Biden installed: What could possibly go wrong?

61% of Biden votes were non-electioneering-proof mail-ins. Biden is a three time loser as potus candidate who never got out of the first round, running with a VP mate who was rejected by 97% of her party, who campaigned six times in front of scores of people at most, against an incumbent who increased his own winning vote total by 17%. Only once in history did an incumbent gain in votes but lose the election and that was 130 years earlier and that incumbent didn’t gain by 17% and was a democrat who won the popular vote. Anyone trying to mention these obvious anomalies is shouted down by Pravda and the demmunist narrative as deniers.
People who defend these results and actions are either blatant liars or retarded baboons.
Unfortunately there is absolutely no evidence of any election fraud, brainwashed functional moron. Change the damn channel. Your Fox News heroes knew they were lying too
the media did not make up anything, I said they put up with having debates about your idiocy, for ratings, the people who made it up were the people who always make it up, your garbage propaganda heroes, those scumbag minions of the greedy idiot rich only ignoramuses would support...
well that’s all Fox did…let people debate the dominion issue…
well that’s all Fox did…let people debate the dominion issue…
fox told all the dupes that the election had been stolen, much of the time by dominion. They should be sued out of existence for a million different things, mainly the production of brainwashed functional moron anti American idiots. There is no dominion issue, just garbage propaganda with no basis in fact or evidence.
Not allowed

Ask the 60 judges
guess what, ignoramus? Your propaganda about a stolen election was total garbage and lawyers can get in a lot of trouble putting up pure crap in a courtroom. So they don't, so all your crap gets thrown out of court with no problem. For crying out loud get a clue.
guess what, ignoramus? Your propaganda about a stolen election was total garbage and lawyers can get in a lot of trouble putting up pure crap in a courtroom. So they don't, so all your crap gets thrown out of court with no problem. For crying out loud get a clue.
I’m entitled to say what ever the fk I want internet tough guy!

Answer my question tough guy
fox told all the dupes that the election had been stolen, much of the time by dominion. They should be sued out of existence for a million different things, mainly the production of brainwashed functional moron anti American idiots. There is no dominion issue, just garbage propaganda with no basis in fact or evidence.
take your whataboutism and stick it up your butt

the lies spread by xiden, adam shifty and the dembot propaganda caused deaths, riots, looting, and division…you cultist still spread the hate….
take your whataboutism and stick it up your butt

the lies spread by xiden, adam shifty and the dembot propaganda caused deaths, riots, looting, and division…you cultist still spread the hate….
Sounds absolutely horrible, super duper. Too bad you have no examples of these lies, just more garbage from the GOP propaganda machine. There was no election fraud vaccine hoax or global warming hoax open your damn eyes. Every media outlet in the world except for Murdoch agrees, your media is garbage propaganda, even fox used that as an argument in court, that no reasonable person would believe their garbage. And they won. Your heroes lol.
Sounds absolutely horrible, super duper. Too bad you have no examples of these lies, just more garbage from the GOP propaganda machine. There was no election fraud vaccine hoax or global warming hoax open your damn eyes. Every media outlet in the world except for Murdoch agrees, your media is garbage propaganda, even fox used that as an argument in court, that no reasonable person would believe their garbage. And they won. Your heroes lol.
there are no examples? haha
There is plenty of credible evidence.

Overwhelming amounts of it.

You'll have to ask the judges why they won't look at it.

Or ask Trump why he dismissed his own court case, where he could present his evidence, call witnesses.

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