Biden IRS to crack down on....waiters and waitresses...

Republicans all believed and many independents and Democrats too thought defund the police meant cutting money given to the police, which was not what it was about at all. Stupidest political term ever, and one which the GOP propaganda machine and politicians ran with. Most of the GOP arguments are based totally on crap.

When you take money from the police fund and hand it over to social workers or some crap, yes, you are defunding the police. That means less police officers, older police cars because they can't buy new ones, less pay increases for the officers that still were police.
Scientists tell us that cooking with gas is responsible for 12 to 20% of asthma. Something you'll never hear on your garbage propaganda ray.... Only a few fools wanted to actually ban gas cooking but they just put it out there for people to have a discussion about ventilation etcetera etcetera. All in all, more fear mongering garbage from fox and Internet nut jobs... Banning new gas stoves might not be the stupidest idea ever... like future sales of ICE and military style weapons, you'll just have to get by with the 30 million AR15 type weapons out there now.... Nobody is coming to take away what is already out there. Just future sales.
There are regulations to vent other gas burning appliances to the outside because of the fumes.
Scientists tell us that cooking with gas is responsible for 12 to 20% of asthma. Something you'll never hear on your garbage propaganda ray.... Only a few fools wanted to actually ban gas cooking but they just put it out there for people to have a discussion about ventilation etcetera etcetera. All in all, more fear mongering garbage from fox and Internet nut jobs... Banning new gas stoves might not be the stupidest idea ever... like future sales of ICE and military style weapons, you'll just have to get by with the 30 million AR15 type weapons out there now.... Nobody is coming to take away what is already out there. Just future sales.

If you are afraid of getting asthma from a gas cooking appliance, don't buy one.
See how easy that was, Super Duper.
Scientists tell us that cooking with gas is responsible for 12 to 20% of asthma. Something you'll never hear on your garbage propaganda ray.... Only a few fools wanted to actually ban gas cooking but they just put it out there for people to have a discussion about ventilation etcetera etcetera. All in all, more fear mongering garbage from fox and Internet nut jobs... Banning new gas stoves might not be the stupidest idea ever... like future sales of ICE and military style weapons, you'll just have to get by with the 30 million AR15 type weapons out there now.... Nobody is coming to take away what is already out there. Just future sales.

Same thing. Government micromanaging our lives. The only reason the Communists backed down from the idea is because people were outraged at it. You may like government running your life but the rest of us don't. You people used to scream about Republicans staying out of your bedroom. Fine, then you Democrats stay out of our kitchens. Mind your own damn business and we'll mind ours.
That's because the FBI became politicized and joined the deep state. If it's corrupt it's time to dismantle it and start from the beginning.

So you want to defund the FBI because they dare to investigate Republicans but condemn others who want to defund Police because of excessive violence.
So you want to defund the FBI because they dare to investigate Republicans but condemn others who want to defund Police because of excessive violence.

Police are local and are funded by local taxpayers. The FBI is federal and paid by federal tax dollars. They work for all of us.

They stopped stories that tainted Dementia and actually changed the election results so he won. That's being politicized. They raided a home of a person that was at a pro-life rally a year before. His crime? He pushed some old man accosting his son and the guy fell backwards. They went to his house with 5 agents with high power rifles and almost busted down his door. Even the local police laughed at the matter and didn't charge the guy with anything. Dementia sent the FBI to find his daughters stolen diary because it contained embarrassing information about him. Federal law enforcement is for federal crimes. Somebody taking a ten dollar diary is not a federal crime. It's barely a local crime for local police.

They had Hunter's laptop for two years and never launched an investigation into the crime family. Tony Bobulinski, their former business partner was interviewed by the FBI and told them all the illegal things they were doing that the laptop clearly showed. Nothing.

The agency is totally corrupt, and that's why Republicans want to dismantle it and build a new FBI that works for the people, not the Democrat party.
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

Millionaires and billionaires are already audited regularly.

Expanding the operation to concentrate on waitresses makes good sense. A lot more wait staff out there than there are billionaires.

Further, unlike billionaires, most waitresses can't afford high priced lawyers. It is a lot easier for the IRS to force them to their knees.
Millionaires and billionaires are already audited regularly.

Expanding the operation to concentrate on waitresses makes good sense. A lot more wait staff out there than there are billionaires.

Further, unlike billionaires, most waitresses can't afford high priced lawyers. It is a lot easier for the IRS to force them to their knees.

It feels like since every attempt to turn us into a Socialist country has failed spectacularly, - because people understand the consequences, they have switched tactics, if they can regulate and tax all small business out of business and coopt the larger business, they can control everything.

No small private business
No cash
ESG score control.

No wonder so many people have declared us to be on the wrong path.
So much for "millionaires and billionaires"'s the people making $3.10 an hour that need the IRS breathing down their necks...

What does this mean?
keep their tips?
stop sharing with the boss
regulating tips?
you Complain with out any info?
Damn you leftists are dumb. You leave a tip so they remember you next time you come there for a drink or a meal. What country are you from anyway?
So you understand it is for services rendered.

It’s NOT for “next time” unless you don’t tip in a place you’re never going to come back to.., in which case you’re an asshole
Even though you think you speak for everybody, you don't. In fact because you talk like a child, I'm sure most ignore you. If you don't like what I have to say, then don't respond.
Sorry dickhead. I’ll keep pointing out that your little “stories” are bullshit lies
Scientists tell us that cooking with gas is responsible for 12 to 20% of asthma. Something you'll never hear on your garbage propaganda ray.... Only a few fools wanted to actually ban gas cooking but they just put it out there for people to have a discussion about ventilation etcetera etcetera. All in all, more fear mongering garbage from fox and Internet nut jobs... Banning new gas stoves might not be the stupidest idea ever... like future sales of ICE and military style weapons, you'll just have to get by with the 30 million AR15 type weapons out there now.... Nobody is coming to take away what is already out there. Just future sales.

Scientists tell us that cooking with gas is responsible for 12 to 20% of asthma.

Which scientists?
Republicans all believed and many independents and Democrats too thought defund the police meant cutting money given to the police, which was not what it was about at all. Stupidest political term ever, and one which the GOP propaganda machine and politicians ran with. Most of the GOP arguments are based totally on crap.

Stupidest political term ever,

The Dems who used it sure were stupid.

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