Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

Our economy is dramatically stronger than it was before we implemented an income tax
Doesn't matter. Once a society transitions from the ideals of hard work, contributing and sacrifice to idleness and taking, it's all over in a few generations at best. Want to know where the next empire is going to be? Just look at where they're working hard and sacrificing. It's not here. You can trumpet temporary blips in the arc all you want, it's not going to change the fact that our society is decaying and our position as the world's leader has an expiration date.
Tips are the lower class's tax dodge, and the IRS is trying to cancel it. Some bean counter somewhere estimated that the government could confiscate X billions of dollars more from wait staff, and here we are...

Given the fact the service industry is hurting the most from the labor shortage, it's stupid for government to put a target on their back making it less desirable to go into or stay in that line of work. As I mentioned earlier, when they started this bullshit in the 80's, my mother had to quit her waitress job that she loved because she was basically working for free when the new taxation was considered.
Must not have been a very good waitress
Millions of servers managed to survive paying tax

Well that 2.13 an hour went to paying most of the taxes, at least it did 25-30 years ago. We always gave anything that was actually paid to charity.
Must not have been a very good waitress
Millions of servers managed to survive paying tax
Face it, this is nothing more than the government trying to eliminate a tax dodge the lower income class has used for decades.
Must not have been a very good waitress
Millions of servers managed to survive paying tax
It's called unreported income, ask Biden he's quite familiar with the topic. Must say, it's difficult to believe how fricken dense you are.
Face it, this is nothing more than the government trying to eliminate a tax dodge the lower income class has used for decades.

Why should a waitress get to skip paying taxes while other workers pay tax on all income?
It's called unreported income, ask Biden he's quite familiar with the topic. Must say, it's difficult to believe how fricken dense you are.
We have seen Biden’s taxes for 20 years
Show any unreported income
Why should a waitress get to skip paying taxes while other workers pay tax on all income?
Call it a perk for having to deal with assholes who run them to death and then undertip. An unreported asshole tax credit.
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

I love how they claim they are only collecting information right now, implying that they haven't made any rules (YET), as if no servers have to worry. So, then, why are they collecting the information? What's the point if you aren't going to use that information to extract more taxes out of servers? Maybe they're only talking about servers making more than 400K per year. Yeah, that's got to be it. Surely they wouldn't look Americans in the eye and lie, would they?
The bottom line remains, every step is designed to put Uncle Sam in the position of seeing and controlling everything you do. This is just one more step.
Given the fact the service industry is hurting the most from the labor shortage, it's stupid for government to put a target on their back making it less desirable to go into or stay in that line of work. As I mentioned earlier, when they started this bullshit in the 80's, my mother had to quit her waitress job that she loved because she was basically working for free when the new taxation was considered.
Save your bullshit stories. No one believes them
Save your bullshit stories. No one believes them

Even though you think you speak for everybody, you don't. In fact because you talk like a child, I'm sure most ignore you. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't respond.
You just said tips were to ensure prompt service, stupid.

That means you pay in advance

Damn you leftists are dumb. You leave a tip so they remember you next time you come there for a drink or a meal. What country are you from anyway?

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