Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

Shiiiiiit.....I cheated like a mofo when I was a bartender and so did everyone else.
It was easy to make $800 bucks for the weekend and that was in 85.
You could pay the rent and the electric bill for two days of work.
And pay for your car note and insurance in one day the following weekend.
I was 20 and rolling in the cash!
I finally gave it up because all you did was go to another bar on your days off and drink for free and you did the same for other bartenders.
You kinda lose touch with the real world after awhile.

It was easy with cash, lol! Thats how I put myself through college, waiting tables 80 hours a week.
Better read what I'm saying - I don't give a shit if you make 30k or 30 million . If you are hiding taxable income you need a visit from the tax man. Period.

Lower income people are not exempt from having to follow the laws.

And read what I'm saying: They lied about why they need more IRS workers. What they really want to do is expand government and continue weaponizing them to go after political foes and track every move we make. It has nothing to do with the claim they don't have time to go after the wealthy and they are a priority. Obviously that's not what they're trying to hire them for. They can go after the wealthy now instead of some poor girl busting her ass to make next to nothing.
Dumbass, the reason is to COLLECT TAXES OWNED.

I pay all my taxes and I don't give a shit who you are - if you don't pay your taxes you need to get a visit from the tax man.

Imagine that, a institution staffed to do it's damn job.

If Republicans don't like taxes then they should do the grown up thing and change the tax code! Don't want to tax waiters? Pass a fucking law instead of quietly choking off IRS to skirt them.
Thank you
What the fuck are you talking about? Gifting is the oldest tax dodge there is

That's what tips are, a gift to a person for providing outstanding service. It's not required of them. In restaurants where it's not part of the bill, cash tips is merely a gift and thank you from the customer. It should have never been taxed in the first place.

If a friend of yours needed a ride to the dealership to get his car after being repaired, and he gives you $20.00 as a thank you for helping him out, should you be required to report that to the IRS? And if it was law that you do, would you actually do it?

You cradle to gravers love government sitting at your dinner table to be part of your life night and day, but others like myself don't want that.
Taxing waitstaff has demoralized and crushed the higher end restaurant economy and made staffing difficult.

Waitstaff used to pay for the right to work every shift they worked. But they didn't get paid anything and they certainly didn't pay taxes on their tips either.
Cooks and dishwashers actually got paid more too.

Now it's crap food and crappy service served on dirty dishes just about everywhere.
And it's because of the wages paid to waitstaff and the taxes paid by everyone.

And going after waitstaff moreso just because they can't afford to fight back is almost the dumbest thing I've heard. Being a waitor was once equivalent to one of the skilled trades....machinist or electricians or trim carpenters. Now it's dumbed way down, overly simplified, and nobody makes any money...except the government.
Taxing waitstaff has demoralized and crushed the higher end restaurant economy and made staffing difficult.

Waitstaff used to pay for the right to work every shift they worked. But they didn't get paid anything and they certainly didn't pay taxes on their tips either.
Cooks and dishwashers actually got paid more too.

Now it's crap food and crappy service served on dirty dishes just about everywhere.
And it's because of the wages paid to waitstaff and the taxes paid by everyone.

And going after waitstaff moreso just because they can't afford to fight back is almost the dumbest thing I've heard. Being a waitor was once equivalent to one of the skilled trades....machinist or electricians or trim carpenters. Now it's dumbed way down, overly simplified, and nobody makes any money...except the government.

The service industry is already understaffed because it's not a desired job. But leave it to leftist government to make it worse.

They did the same thing with us truck drivers. It seemed like every year they made it harder to make a living driving a truck. Bureaucrats that had nothing better to do with their time than create new useless regulations that never accomplished a thing except for making it less inviting for new comers to try that line of work.

Today we are short 50,000 drivers. Yes, I blame people for not taking those jobs, but at the same time, I also blame government for not putting a leash on these dress shirt that made it too difficult to do the job.
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

democrats hate freedom and working people
Taxation is what makes civilization possible

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