? The lowest black unemployment rate in history. Why do whites like you who have been given everything because of your skin color who have zero talent or skills continue ignoring how whites have what they do to make dumb ass comments about AA or DEI?
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That was quite a speech. He did everything but give each graduate a can of gas and some matches to burn another city down. Do it for George Floyd.
Riveting narrative by the president. Instead of inspirational messages he lectures them about how America intrinsically hates them. It's no wonder why so many minorities believe this. They are constantly fed this narrative by the media and the politicians and now you have a sitting president, who, ironically, has been guilty of microaggressions throughout his political career, handing it to them on a platter.

America needs to do better.

Can you believe you voted for that clown....
Yada, yada, yada. Stop trying to justify mass murder.
Yada Yada Yada, stop lying. Israel is defending itself. YOUR assholes are the ones who committed mass murder you silly bunny
Briben sure hates them .. he wrote the law in the 90s that sent millions of them to prison .. and did anyone expect the leftist to not pull the race card .. look for more race card double dealing as Dems continue to lose support from many blacks ... the Dems need around 85% black support to feel comfortable right now Briben is polling in the 70s with blacks .
The polls are all over the place but just listen to the street interviews. The younger generation of Black people are fed up with the Democrats.
And what you disingenuous chumps missed was the fact that Biden told them that he refused to accept the continuing racism on his watch. That's encouraging for those kids to know that the president is not telling them how their neighborhoods are all run down shitholes and all they have to look forward to is hoping not to get shot like Trumps punk ass says.
I can't, since I didn't.

Can you believe it's not butter?
Oh? You were a leading cheerleader. So now you claim to have voted for the libertarian right?

The one who said to vote democrat.

Your lies aren't believable.

Just sayin.

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