Biden insults Christians

Jesus was a liberal.
He also was adamant about giving directly to the Poor. He never said anything about giving to the Government with the intent of the state giving to the poor only to have the plight of the sick and poor be a vehicle to pay off friends, cronies, and bureaucrats first.
The corporate interest that are in the sack with the Progressive Politicians have no problem selling us endless products for the Christmas. They know the day. Saying Jesus Christ's name once or twice is not an infraction on the survival of civilization. It will be after civilization crumbles again.
What Jesus DIDN’T say:

If you meet a hungry person on the road to Damascus, form a political action committee and petition Ceasar to give him bread
It's cool. He has every right to try to push Christ out of public life. His problem is coming when he tries to stand before Him and explain. That day will come for all of us. Hopefully, VERY soon.
This Country was founded by Christians and the majority of the Country celebrates Christmas.

They were puritans, Huguenots, Quakers, Anabaptists etc and they couldn't get along.. That's why they wrote separation of church and state into the constitution.
It's cool. He has every right to try to push Christ out of public life. His problem is coming when he tries to stand before Him and explain. That day will come for all of us. Hopefully, VERY soon.

So you speak for God now.

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