Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

So who's reporting that?

“You All Just Got a Lot Richer,” Trump Tells Friends at Mar-a ...​ › News › donald trump

Dec 24, 2017 — According to CBS News, Trump attended a holiday dinner just hours after signing the tax bill into law, where he told friends, “You all just got ...

"You all just got a lot richer," Trump tells friends, referencing ...​ › Politics

Dec 24, 2017 — President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," ...
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Trump Told Friends at Mar-a-Lago 'You All Just Got a Lot ...​ › News

Dec 24, 2017 — President Donald Trump reportedly told friends at his swanky Mar-a-Lago resort "You all just got a lot richer," hours after signing the ...

Trump told friends at Mar-a-Lago 'you all just got a lot richer ...​ › homenews › administration › 3663...

Dec 24, 2017 — “You all just got a lot richer,” Trump said Friday at a dinner at Mar-a-Lago, two friends at a table near the president told CBS News. Late last ...
You have to start somewhere. Sadly at the top is not where we are going to start.

Those at the top wrote the tax code. It was designed to be as complicated and burdensome as possible to ensure they could cheat as much as they wanted
Those at the top wrote the tax code. It was designed to be as complicated and burdensome as possible to ensure they could cheat as much as they wanted

And hence my complaints and refusal to support what we are doing.
No, it is what I am claiming

Where are the new taxes on the rich? We have seen Biden go after waitresses and people making a few bucks on the side.

How can you defend that?
NO, he isn't that's what FOX is claiming.
You're just repeating them.

"This is not a proposal for the auditing of servers," an IRS official told Fox News Digital. "Yesterday’s action was a proposal for comment – not a rule – based on over a decade of feedback from restaurants and other businesses seeking the increased flexibility for their overall tax compliance on tips."

"This proposal is not in effect and is intended to welcome further conversation from all interested parties before any rule is put into place," the official added.
NO, he isn't that's what FOX is claiming.
You're just repeating them.

"This is not a proposal for the auditing of servers," an IRS official told Fox News Digital. "Yesterday’s action was a proposal for comment – not a rule – based on over a decade of feedback from restaurants and other businesses seeking the increased flexibility for their overall tax compliance on tips."

"This proposal is not in effect and is intended to welcome further conversation from all interested parties before any rule is put into place," the official added.

Where was the actual proposal in Congress the last two years to make the "rich pay their fair share"?

Biden crowed about that again last night despite knowing it's not going to happen.

We will start the process to go after waitresses.
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

The rich laugh as the IRS investigates low wage earners.
So, Biden wants to find 1.7 billion worth of unclaimed waitress tips and tax them, while sending the same amount every week to Ukraine for free. What are they going to do next, make everyone who gives tips send a W2 form to everyone they tipped during the year? The bottom line is, Democrats are money grubbing idiots.
Where was the actual proposal in Congress the last two years to make the "rich pay their fair share"?
August 10 2022
Top House Democrats have introduced the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax Act, which would enact President Joe Biden’s proposal to require households worth over $100 million to pay at least a 20% tax rate on their full income, including unrealized gains.

The bill has 32 co-sponsors and was introduced by Reps. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., and Don Beyer, D-Va., chairman of the Joint Economic Committee in late July. The lawmakers said they introduced the bill “after extensive consultation with the White House and Treasury Department officials.”
Biden crowed about that again last night despite knowing it's not going to happen.
More than likely, republicans will block it.
We will start the process to go after waitresses.
Sure and leave the millionaires and corporations alone, just like republicans want.
August 10 2022
Top House Democrats have introduced the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax Act, which would enact President Joe Biden’s proposal to require households worth over $100 million to pay at least a 20% tax rate on their full income, including unrealized gains.

The bill has 32 co-sponsors and was introduced by Reps. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., and Don Beyer, D-Va., chairman of the Joint Economic Committee in late July. The lawmakers said they introduced the bill “after extensive consultation with the White House and Treasury Department officials.”

More than likely, republicans will block it.

Sure and leave the millionaires and corporations alone, just like republicans want.
The wealthy use the tax code to avoid paying a higher tax rate and only the middle class will suffer. Democrats believe the American people are too dumb to figure that out.
August 10 2022
Top House Democrats have introduced the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax Act, which would enact President Joe Biden’s proposal to require households worth over $100 million to pay at least a 20% tax rate on their full income, including unrealized gains.

The bill has 32 co-sponsors and was introduced by Reps. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., and Don Beyer, D-Va., chairman of the Joint Economic Committee in late July. The lawmakers said they introduced the bill “after extensive consultation with the White House and Treasury Department officials.”

More than likely, republicans will block it.

Sure and leave the millionaires and corporations alone, just like republicans want.

Introduced when they knew there was a zero chance of getting through the house. Politicians are good at this.
Introduced when they knew there was a zero chance of getting through the house. Politicians are good at this.

I do not want to be a dick, but he gave you exactly waht you asked for and then you poo poo it.

Why bother asking for it?
This is what happens (or doesn't) when you have a party the equates "helping the poor" with "taking other people's money." People are deemed "wealthy" enough to rob any time it is convenient.
The IRS does not even have the manpower to do their job now, there is no way they are able to track something like tips.
C'mon man...see the light.

Read between the lines.

It's a recurring theme from this administration...

The Federal Government was NEVER going after "Millionaires and Billionaires"...because those are the people who pay for campaigns and funnel money into the coffers of the political elite.

This IRS beef up was ALWAYS about goin' after the little guy who makes some extra cash on the side.
There ya go!! That's the attitude that gets you minimal tips...dumbass.
Thinking you're giving your waiter or waitress a gift for their labor sound about right for a 10% tipper regardless of level service. Restaurants count on waitstaff tips to help pay your hostesses, bartender and bus staff. It's all part of the restaurant game.
Thinking you're giving your waiter or waitress a gift for their labor sound about right for a 10% tipper regardless of level service. Restaurants count on waitstaff tips to help pay your hostesses, bartender and bus staff. It's all part of the restaurant game.
If the service is terrible, 10% would be a gift.

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